RWS PPT Module 2 Lesson 3-4

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Reading and Writing Skills

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Evaluate a written text based on its properties
1. organization
2. coherence and cohesion
3. language use
4. mechanics
● Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in the
● Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be mastered
throughout the lesson.
● Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and skills did you
understand from the previous lesson.
● Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
● Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This aims to help you
discover and understand new concepts and skills.
● Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
● Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.
● Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
● Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module
“Written text based
on its Properties”
● At the end of our lesson, you would be able
Expectation to:
s:  A. evaluate research based on its properties:

1. organization
Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
if it is false CHANGE the underlined word in each item to make the
statement correct.

________ 1. A physical format is an aspect of the organization that is

immediately apparent to the reader.
________ 2. Signal words are textual cues that can be a way to follow a
certain text.
________ 3. Structure provides steps to organize or sequence a certain text.
________ 4. Text organization is a way a text is organized to guide a
reader logically through it
________ 5. Organization can be achieved through various text properties.
Looking Back to your
LET’S SEE HOW FAR YOU WILL GO! Just fill in the K W L Chart as you go along with
the topic. You have to answer the first two columns based on what you have known in the
previous lesson and write also the things you would want to know in this topic and the last will
be answered as you finalized your thoughts and understanding towards the lesson .

Discussion Discussion
1. Text

Text organization deals There are a number This text organization

with how a text is of standard also assists readers
organized to help readers forms that help logically in grasping
follow and understand text organization a particular text.
the flow of information when writing.
and ideas cascaded.
Kinds of Text

a. Physical b. Signal c.
Format Words Structure
a. Physical Format - it is how the text
physically appears
Example: Explanation:
In order to better understand what motivates human The words that are written in bold are examples of
beings, Maslow proposed that human needs can be Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that the first sentence is
organized into a hierarchy. This hierarchy ranges from referring to. By stressing these words, the reader can
more concrete needs such as food and water to abstract distinguish the right term for the concepts along with
concepts such as self-fulfillment. According to Maslow, their definitions; this would also help readers in
when a lower need is met, the next need on the hierarchy remembering the needs since they stick out from the
becomes our focus of attention. These are the five rest of the text.
categories of needs according to Maslow:
Physiological, this refers to basic physical needs like
drinking when thirsty or eating when hungry. Safety, once
people’s physiological requirements are met, the next need
that arises is a safe environment. Love and Belonging,
according to Maslow, the next need in the hierarchy
involves feeling loved and accepted. This need includes
both romantic relationships as well as ties to friends and
family members.
b. Signal Words - the cue in ordering of events and
Example: Explanation:
First, dissolve a package of yeast and one By using sequential signal words, readers are
teaspoon of sugar in 1 cup of warm water. guided on what comes next and what will be
Add ¼ cup of canola oil and a dash of salt. the next sequence
Slowly stir in 3½ cups of flour. A soft dough
will form. Meanwhile, pre-heat the oven to
450° F. Then transfer the dough to a floured
surface and knead it until it becomes smooth
and elastic. Put it in a bowl, cover, and set the
bowl in a warm place. In about 45 minutes, it
will double.
c. Structure - The complete framework of the text. It provides
the framework upon which the text is organized.It
consists of beginning, middle and end
Example: Explanation:
A hare one day ridiculed the short feet and slow It clearly manifested the
pace of the Tortoise, who replied, laughing: "Though beginning, middle and ending.
you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race."
The Hare, believing her assertion to be simply
impossible, assented to the proposal; and they agreed
that the Fox should choose the course and fix the goal.
On the day appointed for the race the two started
together. The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, but
went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end
of the course. The Hare, lying down by the wayside,
fell fast asleep.
At last waking up, and moving as fast as he
could, he saw the Tortoise had reached the goal, and
was comfortably dozing after her fatigue.
Activity 1: LET’S __________ 1. A traveler about to set out
TRY! Identify whether on a journey saw his Dog stand at the door
the statement in each item stretching himself. He asked him sharply:
below denotes a text "Why do you stand there gaping?
organization. Write PF if it Everything is ready but you, so come with
is PHYSICAL FORMAT, me instantly." The Dog, wagging his tail,
SW if it is SIGNAL replied: "O, master! I am quite ready; it is
WORD and S if it is you for whom I am waiting."
STRUCTURE. Write your
answer on the blank
provided for.
Activity 1: LET’S TRY! __________ 2. Next, press half the
Identify whether the
dough onto a greased 12” pizza pan.
statement in each item
below denotes a text Now you must decide if you want to
organization. Write PF if it make a savory pizza or a sweet pizza.
is PHYSICAL FORMAT, For a savory pizza, spread the dough
SW if it is SIGNAL with tomato sauce. Add banana slices
WORD and S if it is and top with curry powder.
STRUCTURE. Write your
answer on the blank
provided for.
Activity 1: LET’S TRY! __________ 3. The study of
Identify whether the
personality has a broad and varied
statement in each item
below denotes a text history in psychology with an
organization. Write PF if it abundance of theoretical traditions. The
is PHYSICAL FORMAT, major theories include dispositional
SW if it is SIGNAL (trait) perspective, psychodynamic,
WORD and S if it is humanistic, biological, behaviorist,
STRUCTURE. Write your evolutionary, and social learning
answer on the blank
provided for.
Activity 1: LET’S TRY! __________ 4. A kite, sick unto death,
Identify whether the
said to his mother: "O Mother! do not
statement in each item
below denotes a text mourn, but at once invoke the gods that
organization. Write PF if it my life may be prolonged." She
is PHYSICAL FORMAT, replied, "Alas! my son, which of the
SW if it is SIGNAL gods do you think will pity you? Is
WORD and S if it is there one whom you have not outraged
STRUCTURE. Write your by filching from their very altars, a part
answer on the blank
of the sacrifice offered up to them?"
provided for.
Activity 1: LET’S TRY! __________ 5. There are five love
Identify whether the
languages: Words of Affirmation,
statement in each item
below denotes a text Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts,
organization. Write PF if it Quality Time, and Physical Touch.
is PHYSICAL FORMAT, Each one is important and expresses
SW if it is SIGNAL love in its own way. Learning your
WORD and S if it is partner's and your own primary love
STRUCTURE. Write your language will help create a stronger
answer on the blank
bond in your relationship.
provided for.
Activity 2: HEIGHTEN
Fill in the WORD
NETWORK either a
phrase or a word that TEXT
sustain your ORGANIZATION
understanding of the
From your answer in the WORD NETWORK,
make your own concept based on how you
grasped/ understood the lesson.

Post-test POST-TEST
Google Classroom
At the end of our lesson, you would be able to:
- evaluate research based on its properties:
2. coherence and cohesion
3. Langauge use
--- arrangement of details
according to:

- Chronological oder 4. Mechanics

- Spatial order
- Emphatic order
MATCH COLUMN A WITH COLUMN B. Write the letter of your
answer on the blank provided before the number.

_____ 1. Cohesion A. grammatical and lexical linking

within a tex
_____ 2. Coherence B. arranged according to geographical location
_____ 3. Chronological order C. arranged to emphasize a certain point
_____ 4. Spatial order D. arranged in the order which they happened
_____ 5. Emphatic order E. general sense that a text makes sense
through the organization of its content.

F. arranged by number of sentences

Looking Back to your
Fill in the middle boxes with
ideas you learned from the
previous lesson and on the Text
third box, formulate a Organization
concept based on your
insights cascaded in the
middle boxes.

Discussion Discussion
2. Cohesion
- refers to the logical flow and connection in a
written text and is achieved through the use of
devices to link sentences together so that there is
a logical flow between ideas from one sentence
to the next.(Enquist & Oates 2009: 34)
Cohesio - the connection of ideas at the sentence level
- is asurface feature we recognize immediately
n - uses linkers and transitional words (ex. and, in
addition to, furthermore, moreover, besides, than,
too, also, both-and, another, equally important,
first, second, etc)
Cohesio Examples:
Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful countries
in the world. Located in Central America, it
Dr. Ayesha examined the borders Nicaragua to the north and Panama to
the south. The southern part of Costa Rica is
patient. First, she began
characterized by dense rain forests, which
by checking her contain some of the world’s most unusual
temperature. creatures. Some of the interesting creatures
found in these forests include tree frogs, white-
faced monkeys, and sloths. Hoping to get a
bird’s eye view of these animals, tourists take zip
lining tours through the top canopy of the rain
-refers to the unity or togetherness of the text
as a whole and is achieved through the
effective grouping and arrangement of ideas in
Coheren a logical order.(Enquist & Oates 2009: 34)
ce - the connection of ideas at the idea level
- all the part of something fit together well
- emerge slowly (delaying realization)
Coheren Examples:
ce For me, the worst thing about waiting
tables was the uniform. At the last
My father bought a place I worked, all the waitresses had
Lincoln convertable. The to wear an ugly brown striped
car driven by the police jumper. Underneath it we had to wear
an even uglier polyester shirt.
was red. The color does Sometimes someone I knew would
not suit her. She consist come in and I'd feel embarrassed by
of three letters. my outfit. Now I have a job in an
office, where I can wear my own
Arrangement of Details
According to:

1. 3.
Chronological Emphatic
Order Order

The details are organized in the order which
they happened. (Landich, 2018)

This morning was crazy. My alarm clock was
set for PM instead of AM, so I woke up really
late. I just threw on some clothes and ran out
the door. I rode my bike as fast as I could and
thought that I was going to be late for sure,
but when I got there everyone was outside
1. Chronological and there were firetrucks all lined up in front
of school. I guess somebody pulled the fire
Order alarm before class started. It worked out
though, because nobody really noticed or
minded that I was tardy.
The sentences of a paragraph are organized
according to the geographical location
such as left to right up to down etc.
(Landich, 2018)
The inside of Bill's refrigerator was
horrible. On the top shelf was a three week
old carton of milk. Next to it sat a slice of
melon that had started to get moldy. To the

2. Spatial
right of the melon sat the remains of a
macaroni and cheese dinner that had been
served a week earlier. On the shelf below was
Order a slice of cake from his sister's birthday party.
Though there was food, none of it was edible.
The information in the paragraph is organized to
emphasize certain points depending on the writer’s
purpose. (Landich, 2018)
After looking at all the brochures and talking to several
salesmen, I decided to purchase an SLR camera. For
several years I had been dissatisfied with the results I was
getting from my pointand-shoot camera. The framing was
imprecise and the focus was not always accurate. I had
planned a vacation to an area that promised many
fabulous photo opportunities, and I wanted to capture
each one with accuracy. But the most important reason I
3. Emphatic decided on the SLR camera was the great versatility it
offered. In the above paragraph, the organization moves

Order from the least important idea (dissatisfaction with the

results of the point-andshoot camera) to the most
important idea (the versatility offered with the SLR
3. Language
What is Language Use

- appropriate - for business

- for literary pieces,
language use correspondences, for
on the other hand, the
refers to the instance, the style must
language and style
acceptable style of be concise and formal
may be less formal
language for a which is why writers of
and more creative.
particular form of such texts should not
text. use wordy phrases and
must have a courteous
tone to it.
One must avoid using the following words in
order to practice appropriate Language Use:

01 Jargons – terminologies that may be 03 Everyday Abbreviations – ex.

difficult for reader from other fields photos, fridge, phone, info
to understand)

Ex. insider, mouse, AWOL 04 Slang – ex. cops, cool, to

flex, lit, lowkey
02 Cliches – expressions that are heavily
overused Not gender neutral – ex.
firemen, mankind, stewardess,
Ex. think outside the box, but at the end mailman
of the day
4. Mechanics
This are the proper use of punctuation marks at the end (or in the
middle) of a sentence. Always be careful when to use period (.),
question marks (?), exclamation point (!), comma (,) etc.
Activity 1: Complete the table below with necessary
information about the lesson.
Arrangement Definition Compose your own paragraph with
of Details
atleast 5 sentences.


Activity 2: Explain in your own
words the difference between
cohesion and coherence.
Answer the following prompts below to
gauge your understanding of the lesson.

Today I learned that

Check Your __________________________________________

Understandin I am confused on the area of

g __________________________________________

Next time I will

Thank You!


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