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Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS is a standalone software application that gives the power to individual war fighters to:

1. 2. 3.

Acquire a target remotely and completely stealthy, Improve their Situational Awareness with an innovative way called 4D Augmented Reality (4DAR) Pass the targeting information immediately to a variety of strike platforms

This tri-fold process offers absolute spatial and temporal tactical superiority for the duration of the mission. NEMESiS cannot be detected so it leaves no choices to the enemy. The situation is totally controlled.

Tetra Communications Group


NEMESiS s/w utilizes the UAV video feed (or any other aerial IMINT source video stream i.e. Recce pods, Targeting pods, etc) to directly extract (rip) the target coordinates stored within it (as metadata). It does that by running advanced algorithms that associate each individual video pixel to its corresponding ground coordinates. When the mouse pointer hovers over the video window the actual geographic coordinates are displayed.

These are the target coordinates

Tetra Communications Group

As a collateral outcome of this process, NEMESiS drapes the UAV video dynamically over the actual location it originates from. The user sees the real time UAV video feed floating over the mapping background. This procedure geo-references the UAV video and it substantially improves the users Situational Awareness since the contents of the video are now precisely referenced with regards to the surrounding environment. This process is known as 4D Augmented Reality (4DAR) since it places the observers to the actual operation environment as if they were really there. NEMESiS performs its tasks on both 2D or 3D terrain digital elevation data. It has been extensively tested on several field trials within the US and abroad (Thailand, Greece) under US DoD sponsorship and in conjunction with fielded UAS such as the USMC RAVEN, WASP and PUMA. NEMESiS is currently fielded with various NATO Special Forces under customized configurations.


dynamically means in real time and in real space

Tetra Communications Group


NEMESiS forwards targeting data achieved via the 4DAR process, directly to various Ground, Maritime and Aerial weapon platforms. NEMESiS transmits the targeting data to A/C, H/C, MLRS battalions or any platform that can accept geographic coordinates for targeting purposes. Even unattended infantry machine guns can accept the IDM protocol targeting data and slew towards the target autonomously. NEMESiS is a proven platform and its modules are heavily tested in NATO and US military camps. Field tests are made in more than 25 speechless daCAS operations and a total amount of 100+ military jets have being dedicated to the tests. NEMESiS is currently fully interoperable with Aerovironments sUAVs, Carl Zeiss Optronics LRFs, i-BEAM BFT radios, Symetrics IDM TDLs.

Tactical Radio IDM USB modem

Point-to-Point IDM data dissemination

Target coordinates directly to Aircraft

Video feed from UAV

4D Augmented Reality (Video Draping)

NEMESiS operation sequence

Click the video window to start
Tetra Communications Group

Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS Added Value

Utilizes existing equipment
UAVs and IDM TDLs, are currently widely used in the US and Joint NATO forces. NEMESiS requires no modification of these assets and is ready for use with the existing gear without additional adaptations or costs.

NEMESiS talks to multiple existing aerial, maritime and ground weapon platforms thought the integrated IDM Tactical Data Link. IDM is a low cost TDL in a USB stick form factor that became a standard in Joint and SOF operations. Its open architecture allows Ad-Hoc adaptation to new systems.

Situational Awareness Augmentation

NEMESiS introduces a 4th dimension to the term S.A. by offering the Gods eye view in a precise georeferenced manner. Its not a simulation, but the 4D reality of what happens in the field right when it happens.

All the complex techniques and advanced algorithms that NEMESiS is running are transparent to the user. NEMESiS preloaded modes allow inexperienced personnel to operate NEMESiS efficiently from the very first time. All is required is turn on your gear and youre ready for action.

Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS Added Value

Adds the Strike element to passive IMINT platforms (UAVs)

Warfighers and Decision Makers have the power to control the situation stealthy and remotely. Once a shot is made on a target, NEMESiS offers the by point and click rectification for Fire For Effect without guess work. Time is always the most critical factor in target acquisition after the initial shot is fired. Especially if it is moving target

Force multiplier

NEMESiS maximizes its benefits in small units operations allows where small formations are employed and can assist accomplishing tasks that normally require a fully deployed battalion. A team of two equipped with a s-UAV and a remotely operated artillery system can achieve complete tactical superiority.

Optimization of accuracy

NEMESiS uses a unique algorithm to optimize the accuracy of target coordinates that are extracted from IMINT sources.

Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS Additional Features

Target Coordinates Acquisition with Laser Range Finders
NEMESiS accepts data from high precision, long range (20 Km) LRFs. Point to the target and pull the LRF trigger is all it is required. The target location along with its picture appears on NEMESiS 3-D terrain. Press transmit to sent the target coordinates acquired with the LRF directly to the strikers.

Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS Additional Features

Friendly Forces Protection
Embedded unique Fratricide Prevention features warn the NEMESiS user and the air crews on a potential Friendly Force engagement: NEMESiS displays on the same environment with the target : A. The location of the Friendly Forces (The user can input the FF locations manually) or (Automatically as inputs from BFT radios) . The Fragments Coverage Plots of the selected weapon (The selected weapon is received as input from the On Station message) or (The user can select the weapons used manually)

NEMESiS will transmit the location of the FF to the Air Crews directly, along with the 9-Line message NEMESiS will issue warnings if the FF are within the fragments range of the selected weapon to prevent or call off the strike NEMESiS will warn the dispatched FF through the use of the LynX Long Range BFT radio (vibration) that they are within fragments range (This feature is under development and will be available on Jan 2010)

Fratricide Prevention

9 Line Briefing Card

NEMESiS transmits the location of FF directly to the Air Crews (the Strikers know where FF are)

NEMESiS prevents transmission if FF are within Fragments Range

Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS Additional Features


NEMESiS displays on the same environment the BFT inputs from the LynX Long Range BFT radio. Individual war fighters can use the wrist-worn display to receive the BFT inputs from other radios.

LynX BFT radio

NEMESiS will transmit the Friendly Forces location directly to the attack A/C and H/C so pilots can avoid Blue-on-Blue.

Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS Additional Features

Cell Phone 9-Line

The user can enter the 9-Line to the Cell Phone version of NEMESiS (NEMESiS Lite) and send the data to remote IDMs. This means that a user with a cell phone can now communicate (9-Line and

free text) with the A/C or artillery platforms directly

Tetra Communications Group

NEMESiS Current Status

NEMESiS fully (100%) supports operationally all the AeroVironment fielded UAS (Raven, WASP, PUMA).
To set NEMESiS interoperable with other UAS fielded or unfielded platforms, a software integration on the NEMESiS side (only) is required. This can be considered as an 80% completed integration when referring to interoperability of NEMESiS with additional UAS. As a result, this integration leaves the legacy UAS unaffected thus minimizing the time and costs required for fielding capability. The integration of NEMESiS with 3rd party UAS requires the use of: a. Metadata used by the UAS platform (ICD) b. A software socket adaptation on the NEMESiS side for exchanging data with the UAS Ground Control Station (GCS)

Tetra Communications Group


Acquires targets coordinates from the following sources: Manually Click on the map Laser range finders UAV/Targeting/Recce pod video feeds Can be operated remotely and stealthy Provides Fratricide Prevention
NEMESiS fits perfect for small unit operation since its not depending on calling for support from High Altitude platforms. Once a shot is made on a target, NEMESiS really differentiates itself by point and click rectification for Fire For Effect without guess work. Time is always the most critical factor in target acquisition after the initial shot is fired. Especially if it is a moving target.

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