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It is more important for
schoolchildren to learn about local
history than world history
To what extent do you agree or
1 – Paraphrase
[Question] has always been a topic of debate
• local history = history of one’s own country
• world history = history of the world = that of the
[Whether history of a person’s own
country or that of the world is more
important to young students] has always
been a topic of debate.
2 – Answer the question (50/50)
Why 50/50?
Because both are very important, and it is
difficult to say that learning either one is wrong.
While it is indeed necessary for
schoolchildren to learn about local
history (Body 1),
I would argue that studying the
development of all societies in the world
would be far more beneficial (Body 2).
Body 1 – why it is necessary to study local history
Sentence 1 - Topic
It is understandable why some people put heavy
emphasis on/ attach great importance to children
learning about local history (‘on’ + noun phrase).
Sentence 2 – Explain (benefit of history?)
The key rationale in favor of this view is that being
aware of their roots can instill a sense of patriotism
in each child.
Sentence 3 – Effect?
The implication of this is that children may grow up
with an appreciation for their heritage, which means
they are more willing to defend and contribute to their
Sentence 4 – Opposite?
By contrast, the lack of knowledge about national
history may result in people not respecting their
country’s traditions and values.
Sentence 5 -> 7 – Example?
Vietnam perfectly exemplifies this situation.
Because schools, especially primary schools, do not
attach importance to learning local history, many
children’s understanding about their country’s past
achievements and conflicts is severely lacking.
(Meaning) This is a testament to how it is absolutely
necessary to teach children local history early on.
Body 2 – why world history is more important
Sentence 1 – Topic
However, I am of the opinion that teaching schoolchildren about
world history is of greater importance.
Sentence 2 – fair
This is because learning about events that took place in other
parts of the world can give children a more accurate and fair
outlook on what happened in their nation.
Sentence 3 – opposite
On the other hand, learning exclusively about national history
could cause an individual to be biased and harbor negative
feelings about people from other countries.
Sentence 4 – Example
For example, in Vietnam, students mostly learn about how
Vietnam fought against foreign armies such as America or
France, which causes many children to develop a distorted
thinking that people from these countries are bad.
Sentence 5 – Benefit 2
In addition to giving children a broader perspective, learning
about world history can also foster their appreciation for cultural
Sentence 6 – Explain
Once they understand what a nation experienced in the past,
especially the wars and conflicts, children may find it easier to
connect with individuals from a different race and respect the
differences between cultures.
Sentence 7 (optional) – important
In today’s age of rapid globalization, it could be said that this
mutual understanding is key to cooperation and development
among nations.
In conclusion, while there are some reasons to think that local
history might be more important than world history, I would argue
that learning about the latter offers far greater benefits to
What are the different types of meeting that people
often go to?
Oh you know, people today go to all sorts of meetings.
So obviously people have to attend a lot of meetings at
work, whether it be with colleagues or clients. Another
type of meetings I could think of is social gatherings.
I mean, people meet each other not only for work, but
also for leisure. For ex: going to a café.
Some people say that no one likes to go to
meetings - what do you think?
I don’t think that is necessarily true for everyone – I
mean, it kind of depends on each person. For the most
part, it’s true that meetings are considered boring,
because they drag on for forever and you just can’t
wait for it to be over. But I guess there are a few
people who like the feeling of working in a group and
contributing, so they don’t mind going to meetings.
Why can it sometimes be important to go to
Well, going to meetings, especially work meetings, is
of paramount importance, because it is an
opportunity for people from different departments to
communicate with each other. You know, lack of
communication in an organization causes all sorts of
predicaments, so it is crucial that each company
holds meetings on a regular basis.
What kind of rules do Vietnamese families have?
Well, as you can probably imagine, Vietnamese
households have quite a few rules about what to do
and not to do inside the house. For example, taking off
your shoes is a must in most families. I mean, we are
obsessive about keeping our house squeaky clean,
so you’d better not wear your dirty shoes on our floors.
Another thing I could think of is dining etiquette. You
should probably learn a thing or two about table
manners before having dinner with a Vietnamese
family. For ex, sticking your chopsticks upright in a
bowl of rice is a taboo.
Do people today trust others as much as you used
to in the past?
Sadly, I’d have to say no. People today are very
suspicious of one another. But it makes sense
though. Life today is very intense, especially at the
workplace, where it’s pretty much every man for
himself. A lot of people stop at nothing to get to the
top, so they may try to deceive others. So, not trusting
other people is just being prudent.
Would men learn science faster than women?
Well, that is indeed a typical stereotype, that men are
better at things related to science or logical thinking.
But I’d say it really depends. For the most part, men
are more interested in that kind of stuff, for sure. I
mean, you don’t see a lot of girls studying chemistry or
biology, do you? Having said that, there are
exceptions, of course. Many of my classmates at
school who are female really excel in science,
whereas I fail miserably at it.
What is the difference between men and women in
reading habit?
Wow, that’s a very intriguing question. I don’t read
much to begin with, so I’m not entirely sure about the
different habits that men or women have when they
read. But if I had to give an answer, I’d say they like to
gravitate towards different genres. For example, men
may be into things like sci-fi and nerdy stuff whereas
most of the girls I know are fond of romance.
It is necessary for parents to read stories to their
Well, I know my parents didn’t read to me when I was
a kid, and I grew up just fine, so I guess bedtime
stories are not that necessary. However, it is hugely
beneficial, I’m sure. I would imagine that reading
stories to children can help parents bond with them,
and it’d also foster children’s creativity because
most of these stories are fantasy or fairy tales.
Do you need big parks or small parks in the city?
Wow, that’s a tricky question. I’m not exactly an expert
in urban planning, so I’m not entirely sure myself
whether big or small parks are more suitable. But I
guess as cities are becoming more and more crowded,
small parks scattered around the city make more
sense? For example, in Hanoi, you will be hard-
pressed to find a place for another huge park.
Do people need professional photographers or
Well, it really depends on the occasion and purpose.
For the most part, I don’t find a photographer
necessary because most of the photos I take, whether
daily or when I’m travelling, is with my iPhone, which
works just fine. You know, photo capabilities on
smartphones have come a long way, and now people
can take really beautiful pictures on their phones that
look quite similar to those taken with a professional
camera. Having said that, there are certain occasions
when you need to enlist the help of professional
photographers. For example, I can’t imagine taking my
wedding photos with an iPhone. It’s just absurd!

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