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Network Basics

Ip addresses
• IPv4 has 4,294,967,296 possible IP addresses
• Items on a network need to be on same range: and can talk
• Port number allows for control signals to be passed if hardware
utilizes it
• DHCP creates a network connection automatically if enabled, if not
enabled you would manually assign the ip address
• UDP connections do not automatically receive a response packet
• TCP connections do automatically receive a response packet: ex. Ping ->received acknowledge back then send message
Serial messaging
• Stream of high and low voltages representing the numbers 0 and 1
• Symbol rate is Baud rate relative to the clock rate
• Packet is a collection of stored “symbols” usually separated by a start
and stop bit message , 0000 1101 0010 0000
• 0 or 1 is a bit
• 0000 is a byte
Types of messages
• Numbers
• Int = integer 0, 5, 30, 256
• Float = decimal number 2.3, 22.222, .0000011119
• Booleans
• 0 or 1
• Gate/bang/digital/logic/on off/
• Toggles vs Momentary
• And or xor not
• or is Interlock in crestron
• Strings
• “hello”
• Analog
• Continuous voltage, computer needs it sampled into discrete (individual) numbers
• Signal -> adc ->computer…does something->dac->out signal
Putting it together
• How would I make a button that lowers the screens on the first press
then undoes this action the second press?
• How would I send a message to pan up a ptz camera?
• How would I make a connection remotely to shut down the projector
and know that my message was received?
• How would I adjust the volume of the room?
• How would I create a system to send messages to OBS over IP to
switch between cameras?
Crestron Basics
• Download suite of products
• UI programming in Vtpro
• Buttons are assigned “join numbers” either digital or analog or strings which
correspond to the configured touchpanel in Simpl (needs to be on the same
network range)
• Toolbox to setup and debug
• Device discovery tool, DMPS tool, Simpl debugger
• Simpl to program the system
• Program, Configure, Compile

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