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Principles of Language

An effective test is practical
 It is not excessively expensive.
 It stays within appropriate time
 It is relatively easy to administer.
 It has a scoring or evaluation
procedure that is specific and
time efficient.
 A reliability test is consist and dependable.
 If the test is given to the same student or
matched student on two different
occasions, the test should yield the similar
 Factors contribute to the unreliability of a
- Student-Related Reliability
- Rather Reliability
- Test administration Reliability
- Test Reliability
 Unreliability may also result the conditions
in which the test is administered.

 Validity is the extent to which

inferences made from assessment
results are appropriate, meaningful,
and useful in terms of the purpose of
the assessment.
 A valid test of reading ability actually
measures reading ability, nor
previous knowledge in a subject, nor
some other variable of questionable
These five types of evidence
that can support validity:
 Content-Related Evidence
 Criterion-Related Evidence
 Construct-Related Evidence
 Consequential Validity
 Face Validity
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