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Prepared by: Kimberly B. Jovida, LPT Teacher Kim LET Review (English Major)

What biblical allusion was used in the epic of Gilgamesh?

a. crossing at Red Sea c. the Great Flood

b. feeding of thousands d. death of the savior

What is the theme of the epic of Gilgamesh?

a. finding true love c. accepting defeat

b. gaining power and d. preference to

self-worth immortality
EPIC OF GILGAMESH (Sîn-lēqi-unninni)
Bestfriend: ENKIDU
Villain: HUMBABA

ISHTAR --> goddess who liked Gilgamesh, sent a bull

“Shall I die too? Am I not like Enkidu? Grief has entered

my innermost being. I am afraid of death and so I roam
open country”

UTNAPISHTIM -> the one Gilgamesh consulted about

Who is the husband of the goddess Isis in Egyptian
jackal-headed deity who
presided over the embalming
process and accompanied
dead kings in the afterworld

a. Ra c. Anubis
wind god

b. Amun d. Osiris
The two groups at war in The Illiad are the __________

a. Romans and Greeks c. Trojans and Acheans

d. Trojans and
b. Trojans and Minoans Macedonians
What is the best symbolism of “wedding bed” in Homer’s

son of Odysseus and


a. Telemachus’ life c. fertility

d. constancy of Odysseus
b. virgnity and Penelope’s love
Huginn and Munin

Which Norse god is known as the “Raven god”?

a. Freya c. Odin

b. Thor d. Frey
Which character set sail with the Argonauts to find the
Golden Fleece?

travelled to the land of the

dead to find his wife

a. Jason c. Orpheus

b. Pelias d. Hercules
Which titan was punished for stealing fire?

a. Prometheus c. Orpheus

b. Apollo d. Hercules
Which character in American folklore dug out the Grand

a. John Appleseed c. Jack Beanstalk

b. Paul Bunyan d. Mad Hatter

Which female mythological character is linked with

a. Aphrodite c. Hera

b. Persephone d. Hestia
What does Hephaestus represent?

a. strength of gods c. lameness of humans

b. foolishness of gods d. corruption of humans

Where do dead Norse heroes go?

a. Valhalla c. Midgard

b. Jotunheim d. Helheim
thrown in a deep abyss called “Tartarus”

How many titans were there in Greek mythology?

a. 10 c. 13

b. 9 d. 12
Zeus Jupiter Hades Dis
Poseidon Neptune Athena Minerva
Hera Juno Artemis Diana
Hermes Mercury Eros Cupid
Aphrodite Venus Asclepius Aesculapius

Apollo Apollo Cronus Saturn

Ares Mars Gaea Terra
_________is a victorious 10-year series of battles of the
Olympian gods against the Titans in Thessaly.
In mythology, Zeus, the ruler o

a. Ragnarok c. Battle of Olympus

b. Titanomachy d. Valkyrie
Which of the following is NOT a region in the

a. Tartarus c. Elysium

b. Asphodel d. none of the above

dark region where the dead
pass through

black pit for the bad
paradise for the good

numbed the minds of the dead
Euripedes produced Medea to _____.

a. show the power of c. bring gods closer to

love humans

b. criticize Greek d. emphasize the

behavior imperfection of gods
______is the king of Corinth who is condemned in the
underworld by forever rolling a huge stone up a hill.

a. Narsissus c. Orpheus

b. Sisyphus d. Oedipus
Which of the following are the subjects in Mythic history
portrayed in “Musee de Beaux Arts”?

a. Orpheus and
Eurydice c. Daedalus and Icarus

b. Achilles and Patroclus d. Isis and Osiris

The myths of the Greeks reflect a view of the universe
that acknowledges the ________ of humanity.

a. folly c. mystery and beauty

b. flaws d. questions
Philosophic and religious belief in reincarnation is based
on the mythological character _______.

a. Icarus c. Sisyphus

b. Orpheus d. Hades
_______died at the end of Iliad.

leader of the Acheans

a. Patroclus c. Agamemnon

b. Achilles d. Hector
____________is the god of death in Greek myth.

a. Hades c. Thanatos

b. Hephaestus d. Persephone
Why did the other gods hate Ares?

a. He was awkward- c. He was vain and

looking cruel.

b. He was a trickster d. He was a weak god.

Which Hinduism principle in this line from Bhagavad Gita:
“Curving back within myself, I create again and again.”

cycle of births and deaths love or pleasure

a. Samsara c. Kama

enlightenment righteous path

b. Nirvana d. Dharma
__________popularized Haiku in Japan.

a. Yasunari Kawabata c. Kobayashi Issa

b. Matsuo Basho d. Yosa Buson

Who wrote the poem, “Awake! For Morning in the Bowl
of Night”?

a. Elizabeth Browning c. William Shakespeare

also famous for Rubaiyat

b. Robert Frost d. Omar Khayyam

___________is a collection of fables which was used to
educate Indian princes into becoming wise kings.

a. Panchatantra c. Rig Veda

b. Upanishad d. Mahabharata
The novel-like stories, Sinuhe and The Predestined Prince
were written around 1200 BC in _______.

a. Japan c. Indonesia

b. Egypt d. Philippines
by Bei Dao

The theme of “The Answer” is _______.

a. slavery as a
pressing concern c. poverty

b. child abuse d. hardwork in vain

__________is a movement of French-speaking African and
Caribbean writers which began to fade in the 1950s.
literary and artistic flowering that
emerged among a group of Black
thinkers in New York City, USA, during
a. Harlem
the 1920s

Renaissance c. Realist Movement

b. Negritude d. Surrealist
__________is a king who saw the emptiness of his life
and turned his back on it, becoming a wanderer, sadhu
and refusing to go home.

a. Ramayana c. Alladin

b. Muchukunda d. Rama
by Matsuo Basho

“The Story of the Aged Mother” talks about all of the

following EXCEPT

a. fate of the common people

under the despot is grim c. wisdom in old age

b. the daimyo’s unreasonable d. disobedience to oppressive

order is a boast of his power power ends in tragedy
“Those flowers I sold won’t last longer than tomorrow...
I’m lousy” Teruo shows ____.

a. sympathy c. loyalty d. honesty
The author points out ___________________ in How my Brother
Leon Brought Home a Wife by Manuel Arguilla.

a. Filipino bayanihan c. Filipino cheerfulness

d. how Filipinos treat new

b. indolence of Fipinos family members
What is the theme of Five Brothers, One Mother?

a. family and home c. adultery

b. love for siblings d. domestic violence

Who, among the following, is not considered a national
artist in literature?

a. Jose Garcia Villa c. Lino Brocka

b. Bienvenido Lumbera d. Cirilo Bautista

Who is the Father of Tagalog Short Stories?

a. Jose Garcia Villa c. Bienvenido Santos

b. Nick Joaquin d. Degracias Rosario

The main theme of Bonsai by Edith Tiempo is ________

a. the power of love c. reach your dreams

b. enjoy every little

things d. ignore negativity
Who is the Goddess of Philippine Poetry?

a. Edith Tiempo c. Genoveva Matute

b. Ophelia Dimalanta d. Paz Marquez Benitez

In Nick Joaquin’s short story, May Day Eve, the technique
he used in developing the plot was ______

a. in medias res c. prolepsis

b. flashback d. circular plot

Who wrote “The Happiest Boy in the World”?

a. Nick Joaquin c. Bienvenido Santos

b. Jose Garcia Villa d. NVM Gonzales

Manuel Arguilla Bret Harte of the Philippines
using local color
Nick Joaquin Quijano de Manila, Spanish colonial
Jose Garcia Villa Comma Poet
Ophelia Dimalanta Goddess of Philippine Poetry
Milton’s Paradise Lost was published in 1667 in

a. Old English c. Latin

b. Contemporary
English d. Modern English
Paradise Lost, written by John Milton, is based on the
popular story of __________

c. sinning of Adam and

a. the creation of Eden Eve

b. the creation of man d. the promised land

Which American president called the native Americans,
“merciless Indian savages”?

a. George Washington c. Thomas Jefferson

b. Abraham Lincoln d. John Adams

The “Declaration of Independence” is best described

a. objective and
uplifting c. patriotic and rigid

b. accusatory and
subjective d. dull and boring
In the “Gettysburg Address”, war is being fought ______

a. of the people, by the c. to liberate the minds

people, for the people of all

b. to gain freedom d. to be or not to be

ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid
commitment or in order to mislead; prevaricate or
Shakespeare’s technique of showing equivocation in his
play, Macbeth, is _____.

a. deus ex machina c. fallacy

b. irony d. antihero
_______is a story about hunting a white whale using

a. Animal Farm c. Captain Courageous

d. 20 000 Leagues Under

b. Moby Dick the Sea
The literary piece that opens with, “Call me Ishmael” is

a. Animal Farm c. Captain Courageous

d. 20 000 Leagues Under

b. Moby Dick the Sea
The love portrayed in Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights”
is ______

a. ever-lasting c. pure

b. destructive d. fleeting
“Drink me only with thine eyes” is written by ____

a. Shakespeare c. Hemmingway

b. Frost d. Jonson
Vanity Fair is a novel satirizing society in the early 19th
Century Britain and is written by _____

a. Ernest
Hemmingway c. Jane Austen

b. Louisa Alcott d. William Thackeray

If you are teaching the works of EA Poe, you should focus
on ______.

a. atmosphere c. plot

b. characters d. POV
If you are teaching the works of O Henry, you should
focus on ______.

a. atmosphere c. surprise endings

b. characters d. setting
In “The Fall of the House Usher” (short story by EA Poe),
the name of the woman who is entombed alive is

a. Marina c. Maria

b. Madeline d. Marites
Who wrote “Little Women”?

a. Jane Austen c. Emily Bronte

b. Charlotte Bronte d. Louisa Alcott

Which of the following is a bitter pamphlet that ironically
suggests that the Irish babies fattened and sold as meat?

Alexander Pope

a. Vanity Fair c. The Rape of the Lock

b. A Modest Proposal d. Scarlet Letter

Dante’s Divine Comedy depicts ________.

a. family life c. fears and sorrows

b. life and death d. overcoming trials

The character in Dante’s Divine Comedy is _________.

a. Homer c. Dante

b. Erik d. Crusoe
Leo Tolstoy is known as the world’s greatest _____ for
writing War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

a. poet c. essayist

b. novelist d. short story writer

The titles of Leo Tolstoy’s short story about a man falsely
judged and accused of murder is ________.

a. Anna Karenina c. War and Peace

b. God Sees the Truth d. The Death of Ivan

but Waits Ilyich
Who is the most prominent figure in deconstruction?

100 Years of Solitude

a. Gabriel Marquez c. John Appleseed

b. Jacques Derrida d. Giovanni Boccaccio

Who is the author of short stories and novels who is
considered the greatest French short-story writer.

a. Guy de Maupassant c. Victor Hugo

b. Jacques Derrida d. Jean Paul Sartre

Who is the playwright who used alienation effect to
educate the audience and not rely upon their emotion?

a. de Maupassant c. Dumas

b. Hugo d. Brecht
“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is
unhappy in its own ways.” This like is taken from _____

a. War and Peace c. Oliver Twist

d. Aventures of
b. Ana Karenina Huckleberry Finn
Which of Shakespeare’s works does not reflect
katharsis or purgation?

a. Twelfth Night c. Romeo and Juliet

b. Othello d. King Lear

CATHARSIS -a literary theory first developed by
the philosopher Aristotle, who believed that
cleansing our emotions (fear and pity) was the
purpose of a good story, especially a tragedy.

Theme: disguise and

deception, love and desire,
gender and sexuality

Setting: Illyria
King of
France Edmund

the fool

Goneril King Lear Edgar


Theme: madness, political

authority, family dynamics
Casio Iago


Desdemona “The Moor”

Theme: racial prejudice,

manipulation, and jealousy

Conflict: Iago and Roderigo

are jealous of Othello.
What type of character is Cinderella’s

doesn’t change throughout a character that highlights

the story the characteristics of their
a. static c. foil
a character that changes/

b. dynamic d. stock
________ is an epic about the adventures of
early Muslim warriors who defended Islam.

a. Indarapata and
Sulayman c. Biag ni Lam-ang

b. Parang Sabil d. Darangan

Which short story by Loreto Paras Sulit revolves around
the theme that beauty can be very dangerous?

c. The Beautiful
a. The Harvest Stranger

b. Desire d. Beautiful Liar

On their way home, Vidal saw a moth and paused to
catch it but then; his brother crashed the moth in no
time. Vidal asked, “Why are you that way”. Fabian replied,
“What is my way?”. “That way of destroying things that
are beautiful like moths”, Vidal answered. “Things that
are beautiful have a way of hurting. I destroy it when I
feel a hurt”,
Who pioneered serialized literature?

a. Mark Twain c. Rudyard Kipling

b. Charles Dickens d. Jonathan Swift

"'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the
This line is written in _______

c. trochaic
a. iambic pentameter pentameter
b. anapestic d. anapestic
tetrameter hexameter
The Pyramus and Thisbe love affair shows ___

a. the immaturity of c. the authority of parents

teenagers over their children

b. the aggressiveness of d. an attempt to change

young lovers traditional practices
Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe is a
depiction of Africa’s situation prior to ______.

a. Japanese c. American
colonization colonization
b. Indian d. British
colonization colonization
Shakespeare’s story about two star-crossed
lovers was from which much older tale?

c. Pyramus and
a. Romeo and Juliet Thisbe
b. Midsummer d. Merchant of
Night’s Dream Venice
Which work is known as the first true novel in

c. Phantom of the
a. Paradise Lost Opera

b. Robinson Crusoe d. Gulliver’s Travels

Who among the following is based on a real-
life person?

a. Anna Karennina c. Faust

b. Othello d. Hercules
Which of the following best describes

a. a monster created c. the monster’s

by a scientist first victim
b. the one who d. the narrator of the
created the monster story, Frankenstein
What is the central idea of the lines from the poem, “The Day on the Farm”
by Luis Dato?

“Your smiles have died and there is no replying

To all endearment and my gifts are in vain;
Come with me love, you are too old for crying,
The church bells ring and I hear drops of rain.”

a. impermanent life c. cruelty of love

b. destruction of
beauty d. rejection of love
“There was nothing to fear, for the man was
always so gentle, so kind.” Which of the
following literary devices is utilized in this line?

a. en medias res c. flashback

b. foreshadowing d. denoument
Which of the following is a product of pre-
colonial literature?

a. Doctrina Christiana c. Mimetic Dances

b. Literature and
Society d. Critical Essays
Toshio Mori’s Say it With Flowers talks about

c. how to express your

a. how flowers feelings to a girl using
communicate messages flowers

b. how hard it is to manage d. businessmen

a flower shop business fooling their clients
Fog Which sense of the mind
is predicted in the poem?
The fog comes
On little cat feet. a. touch
It sits looking
Over harbor and city b. smell
On silent haunches
And then moves on.
c. thermal
–Carl Sandburg d. motion
Fog What figure of speech was
The fog comes
On little cat feet. a. simile
It sits looking
Over harbor and city b. personification
On silent haunches
And then moves on.
c. metonymy
–Carl Sandburg d. hyperbole
Which of the following images is/are
Fog portrayed?
a. Silent, nonchalant coming of the
The fog comes fog
On little cat feet. b. Fog’s quiet lifting off towards
It sits looking some unknown direction until it gets
Over harbor and city dispersed
On silent haunches c. Fog’s obvious lifting off towards
And then moves on. some unknown direction until it gets
–Carl Sandburg dispersed

d. A and B
Which of the following is not a good idea for
an essay?

c. limited enough in
a. true but arguable scope
b. comes with d. has a probable
available evidence setting
How does GK Chesterton define the
importance of folklore to children?

a. They give the child the c. They widen the

idea of the evil and ugly. child’s imagination.

b. They give the child the idea d. They preserve the

of the possible defeat of evil. child’s culture.
G.K. Chesterton explains the importance of folk tales in
this way:

[They] do not give the child the idea of the evil or the
ugly; that is in the child already because it is in the world
already. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear
idea of the possible defeat of evil. The baby has known
the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination.
What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill
the dragon.
What kind of story is Jonah and the Whale?

a. Legend c. Mythology

b. Parable d. Folklore
Elizabethan sonnets are composed of three
quatrains and one heroic couplet with the
rhyme scheme_____.

c. abab- cdcd- efef-

a. abbaabba- cdccdc gg
d. abab- bcbc- cdcd-
b. abbaabba- cdecde ee
PETRARCHAN abbaabba- cdccdc
abbaabba- cdecde
abab- cdcd- efef-

SPENSERIAN abab- bcbc- cdcd- ee

The simplest of all folklores are ____.

short comical sketch

for fun and nonsense
a. drolls c. cumulative tales

b. romances d. realistic tales

In which type of novel are real people
respected in the guise of fictional characters?

a. picaresque c. roman a clef

b. epistolary d. bildungsroman
PICARESQUE ►adventures of a roguish but "appealing hero",
usually of low social class, who lives by his wits in a corrupt

ROMAN A CLEF ► real people respected in the guise

of fictional characters
EPISTOLARY ►work in the form of letters
BILDUNGSROMAN ►l dealing with one person's
formative years or spiritual education
Classical Period
-oral storytelling

Adventures of Hercules, Aesop’s

Fables, Iliad and Odyssey

Most classic literary writers focused

on truth and beauty.
Medieval Period
-religious, highly biblical or romantic
with embedded realism and fantasy

-Noah, Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve,

Tower of Babel
-King Arthur and the Round Table,
Roland, Cid, Beowulf
-intellectual and spiritual development
-Johannes Guttenberg
-Educational Books: “The Book Named the
Governor”, “The Scholemaster”, “Book of
-mass education, Chapbooks, Hornbooks
18th Century
-Books were made to teach children or emphasize morals.
-John Newberry (Father of Children’s Literature) wrote
moralistic tales that reflected children’s characteristics.

Folktales: Tales of Mother Goose (Charles Perrault)

Fairy Tales: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Red Riding
Hood, Beauty and the Beast, Arabian Nights, Princess and
the Pea, The Little Mermaid, The Nightingale, The Steadfast
Soldier, Emperor’s New Clothes, The Red Shoes, The Snow
Queen, Thumbelina, The Ugly Duckling
-Social classes became distorted.
Victorian Age
-rise of modern fantasy
-Golden Age of Children’s Literature

Alice in Wonderland, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,

Treasure Island, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Little
Women, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Wide, Wide
Edwardian Era
-”A child is central to childhood”.
-Children’s literature became more subjective.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Phoenix and the Carpet, Peter
Pan, A Wind in the Willows, A Little Princess, Secret
Garden, Cautionary Tales for Children
20th Century
-era of fantasy writing
-known for the production of picture books and
personification of toy animals

-Winnie-the-Pooh - personification of toy animals

Other works: The Story of Doctor Dolittle, Whose Little

House in Big Woods, Mary Poppins, The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The
Charlotte Web
New realism gave birth to a more liberal approach resulting

James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate

Factory, The Witches, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Matilda, Are You
There God?, Margaret, It’s Me, Deannie, Blubber

-Harry Potter, The Giver, Holes, His Dark Materials

What is the term used to describe actions that are
not part of the script but actors do for dramatic or
comic effect?

a. stage ad lib improvisation

b. stage business enhance the character

c. stage direction
d. stage prompting
Invention: discovering best arguments; _________:
language, speaking style and delivery

a. Enunciation
b. Elocution
c. Memory
d. Disposition
Which of the following is a characteristic of effective
speech based on Cicero’s canons of rhetoric?

a. voice
b. grammar
c. memory
d. gestures

INVENTION ►coming up with material for a text

(brainstorming, research, planning)
DISPOSITION ► Arrange ideas in a logical and
organized manner.
ELOCUTION ►delivery, speaking style, language
MEMORY ►learn the presentation, add
memorable features
PRONUNCIATION►how you actually deliver your speech
The following are examples of exigence of
literary piece to be staged except _____.

a. crush
b. morning sun
c. child labor
d. autism
If Mr. RK is applying color-blind casting,
which of the following will he ignore?

a. Popularity of the actors

b. Nationality of the actors
c. Preference of director
d. Expected talent fees of the actors
Which of the following is a spectacle in stage

a. the audience
b. the ending
c. the set
d. the plot twist

PLOT events, incidents, problems

S agents of the plot, vehicle of conflict

THEME central thought of the play

(DICTION) word choice(playwright), enunciation (actors)

RHYTHM “the music of the language”

SPECTACLE everything in the play that adds to its sensory effect
Which of the following is an example of

a. Literary allusion in The Little Women

b. Reviews on the book “The Hunger games” that are published

c. Translation of Les Miserables

d. Analysis of stock figures and archetypes in Anna Karenina
What type of characters have great goals but
wrong actions?
character in a story or play who opposes the
a. villain hero

a villain whose goals or ends are generally

b. anti-villain benevolent, but their means are evil

c. nemesis a long-standing rival

main character of a story, but one who

d. anti-hero doesn't act like a typical hero
Which of the following exemplifies a cross of
the fourth wall? invisible, imaginary wall separates actors
from the audience

a. Shakespeare’s aside to the audience

b. soliloquy of Hamlet
c. Narrator’s POV
d. Characters talking to God
Which scene requires gaze on the part of the

a. witnessing a crime
b. lovers preparing for a kiss
c. monologue of an antagonist
d. intense argument between characters
A broken column carried to the extreme is
called _____

a. circus makeup
b. streamlined makeup
c. occult makeup
d. broken column makeup
In journalism, tombstoning should be avoided.
What is tombstoning?

a. Breaking stories to the top of columns

b. Placing cuts and big headlines on the top half of the page
c. Two or more headlines are placed on the same level in adjacent

d. Long columns are kept on 6-point lines

Which part of the campus paper is a narrative
of human life?

a. News
b. Feature
c. Sports
d. Editorial
The following are true about headlines except

a. catchy and to the point

b. written in present tense
c. The first word is captalized.
d. Numbers are spelled out.
The name of the writer is indicated in which
part of the news?

a. headline
b. byline
c. writer’s block
d. citation
What is a sensationalized type of journalism which
involves exaggeration or lying?

a. red journalism
b. yellow journalism
c. blue journalism
d. pink journalism
Hard news is defined as _______.

a. news covering difficult topics

b. opinionated news
c. important news that affects everyone

d. the only type of news

Which of the following is a news peg?

a. The SONA subtly endorsed Mar Roxas as presidential bet.

b. The SONA delivered on July 27, 2015 is PNoy’s last.

c. The SONA lavishly commended cabinet secretaries.

d. SONA describes the achievement of the administration.

Which of the following is a staccato?

a. “I am sorry”, said PGMA.

b. Braver. Bolder. Fiercer.
c. A strike on a port in southwestern Ukraine came within only
hundreds of metres of Romania.
d. The lottery winner from Medellin, Cebu remained quiet when
he won the jackpot in Mega Lotto 6/45.
Which of the following the correct news
headline format?

a. Reyes, Santos quit SC

b. Reyes & Santos quit SC
c. Reyes, Santos resigned
d. Reyes & Santos resigned
Which of the following news headlines is

a. Buracho, “Papasa na.”

b. Buracho, ‘Papasa na’.
c. Papasa na said Buracho
d. “Papasa na’, said Buracho
The newsman’s sixth sense is also called ____.

a. watchdog function
b. nose for news
c. news sense
d. reporter’s sense
Which of the following is acceptable in writing
the news story?

a. padding
b. coloring
c. editorializing
d. playing up the dominant point
Which of the following distinguises news and
feature articles?

a. topic
b. length
c. treatment
d. events
What does “as of press time” mean?

a. at the time of writing

b. before publication
c. as of now
d. at the time the event happened
Which of the following checks for grammar,
syntax and information errors?

a. copyreader
b. proofreader
c. editor-in-chief
d. photojournalist
Mark hates a particular candidate during election. To discourage
voters, he spread false information that the candidate has an
illegitimate child and is not sending financial support. Which of
the following best describes this?

a. misinformation
b. malinformation
c. disinformation
d. fake news
misinformation false information
spreader believes it, unintentional

malinformation reality-based information

intentional harm

disinformation false information

spreader knows it is false
fake news false information presented as
and Literature
Teacher Faith likes using alternative methods of
assessment. Which of the following will she least
likely use?
a. reflection and journal writing
b. student portfolio
c. multiple choice exam
d. speech choir
Which teacher is conducting a formative
a. Teacher Aira asks questions in the middle of discussion to
check for understanding.
b. Teacher Ericka gave a 100-item test at the end of the grading
period to check if program goals are achieved.
c. Teacher Carlo gives a 50-item test at the end of the semester
to evaluate if course outcomes are met.
d. Teacher Ella tests for student knowledge before the unit
DIAGNOSTIC ►at the beginning/ before instruction
►promote strengths, work on weaknesses

PLACEMENT ►group students with similar ability levels

ACHIEVEMENT ►amount of learning on a particular course

PROFICIENCY ► before/ regardless of training

Teacher Cathy wants to apply for a job in an ESL company.
Before hiring her, the company wants to measure her ability in
the language regardless of any training. Which test will the
company use?

a. Placement test
b. Proficiency Test
c. Diagnostic Test
d. Achievement Test
Which of the following is not classified under
discrete-point testing?

a. true or false, yes or no

b. spelling test
c. essay writing
d. matching type
Teacher Roselyn wants to know the effect of
testing on teaching and learning. This means she
wants to know _______.
a. the credibility of her tests
b. the wash back
c. the construct
d. the auditability
Which type of test does not belong to the

a. matching type
b. cloze
c. multiple choice
d. alternate response
Teacher Dhar asked his students to choose the letter
of the correct preposition to complete the sentence.
He have a ______ test.

a. integrative testing several fields/ skills at a time

testing one point one element at a time,

b. discrete point item by item

c. norm-referenced
d. criterion-referenced
Which of the following does not apply the
ethnographic method in language research?
unobtrusive method
a. Cultural model of personhood: What does it mean to be a
good Osage Indian
b. Emotional expression: What are display rules of when and
how emotion should be displayed?

c. Communication: How does it happen?

d. Methodology: What effective strategy is used to increase
motivation in the language classroom?
The gap of knowledge on a research topic is
called a _____.

a. research limits
b. blank spot
c. blind spot
d. research local
Which of the following research problems
has a directive nature?

a. Courses to Include in the Next Semester

b. Why Students Wear Braces
c. Which Sectioning to Follow for Grade V students

d. How to Improve Safety Protocols During COVID

Palo, R. (2015) Research designs. Pasay: Lorimar.

This is an example of which format?

a. APA
b. MLA
c. IPA
d. Chiago Style
(Byrne, 2008, p. 365-

Chicago Style (Byrne 2008, 365-376)

Modern Language Association (Byrne 365-376)


APPLIED to solve practical problems

BASIC (fundamental/ pure) to expand knowledge, not to
BEHAVIORAL measure human behavior, analyze effect of
intervention on human behavior

CORRELATIONAL relationship, cause/effect

(statistical) anything that can be counted and

DESCRIPTIVE impact people
objective, systematic, controlled investigation for purpose
EXPERIMENTAL of predicting and controlling the phenomena

conducted for a problem that has not been

clearly defined
GROUND THEORY goes backwards: from data to theory

PHENOMENOLOGICAL from lived experiences

Sir Joel wants to know why some teachers do not erase
writings on the board to make them eventually erase.
Which of the following will he conduct?

a. Pure Research
b. Propriety Research
c. Behavioral Research
d. Phenomenological Research
Which of the following methodologies cannot be
used by students in conducting a research in
language studies?
a. ethnography
b. case study
c. correlational
d. experimental

objective, systematic, controlled investigation for purpose

EXPERIMENTAL of predicting and controlling the phenomena

similar to experimental design, but with no

random assignment

ETHNOGRAPHIC investigation of culture

an in-depth study of one person, group, or

Teacher Joyce wants to implement a new language learning monitoring
system and wishes to study the efficiency of its implementation on her
Sampaguita class compared to the previous systems. However, it is not
feasible to conduct randomization. What type of research design will
she use instead?

a. experimental
b. quasi-experimental
c. descriptive
d. causal-comparative
Which of the following statements about
research hypothesis is correct?
I. It is formulated prior to a a. I
review of the literature.
II. Statements of predicted b. II
relationships between variables
c. III
III. They are final answers to
problems/ questions. d. I and II
Source: Oakland

Source: University of
Central Arkansas
In the K to 12 Curriculum, basic education refers to ____.

a. 6 years of primary school and 4 years of JHS

b. 4 years of JHS, 7 years of primary school and 2 years of
c. 2 years of JHS, 4 years of SHS, and 6 years of primary
d. 6 years of elementary education, 4 years of JHS
and 2 years of SHS
Which of the following is not included in the guiding
principles of MTB-MLE?

a. Interaction helps students learn better.

b. Students discover new ideas on their own using their
home language.

c. Students use what they know to learn new things.

d. Plenty of activities on meaning and accuracy should be
Which program for school staff members and teachers was
conducted to better match students with their aptitude and
career interests?

a. (Project Effective and Affordable Secondary Education)

b. Revitalized Homeroon Guidance Program

c. SBE

EASE (Project Effective and Affordable Secondary
► for students in disadvantaged situations

Revitalized Homeroon Guidance Program (RHGP)

►week-long training for teachers and staff members
to better match students in their aptitude and career
School-Based Education (SBE)
► aims to equip participants of a distance education course with
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in planning and
implementing school-based evaluation and to utilize results in
planning school improvement programs

Thinking Skills Development for Maximized Cognitive

Performance (TSD-MCP)
►6 schools researched on improving students’
cognitive and thinking skills
Which was the Secondary Education Curriculum
that was implemented in 1989 to replace RSEP?
a. Program for Decentralized Education
b. Secondary Education Development Program
c. New Secondary Education Curriculum
d. Revised Secondary Education Curriculum
In 1983-1984, DECS launched the Program for
Decentralized Education (PRODED) for
elementary education to modify the curriculum and
put emphasis on science, technology, math, reading,
and writing. As a follow-up to this, the New
Secondary Education Curriculum (NSEC) was
implemented in 1989 to replace the 1973 Revised
Secondary Education Program (RSEP).
Which of the following is not included in the
competencies that the Basic Education Curriculum aims
to develop?

a. sociolinguistic c. linguistic

b. social awareness d. strategic

Which of the following domains for Grades 11-12 is
not included in the Language Arts curriculum?

a. vocabulary
development c. study strategies
b. writing and d. listening
composition comprehension
2012 CG
2016 CG
Who are the first beneficiaries of the free SHS
education of the K-12 curriculum?

a. incoming freshmen c. incoming seniors

of SY 2012-2013 of 2012-2013
b. incoming freshmen d. incoming seniors
of SY 2013-2014 of 2013-2014
Which subject area is integrated to the
teaching of language?

a. Social Studies c. Science

b. Reading d. Physical Education

Teacher Donna sings highly relevant songs in presenting her lesson on
conditional clauses. She provides activity sheets in which students indicate
their regretful experiences and possible outcome had they not done a
certain regretful act. Then, her students, Joyce and Robie, shared their
experiences with each other. The use of songs, worksheets and pair
groups, as well as the teacher and student talk are provisions under which

a. Comprehensible
Input c. Natural Order

b. Affective Filter d. Monitor Input

The following are components of curriculum
development except _____.

a. behavioristic c. behavioristic-
orientation rational orientation
b. humanistic d. rational- cognitive
orientation orientation
►considers the human species to be a passive organism,
reacting to external, environmental stimuli;
►considers the human species to be the source and
initiator of all acts
►concerned with each individual’s growth and
development while emphasizing affective factors as well
Which of the following is not a characteristic of
the framework of the language curriculum?

a. integrated c. interactive

b. degenerated d. contextualized
Which among the following curriculum perspectives
considers the practical needs of learners and the society
that deals with the functional skills in a foreign and
second language?

a. social and c. learner-

economic efficiency centeredness
b. social
reconstructionism d. cultural pluralism
►intrinsic value of the subject matter, intellect,
humanistic values, rationality


►practical needs of learners and society

►process > product; needs and concerns of individuals

►learners should appreciate many different cultures,
beliefs and traditions

►assess problems such as social injustices and inequality
Which of the following BEST describes the writer’s connotative use of

a. Presence of a one-on-one correspondence between the word and what

it refers to because the writer aims to be exact

b. Explicit referents or expression of precise meanings

c. Use of scientific language

d. Exhibits a richness in meaning which does not only refer to

something but also communicates tone and affects the readers
How do we define “motif” in literary writing?

a. element of surprise or a twist in ending plot twist

b. main insight, central idea, or universal truth found in

literary work
c. image or idea repeated throughout a work or s everal works of
d. writing style adopted by the author w/c is revealed in his/her word
choice diction

►OXYMORON - “bittersweet”

►ONOMOTOPOEIA - “kring, kring”

►METONYMY - “The Philippines” (instead of Filipinos)

►PARALLELISM - “studying, passing, working”

►ANAPHORA - “Ana is smart, Ana is kind, Ana is cool.”

►EPIPHORA - “Smart Epi, Kind Epi, cool Epi.”


►ELLIPSIS - “I love you but (...)”

►ALLITERATION - “Sally sells seashells”

►ASSONANCE - “Be me, be free”

►CHARACTONYM - “Grumpy is grumpy.”


►PARADOX - “The child is father of the man.”

►ALLUSION - Shakespeare is a literary titan.

► CLIMAX - “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Superman!”

►HYPOPHORA - “Do you love me? Of course you do.”

Which of the following is used between people not
sharing a common discourse?

a. creole c. dialect

b. pidgin d. mother tongue


►IDIOLECT - daily lives/ habitual

►ETHNOLECT - specific ethnic/ tribal group

►SOCIOLECT - economic class, age group, etc.

►REGIONAL DIALECT - particular section/ geographical


►DIALECT - distinguished through language, articulation,


►REGISTER - degree of formality, language in diff.


►JARGON - technical terms

►PIDGIN - between people not sharing a common discourse

►CREOLE -language formed as a result of contact of 2




►INTERPRETATIVE - how linguistic elements work to

create meaningful art (linguistic data + artistic value)

►CORPUS - studying the frequency of various elements to

determine the authenticity of a manuscript

►EVALUATIVE - how an author’s style works or doesn’t


►LITERARY - studying forms (poetry, drama, prose),

analyzing language of literature using linguistic concepts

►DISCOURSE - how language in use creates meaning (ex:

parallelism, alliteration, rhyme)

►COGNITIVE - what happens in the mind when it

encounters language
-literary texts do not have minds; individual minds do
Rodzj criticizes how linguistic foundations work to form
meaning. Which discipline is referred to?

a. evaluative s. c. interpretative s.

b. corpus s. d. literary s.
Jemaica wants to check the legitimacy and originality of a
composition she found in the library. Which disciplines will she

a. evaluative s. c. interpretative s.

b. corpus s. d. literary s.
Jessa criticizes William Shakespeare’s style in making sonnets.
Which discipline is she practicing?

a. evaluative s. c. interpretative s.

b. corpus s. d. literary s.
What modality is used in the sentence, “You are surely
going to pass”?

a. deontologic c. alethic

b. dynamic d. epistemic

►DEONTOLOGIC - Duty, Errand, Obligation

►DYNAMIC - ability/ willingness (DYNA kaya)

►EPISTEMIC - possibility, certainty (Maybe “ipis”)

►ALETHIC - truth, logical necessity

Roaisha often listens to Megan Trainor and she feels like her
style sets her apart from other singers. This is an example

a. style as man c. style as choice

b. style as time d. style as deviation


►AS DEVIATION - departure from what is communicatively


► AS CHOICE - writer’s choice; reflection of his ego and the

social condition of his environment.

►AS MAN - every individual has his or her own unique way
of doing things

►AS PERIOD OR TIME - language is dynamic

Literary Critism
Which is not an example of deconstructive reading?

c. Text is a combination of
a. Language is a fixed multiple contradicting
system of signs. meanings.

b. The author’s intentional d. Analyze text’s critical

fallacy makes meaning difference from the intended
uncertain. meaning.

►ROMANTICIST - ordinary subject matter, simple

language, imagination, primal feelings
independent of the author, “text in itself”
►FREUDIAN - (Psychoanalytic) id, ego, superego;
motivations, drives, fears, desires
►STRUCTURALIST -patterns of text
►BIOGRAPHICAL - relationship between the author's life
and their works of literature
►SOCIOLOGICAL -man’s relationship with society

►MYTHOLOGICAL- examines a symbol, character,

situation, or image that evokes a deep universal

►POST MODERNIST - rejects concepts of rationality,

objectivity, and universal truth

►PHILOSOPHICAL - good vs evil

Which approach looks at the style and tone of the

a. Formalist c. Gender

b. Biographical d. Psychological
Which of the following does not involve intertextual
reading of literature?

a. Feminist c. Post-colonial

b. Marxist d. New Criticism

What are the representations of characters called?

a. symbols c. archetypes

b. images d. stereotypes
Teaching of Literature
If you want to help students in processing dilemmas
experienced by characters in a text, the most appropriate
strategy to use is ____.

a. life road maps c. graphic organizer

b. reader’s theater d. word tree

“Oedipus the King” starts with a crisis. Oedipus finds out that
he was the killer he is looking for. This is an example of ____.

a. in medias res c. accretive plot

starts from the MIDDLE from first incident to the peak

b. linear plot d. unfolding plot

starts near the climax or
towards the end
How do you make the story of Biag ni Lam-ang relevant and
interesting to the life of learners today?

a. Let them write their own ending.

b. Let them discuss concepts they can relate to.

c. Allow the learners to translate key events in their L1.

d. Assign them to make a multimedia presentation of the main

characteristics of Lam-ang as it is seen today.
Intertextuality believes that ___

a. Heteroglossia c. Meaning is the sole

exists. a diversity of voices, styles of responsibility of the author
discourse, or points of view

b. Heteroglossia d. Accurate meaning can be

derived by close reading of the
does not exist. text itself
Translation and Editing of Text
Which of the following indicates a problem in
physical or interpersonal perspective?

a. whiteness/ redness

b. emigrate / immigrate

c. dancing / acting

d. coup d’ e’tat / a la carte

Which of the following required by most
translation perspectives?

a. sensitivity to style and faithfulness to register

b. faithfulness to content and avoidance of

c. faithfulness to register and avoidance of utopia

d. sensitivity to style and faithfulness to content

Which of the following techniques is used
when a translater uses generic terms to
cultural words such as “tampo” and “pasma”?

a. closest equivalence

b. generic correspondence

c. cultural equivalence

d. idiomatic translation

cultural equivalence ► (also “adaptation”) substitutes a

culturally-specific reference with something that’s more
relevant or meaningful in the target language
idiomatic translation ►translation in which the target text
reflects the exact message of the source text in a manner that is
naturally expressed in the target language, using idioms if

equivalence►words that mean the same thing in both

“I didn’t expect Eunicel is an onion-skinned girl” was
translated to “Hindi ko inaasahan na si Eunicel ay
matampuhin”. Which strategy was used?

a. translation by omission of play on idiom

b. translation by paraphrase

c. using idiom of similar meaning and form

d. using idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form

Using an idiom of similar meaning and form ►use an idiom
in the target language which has approximately the same
meaning as the source-language idiom and it contains
equivalent lexical items
Using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form ►
find an idiom in the target language with a similar meaning to
that of the source idiom or expression but containing different
lexical items
Translation by paraphrase ►when a match cannot be found
in the target language or when it seems inappropriate to use
idiomatic language in the target text because of differences in
stylistic preferences of the source and target languages

Translation by omission► idioms may be omitted from

the target text because they cannot be paraphrased or
they may affect the stylistics

Strategy of compensation ►omission or downplay

When the speaker’s background is considered
when translating text, which perspective is
a. linguistic takes linguistic structures into consideration

deals with the problem of the equivalence of literary

b. philological texts by comparing and contrasting the SL and the TL

sincerity and knowledge of the

c. socio-semiotic speaker

attempts to render the exact contextual

d. communicative meaning
Stephen King, Danielle Steel and John Grisham are
authors of works on which a certain element cannot be
translated to French. Which element is it?

a. genre

b. setting

c. characterization

d. theme
Ma’am Robie wrote an article about different kinds of bananas
in the Philippines. She wants to translate the article to English
but struggles to find the exact terms to use for saging na saba,
latundan, senyorita etc. Which problem did she encounter?

a. The target language lacks superordinate.

b. The source language word is semantically complex.

c. The target language lacks hyponym.

d. The source and target language make different distinctions
in meaning.
Which strategy was used in translating the source text: "Shampoo the
hair lightly and towel dry" to the target text "Lavar cabello frotar
ligeramente con una toala" (Wash hair lightly with towel)?

a. Translation by a more neutral/ less expressive word

b. Translation by a more general word

c. Translation using a loan word

d. Translation by cultural substitution

If masseuse is translated to a Filipino term,
which grammatical category would be

a. gender

b. number

c. person

d. case
In the Oxford English Dictionary, “kikay”
translates to _____.

a. seductive

b. fabulous

c. fashionable

d. flirtatious
In the Oxford English Dictionary, “kikay kit”
translates to _____.

a. cosmetic pouch

b. make up kit

c. leather bag

d. vanity kit
Which sentence has a predicated theme?

a. Your love gives me hope.

b. It is your love that gives me hope.

c. What gives me hope is your love.

d. I was given hope by your love.

CLEFT SENTENCE (Predicated Theme)

a sentence in which an element is emphasized by being put in a separate

clause, with the use of an empty introductory word such as it or that

Your love gives me hope. It is your love that gives me hope.

Your love gives me hope. What gives me hope is your love
“Does Joyce dance while she sings?” Which of the
following ellipsis answers this question?

a. No.

b. Yes, she does.

c. No, but I do.

d. Yes, she does it to annoy us, perhaps.

Donna wants to translate “po” and “opo” to English to explain
the concept to her Arab friends. However, she failed to do so.
The words cannot be translated because they are ____.

a. exotic

b. only true in the Philippines

c. culture specific

d. foreign in the English language

Creative Writing
What benefit do bylines provide to writers?

a. self-expression

b. readership

c. popularity

d. royalty enjoyed by families of deceased writers

Which type of rhyme can be associated with
assonance and consonance?

I. end rhyme a. I and II

II. internal rhyme b. I only

III. eye rhyme c. II only

d. III only
end rhyme last syllables within a verse rhyme
"The ladies men admire, I've heard,
Would shudder at a wicked word.

rhyme that occurs in the middle of lines

internal rhyme of poetry, instead of at the ends of lines

I drove myself to the lake and dove

into the water.

a similarity between words in

eye rhyme spelling but not in pronunciation
This dough feels rough.
“I came, I saw, I conquered.”
Which type of error can be found?

a. capitalization

b. parallelism

c. punctuation

d. spelling
"Midhoary trees her shadow could be seen"
What poetic problem can be found?

a. anonymous voice

b. archaic design

c. appealing abstraction

d. for the sake of rhyme

"Mon was desperate for a weapon to defend himself
and instantly found the knife resting and tempting."
What problem of narration is evident?

a. needless complication

b. pogo stick

c. sudden omniscience

d. sudden comfort
"Tim is a pitiful specimen. Permanent shaving rash, whiny voice. He
looks crumpled and pale as a parched mushroom. I used to have a
fantasy about him living his eventless little life in the small cupboard
under my stair." What type of POV was used?

writing about past events with

a. detached autobiography a change in perspective

inaccurate, inconsistent,
b. unreliable disoriented

expression of the character's

c. interior monologue thoughts and impressions

speaker's history, psychological

d. dramatic monologue insight into his character
Which of the following is a portmanteau?

a. black gold

b. e-book

c. FAN-ny

d. third and tiny

What is the measure of poetry of Shakespeare’s
sonnet with five pairs of stressed and unstressed
syllables per line?

a. iambic pentameter

b. octosyllabic quatrain

c. iambic heptameter

d. heptasyllabic quatrain
Which of the following is advisable in short
story writing?

a. multiple plots

b. limited characters

c. minimum of 3000 words

d. definite setting
"The dirty, filthy kitchen is the prime suspect for
diarrhea among the household members" What type of
diction error is present?

a. excessive variation

b. use of archaic term

c. use of highfalutin word

d. over modification
John Steinback kept a journal before publishing Grapes
of Wrath. What kind of journal was it?

a. commonplace

b. daily

c. idea

d. working

Alda, R., Abao, E., Dayagbil, F., & Dalagan, J. (2022). Teaching and Assessment of the
Macroskills. LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Arboleda, S. C. S., Pedrosa, J. K. S., & Ramos, K. A. N. (2020). LET Comprehensive Reviewer
LET- TOS PPST-Based English Specialization (Vol. 3). LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Bacus, R., Terogo, I. J., Bustos, R., & Dapat, L. (2022). The Teaching and Assessment of
Literature Studies. LORIMAR Publishing Inc. .
Dapat, L. C., Enoc, J. O., Gonzales, J. B., & Anlagad, D. B. (2021). Structures of English .
LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
De Leon, E., Alda, R., & Bacus, R. (2021). Language Learning Materials Development.
LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Gonzales, J., Baclayon, J., & Bustamante, J. (2022). Children and Adolescent Literature.
LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Guese, B. C., & Antazano, Ma. V. C. (2021). 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and
the World. KLEAFS Publishing .
Mananay, J., & Sumalinog, G. (2021). Language, Culture and Society. LORIMAR Publishing
Santos-Bernardo, C., & Nalundasan-Abijan, R. (2022). English for Academic and Professional
Purposes. REX Book Store.
Tenero, E. V., & Mora, H. S. (2014). The World Masterpieces in Literature. MUTYA Publishing
House, Inc.
Split infinitives are considered to be this type
of grammatical error.
a. Dangling modifier
b. Misplaced modifier
c. Faulty parallelism
d. Tense modifier
Dangling modifier
Having read the book, the film will be a hit.
Misplaced modifier
The minister chatted informally about the cost of living with
several women.
Squinting modifier
Post offices are open on Saturdays only in the country.
Faulty parallelism
I like swimming better than to dive.
Which of the following sentences is in the
subjunctive mood?
a. If I were you, I would review more.
b. They will be releasing the results in 2 months.
c. I have never been this nervous before.
d. She is feeding Mochi right now.
BICS: skills needed in everyday, social face-to-
face interactions; CALP : ___________
a. skills used in interpersonal communication
b. skills used in informal settings to build relationships

c. skills used in the classroom in various areas

d. skills needed to perform tasks beyond the school setting
Jim Cummin’s Iceberg Theory

BICS -Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

CALP -Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

It was the best of time, it was the worst of time. It was the age
of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness...,” Charles Dickens
used ___ in this opening line of his novel.

a. juxtaposition
b. paradox
c. foreshadowing
d. antimetabole
Which of the following is considered a high-
status language?
a. Dominant language
b. Mother language
c. Majority language
d. Lingua franca
Which of the following theories emphasizes the importance of
the translation process being guided by the intended function
or purpose of the target text?

a. Functionalism Theory
b. Idiomatic Expression translation
c. Skopos Theory
d. Literal Translation Approach
“I attached myself to nothing and to nobody.” What character
trait does Gonzalo reveal in this line from “Three Rats”?

a. Pride
b. Indifference
c. Shyness
d. Shyness
One way of using existing symbols to represent the sounds of
language is through a process known as __________

a. rebus writing
b. symbolic writing
c. alphabet writing
d. syllabic writing

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