Crisis Response Strategy

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Crisis response strategy

Under supervision
prof .Dr Marwa Abdelalim
prof .Dr Samah Mohammed Abdullah

Prepared by
Omnia Mohamed Eshtawy
Outline :
 Introduction

 Definition of crisis and crisis response

 Definition of crisis intervention

 Enumerate element of crisis response

 Describe types of crisis and crisis response

Outline :
 Importance of crisis response

 Crisis response strategy

 Phases of Crisis intervention

 Role of the nurse

Objective :

 Identify crisis and crisis response

 identify crisis intervention

 List element of crisis response

 Discuss type of crisis and crisis response


 List important of crisis response

 Mention crisis response strategy

 Identify Phases of Crisis intervention

 Discuss Role of the nurse

Introduction :
 Crises are negative changes in the human or
 Environmental
 Crisis situations require assessment and treatment methods that
differ in a number of ways from
 methods used in non-crisis situations

 crisis interventions
 characterized by a "here-and-now" orientation, a time-
limited course of intervention
Definition :

 Crisis ;sudden event in our life

 A "crisis" involves a disruption of an individual's normal or stable

Crisis :
any event that is unexpected lead to, an unstable and
dangerous situation affecting an individual
group ,community or whole society
Crisis :

 can be defined as a period of psychological disequilibrium, experienced

as a result of a hazardous event or situation.

Crisis response:

 emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after crises in order to
save lives reduces health impact, ensure public safety and meet the basic subsistence need
of the people affected.
Crisis Response:
 The crisis response is what management does and says
after the crisis hits

 Public relations plays a critical role in the crisis response

by helping
Crisis response:
 Crisis Response refers to all the advance planning and actions

taken to address natural and man-made disasters, crises,

critical incidents, and tragic events.

Definition of Crisis intervention:

 Crisis intervention refers to a therapist entering into the

life situation of an individual or family to alleviate the
impact of a crisis to help mobilize the resources of those
directly affected.
Element of crisis response

 Clearly identified team roles and responsibilities

 formal assessment team

 Effective Action Planning

 Effective crisis management team communication

Importance of crisis response
 relieve current symptoms

 help identify, factors that led to crisis

 use measures/resources to restore pre-crisis level of functioning

 help develop adaptive coping strategies for current and future

Types of crisis :
 Developmental crises

 Situational crisis

 Adventitious Crisis
Developmental crises (Maturational Crisis):

 developmental crises are normal

transitional phases that are expected as

 people move from one stage of life to


Developmental crises are part of the normal flow of human growth in

which change occurs such as ; puberty, adolescence, young adulthood,

aging process
Situational crisis:

extraordinary events occur that an individual has no way of


For example, ; death, divorce, illness, and community disasters.

Maturational and situational response

1) Encourage the person to express their thoughts and concerns

2) shared problem-solving approach.

3) Avoid being defensive.

1) Listen.

2) Be calm and act calm .

3) Respect personal space.

4) Demonstrate respect.
Social crisis (Adventitious Crisis)

 Are accidental, un common & un anticipated, that occurs outside the individual.

 It is not a part of everyday life.

 Example : Natural disasters.

Natural disaster
 These crises often stem from weather and environmental conditions,
including storms, droughts, floods, and wildfires
Strategy to response

must build structures that can withstand extreme weather

and natural disasters in the area and create plans to put

operations back online as quickly as possible .

Types of crisis response strategies
 Proactive crisis response strategy

 Responsive crisis response strategy

 Recovery crisis response strategy

Proactive crisis
 This strategy requires planning for a potential crisis to either
prevent it or mitigate its effects

 It involves identifying threats, monitoring them and creating

plans to reduce their impact on your health organization
Responsive crisis

 This is a strategy that helps address crises to limit

their impact on your health organization

Recovery crisis

Recovery crisis management helps a

stabilize after a sudden disruption
Crisis response strategy
 The initial crisis response

 Reputation repair and behavioral intentions.

Initial Crisis Response
 Be quick and try to have initial response within the first hour.

 Be accurate by carefully checking all facts.

 Be consistent by keeping spokes people informed of crisis events and

key message points.

 Make public safety the number one priority.

 Use all of the available communication channels including the Internet, Intranet, and mass

notification systems.

 Provide some expression of concern/sympathy for victims.

Be ready to provide stress and trauma counseling to victims of
the crisis and their families.
Reputation Repair
 Attack the accuser: crisis manager confronts the person or group claiming something is
wrong with the health care organization.

 Denial: crisis manager asserts that there is no crisis.

Scapegoat: crisis manager blames some person or group outside of the organization for the crisis.

Excuse: crisis manager minimizes organizational responsibility by denying intent to do harm and/or

claiming inability to control the events that triggered the crisis.


Justification: crisis manager minimizes the perceived damage caused by the crisis.

Reminder: crisis managers tell stakeholders about the past good works of the


Ingratiation: crisis manager praises persons for their actions.

Compensation: crisis manager offers money or other gifts to victims.


Apology: crisis manager indicates the organization takes full

responsibility for the crisis and asks people for forgiveness.

phases of crisis intervention
There are four phases of crises intervention ;

1. Assessment

2. Planning

3. Intervention

4. Evaluation
 . Assessment process attempts to answer questions such as:

 - What has happened (identify the problem)

 - Who is involved?

 - What is the cause?

 - How serious is the problem?


 -Assist in the development of new coping and problem - solving skills as


 -Explored solution for this problem.

 - Identify Steps for achieving this solution.

 - Identify expected outcome.

 -Assist in identification of available support systems

 -Provide guidance about how to develop and maintain support system


 depends on prelisting skills, creativity and flexibility of the crisis worker and rapidly response of the


 The crisis worker helps the individual to establish an intellectual understanding of the crisis by noting

the relationship between precipitating factors and the crisis.


 It is goal directed and focuses on the implementation of measures to solve the problem.

 Introduce client to persons or groups who have successfully undergone the same experience .

 Assist in identification of alternatives.


 Take initial steps to make client feel safe and lower anxiety. safety intervenes to prevent

violence angry.

 Listen attentively and encourage client to discuss crisis situation.

 Facilitate verbalization of thoughts and feelings.


 During the evaluation phase of crisis intervention, reassessment must occur to ascertain

that the intervention reducing tension and anxiety.

 It involves the examination of behavioral outcomes and the intervention toward

achieving goals of crisis intervention.

Role of nurse

1. keep things in perspective, prioritize.

2. Share your worries with family and friends.

3. Increased knowledge helps to alleviate fears - clear up any misconceptions and give

yourself the tools and resources to cope.


4. Don't be too hard on yourself.

5. Set realistic goals.

6. Exercise regularly and eat healthily.

7. Practice relaxation techniques.

9. Have fun with your family and friends, think positive and enjoy new


10. Remember: it is normal to have setbacks - they can be overcome.

 Aguilera, D. C. 1990. Crisis intervention: Theory and methodology (6th ed.). St. Louis:

 O. Bloch, Corporate Identity and Crisis Response Strategies,

 DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-06222-4_1, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2014

 Bundy, Jonathan; Pfarrer, Michael D.; Short, Cole E.; Coombs, W. Timothy (2017). "Crises
and Crisis Management: Integration, Interpretation, and Research Development". Journal
of Management. 43 (6): 1661–1692. doi:10.1177/0149206316680030. S2CID 152223772

 Source: Goh, M H (2016) A Manager's Guide to Implement Your Crisis Management Plan,
GMH Pte Ltd.

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