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Presented By : M.Sai Krishna 24NMP17 B.V.Rajendra Gowda 24NMP21 Ajoy Agarwal 24NMP31


Pathak is a Guest Service

Assistant A graduate with 15 years service in the luxury hotel and active in social circles Not considered for promotion by his supervisor Mr.Vinod Sharma Mr.Pathak approached the Executive House Keeper, who has to take a decision now

Situation Analysis

was a dedicated employee and rated high by his previous supervisor The new supervisor Mr.Sharma, who has joined two years ago, was task-oriented, strict and not broad-minded Mr.Pathak was given a poor rating in the previous year by Mr.Sharma Mr.Sharma is probably biased in his appraisal
Did not approve of Pathaks extra-curricular activities Mr.Pathak took cash loans from office and colleagues Held a poor impression of Mr.Pathaks character Mr.Pathak is lame and comparatively less educated


of appraisal process Employee evaluated on generic dimensions which were not defined properly Appraisal parameters are not oriented towards job requirements Denying promotion on the grounds of physical disability amounts to discrimination Rater affect in case of Mr.Pathak Recommendation of promotion was based only on previous year appriasal which is a very short period Recency Effect



Mr.Pathak was rated high during the previous years Whether Mr.Sharma has made error due to his perceptual set? Mr.Pathaks extra-curricular activities point towards his sociability What are the actual job requirements and whether Mr.Pathak would be able to do justice? Objective evaluation should be done to compare both candidates

Appraisal Process

The performance evaluation involved rating the employee on attributes like intelligence, character, conduct etc These attributes are generic and open to interpretation The specific dimensions for measuring these attributes should be made clear to the appraiser The attributes do not try to evaluate the actual job requirements like good communication skills, phone etiquette, customer feedback etc The appraisee may not have known about the evaluation as there is no information that Mr.Pathak had objected to the poor rating or Mr.Sharma


house keeper should identify the actual job requirements and perform an objective evaluation taking Mr.Sharma into confidence The appraisal process should be revamped to include interviews and measurable performance indicators Evaluate what you want because what gets measured, produced


Prof. James A

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