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Modal verbs

English II- Groups 27 and 19

Let’s start talking about situations and
what these situations can provide.
Moral obligation You mustn’t park in here.
Remote possibility Use that tool, it may help you.
Subtle recommendation You should see a doctor, bro.
Ability She traveled all night, she must be tired.
Strong obligation You have to sign this if you want to finish the contract.
Possibility You must learn french if you want to move to Quebec.
No obligation I see dark clouds in the horizon, it might rain later.
Strong recommendation I think you could ask at that office.
Wish OMG, she can speak four languages perfectly.
Basic recommendation You ought to quit smoking Sir.
Prohibition You don’t have to send all the files again.
Hypothesis She told me she would like to start a new life.
Let’s start talking about situations and
what these situations can provide.
Moral obligation
You must learn french if you want to move to Quebec.
Remote possibility
I see dark clouds in the horizon, it might rain later.
Subtle recommendation
I think you could ask at that office.
OMG, she can speak four languages perfectly.
Strong obligation
You have to sign this if you want to finish the contract.
Use that tool, it may help you.
No obligation
Strong recommendation You don’t have to send all the files again.
Wish You ought to quit smoking Sir.
Basic recommendation She told me she would like to start a new life.
Prohibition You should see a doctor, bro.
Hypothesis You mustn’t park in here.
She traveled all night, she must be tired.
Recommendations: subtle, basic and strong.

You COULD ask the man in that table.

You SHOULD ask the man in that table so that

you don’t make mistakes.

You OUGHT TO start these therapies soon, you

really need them.
Possibilities and ability.

This book MAY help you in your process.

I don’t know, try that product, it MIGHT

help you lose weigh.

They CAN make amazing house plans.

Obligation: moral, strong and no-obligation.
 YouMUST read all those books if you really want
to be up-to-date.
 YouHAVE TO put these two things together,
otherwise it won’t work.
 No excuses, you MUST come to my party.
 No, no, you DON’T HAVE TO pay again, wait!
Hypothesis, wish and prohibition.

So the guards took your father’s car? Oh, he

MUST be very angry at you.

You know? I WOULD love to study another


No, you MUSTN’T enter this room, it’s only

for authorized staff.
Could and can: requests and offerings.

COULD you please help me fill this document?

CAN you read this for me?

CAN I help you?

What do you think?

Sara usually gets anxious when she has

an exam.

I think she should practice medidation so

that she can control her anxiety during
What do you think?

She just finished her

career, but she isn’t able
to find a job in her
professional area.
What do you think?

Andrea is sad because she broke up

with her boyfriend. He’s a handsome
man, but he was not a good man, he
mistreated her a lot. He doesn’t
deserve her heart.
What do you think?

Our market basket is becoming

unaffordable. What can we do?
What do you think?

According to FAO, Colombia will

experience extreme hunger in the
upcoming years. The situation is getting
worse as the venezuelan citizens
increase the numbers of people in
The current English program may be difficult
for students who have a weak background in
the foreign language due to limitations in
their high school experience. At university,
many students need to get help in the support
program offered by the Language Department,
otherwise they wouldn't be able to follow the
course's pace.
The current English program is difficult for
students who have a weak background in the
foreign language, in particular those who
come from areas where education is limited
due to different reasons.
The traffic in the south of Cali is very difficult
because of the public works on the roads, the
Increasing number of vehicles and the lack of streets.

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