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Role of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction of
Academic Staffs in Public Higher Education Institution
of Ethiopia:
The Case of Hawassa University (Selected in Agriculture
Campus), Ethiopia
Backgrounds of the Study
• The concept of culture has been defined in a number of ways. According to Dolan and Lingham (2012),
culture is set of values and commonly held beliefs that determine which behaviors are acceptable and
expected for a given group.
• Most discussions of organization culture (Cameron and Quinn, 1988; O’ Reilly and Chatman, 1996;
Schein, 2010) agree that culture is a socially constructed attribute of organizations that serves as the
social glue binding an organization together (Cameron & Quinn, 2011).
• Organizational culture is a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes one
organization from other organizations
• Organizational culture was described by Deal and Kennedy (1982) was the pattern of values, norms,
beliefs, attitudes and assumptions which might not have been articulated but which shape the ways in
which people in organizations behave and things get done. Researchers link job satisfaction with many
factors e.g., fairness of rewards, growth opportunities, participation in decision making, supervisory
support and compensation.
• Higher education institutes and universities are believed to produce human capital
because the academic staffs of higher education institutes make a big community
of this sector.
• According to Peters and Waterman (1982) success of the organization depends on
the brilliance or the excellence of the culture.
• A moral and emotional support of organizational culture of higher education
institution would play its role in different ways.
• In order to raise the satisfaction level of academic staffs this may be helpful for
instructors to give good working effectiveness when students would observe good
ethical behavior from instructors and management they would try to behave in the
same manner after joining their professions.
Statement of the Problem
• The finding of those studies will show hierarchical culture how related to job
satisfaction significantly. On the other hand advocacy, clan and market culture
how will related to job satisfaction positively or negatively.
• The researcher was conducted this research to know really in HU Agricultural
campus from the perspective of creating a sense of interest among the academic
staffs to achieve organizational objective by satisfied employees.
• The researcher was interested to study this topic to narrows the differences
between understandings of the organizational culture on job satisfaction among
academic staffs.
• Tesfatsion (2011) in his study organizational culture and academic staff job
satisfaction; that the hierarchy culture had a negative significant influence on
overall teacher’s job satisfaction. But, it was inferred that the change its
organizational culture as it is desired by its employees.
Objectives of the study
General Objective
• The general objective of this study is to examine the role of organizational culture on
employee job satisfaction of academic staff in Hawassa Agriculture Campus.
 Specific Objectives
• To identify the dominant culture type in the institution.
• To investigate the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction of
academic staff in the campus.
• To identify the cultural type which has more power to influence job satisfaction of
academic staffs.
• To examine the level of job satisfaction of employees, particularly academic staffs in
the institution.
• To explore how each culture dimensions affects satisfaction level of the employees;
• To forward possible solutions as to which norms and beliefs need to be changed and
which others be maintained based on the research findings Ones problems pertaining
Research Questions
• this study to provide answers to the following research questions:
• What is the dominant culture type in the institution?
• Is there significant relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction
of academic staff in the cumpas?
• Which culture type has more power to influence job satisfaction of employees?
• What is the level of job satisfaction of academic staffs?
• How does the organization culture motivate and contributes to the satisfaction
level of employees?
• What measures should the organization take to improve the existing organizational
Research Hypothesis
After identifying the research variables, the researcher develops; the following
hypothesizes for this study.
• Ha1: The dominant culture of Hawassa University Agricultural Campus has
significant impact on job satisfaction level of employees
• Ha2: There is no significant relationship between organizational culture and job
• Ha3: Organizational culture negative impact in job satisfaction
• Ha4: Organizational culture positive impact in job satisfaction
• Ha5: There is no significant relationship between organizational culture and
employee’s job satisfaction
Significance of the Study
This research work will have following major benefits.
• The ultimate beneficiary of this study is HU AC. However, it may also help other
organizations like banks, colleges, hotels, and manufacturing industries, since the
researcher clearly identifies major factors that determine the job satisfaction level
of employees to their job as well as to their organization and recommends
organizations to implement those factors.
• It may also benefit employees of such organizations since all what is being done in
this research is about how to satisfy and make employees actively engaged.
• In the largest context, this research will also benefit government bodies that are in
charge of human resource policy making because the study is conducted in public
sector particularly current most significant area, public higher education.
Scope of the Study

• To make the study manageable the study was attempted to explain the relationship
between the two variables.
• The study aimed at examining the role of organizational culture, based on the
competing values framework which has four independent variables (Hierarchy,
Market, Clan, and Adhocracy) on employee’s job satisfaction which is the
dependent variable in the institution particularly on academic staffs of Hawasa
Agricultural Campus. Therefore, any result found in this study is interpreted in
relation to the organizational culture and academic staff employee’s job
satisfaction of the institution.
Description of the Study Area
• The study area for this research is Hawassa University Agricultural Campus which located in Hawassa City in

Sidama Regen.

• Awassa College of Agriculture was established in July 1976 to offer a 2-year Diploma course with

specialization in Plant Science, Animal Science, Agricultural Engineering and Home Economics with the

objective of training middle level technicians.

• In the 1990-91 academic years the college launched a four-year Program in Plant Production and Dry Land

Farming, Animal Production and Range Land Management and a five-year program in Agricultural

Engineering and Mechanization.

• Awassa College of Agriculture is part of the Hawassa University (or HU). The university was established at

Hawassa in April 2000.

Conceptual Framework
• Conceptual frameworks of the study have independent variables which are organizational
culture and dependent variable job satisfaction.

• The objective of the research is to investigate the role of organizational culture on employee job
satisfaction a particular reference to academic staffs of Hawassa Agricultural Campus based on
clan, market, adhocracy, and hierarchy.

• Adhocracy is innovative & pioneering initiatives to foster entrepreneurship and creativity.

• Clan is about teamwork, employee involvement, and corporate commitment to employees.

• Market culture focuses on drive the organization toward productivity.

• Hierarchy is about standardized procedures and policies.

• The researcher was conducted this study to identify the role of organizational culture types
(adhocracy, clan, market and hierarchy) in academic environment rather than business
environment in order to develop professional manpower supply to the countries with a good
• The researcher wants to identify the influence and contribution of organizational culture types
on job satisfaction academic staffs of Hawassa Agricultural Campus.
The figure below shows the proposed conceptual framework adopted and modified from
Operational Definitions of Variables

• Culture is the learned and shared way of thinking and acting among a group of people or
• Organizational culture: refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that
distinguishes the organization from other organizations.
• Job satisfaction: Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which individuals find fulfillment in
their work.
Organization of the Study
• This research paper consists five chapters. The first chapter includes background of the
study, statement of the problem, research questions, objective of the study, significant of the
study, scope of the study, and organization of the study.
• The second chapter covers the review of related literatures.
• The third chapter is all about research design and methodology of the study. Results and
discussion are discussed under chapter four.
• The last chapter is about summary of major findings, conclusions and recommendations.

In this chapter theoretical and empirical concepts of organizational culture, functions of organizational culture,

characteristics of organizational culture, strong and weak culture, dimensions of organizational culture,

approaches of organizational culture and conceptual framework are included.

Theoretical Review
Concept and Definition of Organizational Culture
• Organization culture is the unique configuration of norms, values, beliefs and ways of behaving.

• Those characterize the manner in which groups and individuals combine to get things done (Armstrong,


• Culture is a system of informal rules that spells out how people are to behave most of the time (Eldridge &

Crombie, 1974).
• Organizational culture reflects the shared and learned values, beliefs, and attitudes of its
members. Organizational culture includes organizational rituals, ceremonies, the language
commonly used, the norms shared by individuals, teams throughout the organization.
•Organizational culture is the system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops
within an organization and guides the behavior of its members. In the business setting, this
system is often referred to as the corporate culture. Just as no two individual personalities
are the same, no two organizational cultures are identical.

• Today management scholars and consultants believe that cultural differences can have a
major impact on the performance of organizations and the quality of work life experienced
by their members (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn & Uhl-Bien, 2010).
Models of Organization Culture
• The organizational culture has several models and dimensions that influence the
job satisfaction, performance, effectiveness and others according to the nature of
the organization.
• According to Handy (1981) organization culture contain role culture, achievement
culture, power culture and support culture.
• The Role orientation assumes that people work most effectively and efficiently
when they have relatively simple, clearly defined, circumscribed and measurable
• The achievement oriented organization makes high demands on its people’s
energy and time, assuming that people actually enjoy working at tasks which are
intrinsically satisfying (Handy, 1981).
• A power culture certain persons are dominant and others subservient. There is a
relatively bounded and stable occurrence of social order based on habits of
deference to authority.
• The Support oriented organization culture offers its members satisfactions which
come from relationships, mutuality, belonging, and connection.
• The leaders are expected to be all knowing as well as all powerful.
• Subordinates are expected to be compliant and willing. At its worst, the Power
organization tends towards a rule by fear (Handy, 1981).
• The Support oriented organization culture offers its members satisfactions which
come from relationships, mutuality, belonging, and connection.
• According to Harrison (1972) categorized the organizational culture what he
called organization ideologies. Power orientated culture has competitive,
responsive to personality rather than expertise. It has a single source of power to
control and influence work and employees due to inequality access of resources,
highly centralization and low formalization modes of operation.
Denison Organizational cultural dimension

• According to Denison (2011), organizational culture has four basic traits that
integrated with its organizational performance and effectiveness that achieve their
setting objective in the organization.
• Involvement organizational cultures characterized as highly involved, strongly
encouraged, employee involvement, and create a sense of ownership and
• Empowerment individuals have the authority, initiative, and ability to manage their
own work. This creates a sense of ownership and responsibility toward the
• Team orientation value is placed on working cooperatively toward common goals
for which all employees feel mutually accountable. The organization relies on team
effort to get work done.
• Capability development the organization continually invests in the development of
employees skills in order to stay competitive and meet ongoing business needs.
Competing Values Framework
• The four culture types of the competing values framework (Hierarchy, Market,
Clan, and Adhocracy) was developed initially from research conducted on the
major indicators of effective organizations. The Competing Values Framework
diagnoses and facilitates change in organizational culture (Cameron & Quinn,
• The Competing Values Framework has been found to have a high degree of
congruence with well-known and well accepted categorical schemes. That
organize the way people think, their values and assumptions, and the ways they
process information.
• The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) is based on the
Competing Values Framework, a theoretical model that is now the dominant
framework in the world for assessing organizational culture (Cameron & Quinn,
• The six items describe some of the fundamental manifestations of organizational
Flexibility and Discretion

Source: (Cameron & Quinn, 1988)

The framework is based on the four dominant culture types (Clan, Adhocracy, Market, and
Hierarchy). Each culture types of competing value framework details are summarize as follows.
Hierarchy (Control) Culture
The organizational culture compatible with this form is characterized by a formalized and
structured place to work. The procedures govern what people do. Effective leaders are good
coordinators and organizers.
• Market (Compete) Culture
• Competitiveness and productivity in market organizations are achieved through a
strong emphasis on external positioning and control in the Figure 2.1. Market
culture, as assessed in the OCAI, is a result oriented workplace. Leaders are hard
driving producers and competitors who are tough and demanding.
• Generally, the basic assumptions in a market culture are that the external
environment is hostile rather than benign. Consumers are choosy and interested in
value, the organization is in the business of increasing its competitive position, and
the major task of management is to drive the organization toward productivity.
• Clan (Collaborate) Culture
• A third ideal form of organization is represented by the upper left quadrant in
Figure 2.1. It is called a clan because of its similarity to a family type organization.
Some basic assumptions in a clan culture are that the environment can best be
managed through teamwork and employee development. Customers are best
thought of as partners, the organization is in the business of developing a humane
• Adhocracy (Create) Culture

• According to Cameroon & Quinn (2011) adhocracy culture, as assessed in the OCAI, is
characterized by a dynamic, entrepreneurial, and creative workplace. People stick their
necks out and take risks.

• Effective leadership is visionary, innovative, and risk oriented. The glue that holds the
organization together is commitment to experimentation and innovation.

• The organization’s long term emphasis is on rapid growth and acquiring new resources.

• Job Satisfaction

• Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which individuals find fulfillment in their work. Job
satisfaction has been linked to employees staying on the job and low job turnover.
• Job satisfaction is the attitudes and feelings people have about their work. Positive
and favorable attitudes towards the job indicate job satisfaction. Negative and
unfavorable attitudes towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction (Armstrong,

• Dimensions of Job Satisfaction

• The level of job satisfaction is affected by intrinsic and extrinsic motivating

factors, the quality of supervision, social relationships with the work group and
the degree to which individuals succeed or fail in their work (Armstrong, 2006).
Empirical Review

• This part of the literature review is designed to present different researches and
empirical studies that have investigated the link between organizational culture
and job satisfaction.
• The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction
• According to Locke (1976) described overall job satisfaction as a pleasurable or
positive emotional state that results from the evaluation of one’s job.
• Ashraf & Rezaie (2015) adopted the competing value frame work and among four
types of organizational culture, hierarchical organizational culture was not related
to job satisfaction significantly. And three types of adhocracy, clan and market
organizational culture were related to job satisfaction positively.
• According to Lund (2003) adopted the competing value framework to explore the
relationship between the four culture types and job satisfaction. The results
pointed out to a positive relationship between clan and adhocracy cultures. On
the other hand, job satisfaction had a negative relationship with hierarchy and
 Introduction
• this section include research design, sample strategy and sampling size, and sources
and methodology of data collection, data analysis and presentation method.
• Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem as well
as understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically (Kotharie,
2004). Research methods may be understood as all those methods/techniques that
are used for conducting of research.
 Research Design
The type of research design undertaken in this study will be explanatory. The nature
of this study leads towards correlation research, investigating the relationship
between organizational culture practiced within the institution and employee job
satisfaction of academic staffs.
Sampling Strategy
• The stratified technique was used. The study grouped the population into strata.
• stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subpopulations that may
differ in important ways. It allows you draw more precise conclusions by ensuring
that every subgroup is properly represented in the sample.
Sample Size
• Total populations of the study will be academic staffs of Agriculture campus of
Hawassa University. There are total of 493 academic staffs in 2021 academic year
at the Campus.
• The study respondents were sampled from three different programs. Based on
Yamane (1967) sample size determination formula, from a total of 493 academic
staff at the university the calculated sample size is 221, at 95 % confidence level
and 0.05 precision levels.
𝑛𝑜 = 1 + N ( e) 2
Where = no is the sample size N= is the population size, and
e = is the level of precision or sampling error
N = 493 e2 = 0.052 = 0.0025
e = 0.05 493× 0.0025 = 1.2325
= 1+ 1.2325 = 2.2325
no = 493/2.2325 = 221
 Source and Method of Data Collection
• In this study, standardized questionnaires will be employed for both
organizational culture through Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument
(OCAI) and job satisfaction through Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS).
• As far as first- hand information is concerned. Probably the ideal data collection
tool and with which most of the data for this study was collected using
questionnaire. The questionnaires have two parts, the (organizational culture
questionnaire) OCQ part which is adopted from Anas (2009) with some
modification will be made to the study’s context; The Job satisfaction part, which
is adopted from MSQ (1967), Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire, again with
some modifications will be made for the study’s context.
 Data Analysis Technique
 In this study for analyzing the data, descriptive analysis used to describe the
behavior of the individual variables over the period under review and the
Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS version 20) will be used.
 . Multiple linear regression will be used to find the value of R, R Square, F.
Pearson Correlation, a significance test of the variables.
 Data entered into IBM SPSS with close supervision of the researchers after which
data cleaning will be conducted throughout the variables.
Factor Analysis

• The analysis was performed using SPSS 20 based on the principal components
factoring method with varimax rotation on the correlations of the observed
• The following criteria were used in making decisions about inclusion or exclusion
of items in scales and sub scales. Items with loading less than 0.40 were excluded
from further analysis as they were considered to be weak (Hair, Black, Babin, &
Anderson, 2010).
• In case of an item cross loaded on two different factors with a loading of less
than 0.40 on the second factor, it was also excluded (Refer appendix: B)
Validity and Reliability of Data
• The OCAI’s reliability and validity were checked by most scholars in the area and
taken as a standardized questionnaire for the organizational culture study.
• Validity of the instrument was examined by matching the domain of effectiveness
in which the organization excelled and the type of decision making, structure and
strategy employed. JSS is one of the few instruments available to measure job
satisfaction that have shown high reliability and high validity as well (Van Saane,
Sluiter, Verbeek, Dresen, 2003).
• The total sample of the study was 221, out of the 221 questionnaires distributed,
214 were returned and 7 were rejected because of poor data quality 214
questionnaires were valid with sufficient amount of response rate of 96.8%.
Babbie (1990) suggests that response rate of 50% is adequate, 60% is good, and
70% or above is very good.
• From this number of respondent where 149(69.63%) of the respondents were
male and 65(30.37%) were female. From this, the number of female instructors is
by far less than male instructors.
• Age of Respondents
20-30 80
31-40 110
41-50 16
Above 50 8
Total 214
Experience of Respondents

Less Than 2 Years 26
2-5 Years 142
6-10 Years 38
Above 10 Years 8
Total 214

Characteristics of Organizational Culture

The results were interpreted by using the means and standard deviations of the organization culture and job satisfaction

Based on the result comparison of clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy type of culture was done.
Table 4.4: Clan Culture

From Table 4.4 indicated that the organization was a very personal place that
extended family and people seems to share had the mean score of 3.75 with the
standard deviation of 1.011.
• Table 4.5: Adhocracy Culture
• From table 4.5 indicated that the status of each indicators of adhocracy culture in
the organization. The management style in the organization characterized by
individual risk-taking, innovation, freedom, and uniqueness with the mean score
of 3.37 and the SD of 1.224.
• Table 4.6: Market Culture
• from table 4.6 indicated that the market cultures had expressed and shows the
status through the indicators of the management style in the organization was
characterized by hard driving competitiveness, high demands, and achievement
had the mean of 3.47 with the SD of 1.187.
• Table 4.7: Hierarchy Culture
• the above table indicated that the hierarchy cultures had expressed and showed
the status through the indicators of the management style in the organization
was characterized security of employment, conformity, predictability, and stability
in relationships had the mean of 4.10 with the SD of 0.929.
Levels of Job Satisfaction
• Table 4.9: level of job satisfaction
• Table 4.9 deals the level of job satisfaction of employees and the descriptive
statistics shows mean value of individual dimension.
• Linearity Test
• Multiple linear regression model assumptions assume there is a linear
relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables.
• From the table it show This employees were satisfied by the promotion activities
of the university.
• The findings revealed that the clan culture is characterized by teamwork, consensus
and participation that the organization together is loyalty, mutual trust and
commitment to this organization runs high. The clan culture role was positively and
significantly related on job satisfaction of the academic staffs.
• The other results indicated that the adhocracy culture is generally considered to
exemplify entrepreneurship, innovating, or risk taking and the glue that holds the
organization together is commitment to innovation and development.
• The adhocracy culture had positive and significant role on job satisfaction of the
academic staffs in HAC.
• The other findings that revealed that the market culture of the organization defines
success on the basis of winning in the marketplace and outpacing the competition
because competitive market leadership is key and the organization emphasizes
competitive actions and achievement the hitting stretch targets and winning in the
marketplace are dominant.
• This culture was also positively correlated and significant role on overall job
• The hierarchy culture had statistically significantly effect on the overall job
satisfaction with negative coefficient of HAC for academic staffs. Which was
consistent with the hierarchy culture affected staff job satisfaction negatively
(Lund, 2003); adopted a competing value frame work to explore the relationship
between organization culture and job satisfaction was consistent with this paper
there is a negative relationship between job satisfaction and hierarchy culture.
• conclusion
• Based on the findings that revealed the study reaches the following conclusion:
• Appreciating females and empowering them can make the university strong in
achieving its objectives and upgrading them as well other academic staffs is important
to the satisfaction level of them.
• Tasks and functions are integrated and coordinated structurally and procedural in the
organization but not clear for the employees.
• There was statistically significant positive correlation between organizational culture
and job satisfaction of academic staff. The four organization culture types were
positively correlated.
• Recommendations
• The university should revise periodically the rules and policies of organization.
• The organization should clearly define success on the basis of efficiency, smooth
scheduling and low cost production for the members.

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