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Computer Application in Management


Topic 3
Chapter 5

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter you will be able to:-

– Introduction
– The Important of Project management
– Selecting Project
– Project Management Tools
– Critical Path
– Benefits of Project Management Tools

STID 1103 2

What is a Project?
o A project is a special set of activities with a clear beginning
and end.
o Every project has a set of goals, objectives, and tasks.
o Every project must also deal with a set of limitations or
is group of activities that need to be
done in order to accomplish a set of
objectives in a specific time and with
available resources.

Project 3

The five phases of project


Project Management
is the application of a
broad set of skills to
properly initiate,
plan, execute, control
and close a project.

The importance of Project Management
Roles and Responsibilities
The role of the project manager encompasses many activities including:

• Planning and Defining Scope • Risk Analysis

• Activity Planning and • Managing Risks and Issues
• Monitoring and Reporting Progress
Sequencing • Team Leadership
• Resource Planning • Strategic Influencing
• Developing Schedules • Business Partnering
• Time Estimating • Working with Vendors
• Scalability, Interoperability and
• Cost Estimating
Portability Analysis
• Developing a Budget • Controlling Quality
• Documentation • Benefits Realization
• Creating Charts and Schedules 5
Gantt Chart

• Gantt Chart was introduced in 1917 by Henry L. Gantt, an

American engineer and social scientist.

• The chart has been used to control production.

• Until today, Gantt Chart is still being used for the purpose of
project planning and management.

Gantt Chart
• In general, Gantt Chart provides a graphical chart that
shows scheduling to help planning, monitoring, and
tracking resources in a project.

• A simple Gantt Chart can be drawn on a piece of paper

• However, people today have many choices to use varieties

of software to create Gantt Chart.

• Among the software available are Microsoft Project,

Microsoft Visio and SmartDraw.

Gantt Chart
• Gantt chart contains numbers of horizontal bars that show
the required and expected time to complete a project

• The bar represents the time in unit such as months, weeks,

days, hours or minutes.

• Each bar represents one activity in a project.

• Gantt chart can clearly describe the status of one project,

whether it follows the allocated time

How to make Gant Chart :

Gantt Chart :
Math Book

Discovering Computers 2012: Chapter 12 9

Wedding Plan Example :

Discovering Computers 2012: Chapter 12 10

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
• A work breakdown structure (WBS) organizes project work
into manageable tasks which are necessary to carry out and
complete the project.

• The WBS focuses on the work activities, completion of defined

deliverables, and the timing of tasks (taking into account all
factors and constraints that impact the start and end dates of

• The WBS presents project tasks in a hierarchy with major (top-

level) level tasks and subtasks.

WBS of Geographic Information System (GIS)

WBS Tree Diagram – Project
❑ The project manager can view the task more specific than the complex activities, tasks
must be independent and measurable and clearly.

steps 1: Start with the high level tasks or deliverable.

steps 2: identify subtasks
steps 3: describe each tasks

The Gantt Chart in WBS Schedule

Gantt Chart
• Advantages
– Able to identify a duration of time required to complete
one activity, together with the allocated money and
human resources.
• Disadvantages
– Unable to show the relationship between activities
connected to complete one phase
– Unable to show the most critical activity in a project.

PERT Chart

• A PERT chart is a project management tool used to

schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project.

• PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique, a

methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to
manage the Polaris submarine missile program.

• PERT chart was used at that time to show the connection

between activities that have been determined to
complete the project.
PERT Chart

PERT Chart
• PERT chart components:
– Activity
• An activity is labeled with a simple name that explains the
• The name is put on the top of the line that connects two nodes.
• The time to complete the activity is put under the line.
• The unit for the time can be in month, week or days.
– Node
• Node is represented by a small circle that is located at the
beginning and end of an activity.
• A pair of nodes form an activity.
• Number in a node is arranged in an ascending order.

PERT Chart
• Critical Path
– It is represented by the sequence of connected activities
that produce the longest overall time
– All activities and nodes within this sequence are referred
to as being “on” the critical path
– Changes in the critical path will give an impact on the
whole time to complete the project
– Any activity on the critical path that is delayed in
completion will result in delaying the final completion of
the project

PERT Chart

Example 1
• You are working as a marketing executive at Syarikat
Telekomunikasi Mutiara.
• The company plans to implement prepaid
telecommunication services.
• To get information about the market for this new service,
you are assigned to survey the market.
• Construct PERT chart to show the activities involve and
finally determine the critical path.

PERT Chart
Identify activities involve:
• Planning
– The planning for survey (5 days): A
– Questionnaires design (5 days): B
• Preparation
– Hire temporary workers (5 days): C
– Training workers (3 days): D
– Print questionnaires (2 days): E
• Implementation
– Distribute questionnaires (5 days): F
– Analyze questionnaires(5 days): G

PERT Chart

3 E

A 2
5 F
1 2 5 6 G 7
5 C
D 5 5

4 3

PERT Chart

Identify the critical path:

• A-B-E-F-G = 5 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 5 = 22 days
• A-C-D-F-G = 5 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 5 = 23 days
• Critical path is A-C-D-F-G

Determining the Critical Path

PERT Chart

• Advantages
– Helps managers to monitor an ongoing project.
– Using a critical path, managers can detemine
the progress of a project by comparing the
actual time to complete a project with the real
time achieved to complete

PERT Chart vs Gantt Chart

• The PERT chart is sometimes preferred over the Gantt

chart, because it clearly illustrates task dependencies.

• On the other hand, the PERT chart can be much more

difficult to interpret, especially on complex projects.

• Frequently, project managers use both techniques.


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