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Conflict Resolution
Presented by Nimrod B. Cabrera
Learning Objectives

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Define and identify Analyze common Apply teamwork and
key components of sources of conflict conflict resolution
within teams and skills in a collaborative
effective teamwork.
propose strategies for activity.
Teamwork in the workplace is when a group of
individuals work together toward a collective goal
in an efficient manner. When multiple people work
together toward a common goal, your business can
7 Examples of
Important Teamwork
The ability to communicate in a clear, efficient
way is a critical teamwork skill. When working
with others, it is important that you share relevant
thoughts, ideas and key information.
2. Responsibility
Within the dynamic of teamwork, it is important that the parties
involved both understand the work they are responsible for and
make the effort to complete said tasks on time and up to the
expected standard. With the entire team functioning properly by
taking responsibility for their own work, they can work together
towards a common goal.
3. Honesty
Practicing honesty and transparency at work might mean working
through a disagreement, explaining that you were not able to
complete a certain task on time or sharing difficult updates.
Without transparency, it can be difficult for a team to develop trust
and therefore work together efficiently.
4. Active listening
Much like communication, active listening skills can help a team
to understand and trust each other. Active listening is the act of
making an effort to focus intently on one person as they share
their ideas, thoughts or feelings. You might also ask follow-up
questions to dig deeper into what they are communicating.
5. Empathy
Having empathy for your teammates can allow you to better
understand their motives and feelings. Taking the time to listen
and understand how others think and work can help you to
communicate with them in the right ways.
6. Collaboration
Teamwork exists so that a group of individuals with a diverse set
of skills and talents can work together towards a common goal. It
is crucial to work with other teammates to share ideas, improve
each other’s work and help one another to form a good team.
7. Awareness
In teamwork, it is important that you hone your ability to be aware of the team
dynamic at all times. For example, if one person is dominating the
conversation or does not allow others to share ideas, it is important that
balance is restored so each teammate to contribute evenly. Alternatively, if one
person tends to be more shy or hesitant to share ideas, it is important to create
space so that all teammates feel comfortable contributing their unique skills
and abilities.
Team conflicts arise when there are disagreements over the goals,
methods or needs of the team. Conflicts can also occur when there are
differing personalities. At first, these conflicts may seem
commonplace, but failing to resolve them could hurt productivity and
overall morale. When conflicts between team members arise,
addressing these disagreements and coming to a mutual understanding
allows everyone to collaborate harmoniously and productively.
Conflict resolution is a way for two or more
parties to find a peaceful solution to a
disagreement among them. Conflict
resolution is a valuable leadership skill to
have. Individuals with the ability to
4 Types of Team
Conflict and How to
Resolve Each
Conflicts are a natural part of life, both in our personal lives and in
the workplace. Workplace conflicts occur because team members
don't always agree or know how to work together despite their
differences. These differences could be in the way they manage
their tasks, their work styles or personalities.

For a team to work together effectively, conflicts need to be

resolved in a timely and professional manner that minimizes
disruption to productivity. The ability to resolve team conflicts is
crucial to the success of any organization.
1. Task-Based
Occur in situations when team members rely on each other to complete a
task or project. When one person on the team doesn't complete their part
of he task, it can affect another team member's ability to finish their part
on time. For example, if an employee always turns in their reports late, it
causes the accountant to be late with their reports as well To avoid these
conflicts, make sure everyone on the team knows what they should be
doing in their position so tasks can be accomplished efficiently and on
2. Leadership Conflicts
Occur because of differences in leadership styles. Everyone has their own way of
leading their team, some leaders are directive, while others are more open, inclusive
and encourage collaboration with their team. To prevent leadership style conflicts, it
is important to recognize these differences throughout the team. If you're in a
management role, you should be aware of your own leadership style and how you
Interact with your team. It may be necessary to make adjustments to your leadership
style to accommodate the different needs and personalities of your team members.
3. Work Style Conflicts
Just as there are differences in leadership styles, there are differences in work styles
as well. Work style conflicts occur because team members have different preferences
on how to accomplish tasks. Some work quickly and move on to the next task as
soon as possible, while others prefer to complete tasks slowly and mindfully. Some
people are self-starters who require little to no direction to finish a task, and others
need guidance every step of the way. The best way to avoid these types of conflicts
is to recognize that everyone's work style is different and find ways to collaborate to
achieve the same goal despite those differences.
4. Personality Clashes

Personality clashes are some of the most common types of team conflicts. These
types of conflicts are caused by differences in personality among team members.
You're not always going to get along with or like every person you meet, whether
they're your coworker, supervisor or peer. It can be challenging to work with
someone whose personality disagrees with your own. However, it's important to try
to understand their differences and learn how to work together peacefully and
Thank You!

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