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UCSD Physics 10

Special Relativity
Einstein messes with space and time
UCSD Physics 10

How Fast Are You Moving Right Now?

• 0 m/s relative to your chair
• 400 m/s relative to earth center (rotation)
• 30,000 m/s relative to the sun (orbit)
• 220,000 m/s relative to the galaxy center (orbit)
• 370,000 m/s relative to the CMB cosmic wallpaper
Relative to What??
• This is part of the gist of special relativity
– it’s the exploration of the physics of relative motion
– only relative velocities matter: no absolute frame
– very relevant comparative velocity is c = 300,000,000 m/s

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UCSD Physics 10

A world without ether

• For most of the 19th century, physicists thought that space
was permeated by “luminiferous ether”
– this was thought to be necessary for light to propagate
• Michelson and Morley performed an experiment to
measure earth’s velocity through this substance
– first result in 1887
– Michelson was first American to win Nobel Prize in physics
• Found that light waves don’t bunch up in direction of earth
– shocked the physics world: no ether!!
– speed of light is not measured relative to fixed medium
– unlike sound waves, water waves, etc.

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UCSD Physics 10

Speed of light is constant: so what?

• Einstein pondered: what would be the
consequences of a constant speed of light
– independent of state of motion (if at const. velocity)
– any observer traveling at constant velocity will see light
behave “normally,” and always at the same speed
• Mathematical consequences are very clear
– forced to give up Newtonian view of space and time as
completely separate concepts
– provides rules to compute observable comparisons
between observers with relative velocity
• thus “relativity”: means relative state of motion

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UCSD Physics 10

Simultaneity is relative, not absolute

Observer riding in spaceship at
constant velocity sees a flash of
light situated in the center of the
ship’s chamber hit both ends at
the same time

But to a stationary observer (or any

observer in relative motion), the
condition that light travels each way
at the same speed in their own frame
means that the events will not be
simultaneous. In the case pictured,
the stationary observer sees the flash
hit the back of the ship before the

Spring 2008 5
UCSD Physics 10

One person’s space is another’s time

• If simultaneity is broken, no one can agree on a universal
time that suits all
– the relative state of motion is important
• Because the speed of light is constant (and finite) for all
observers, space and time are unavoidably mixed
– we’ve seen an aspect of this in that looking into the distance is the
same as looking back in time
• Imagine a spaceship flying by with a strobe flashing once
per second (as timed by the occupant)
– the occupant sees the strobe as stationary
– you see flashes in different positions, and disagree on the timing
between flashes: space and time are mixed
• see description of light clock in text
• Space and time mixing promotes unified view of spacetime
– “events” are described by three spatial coordinates plus a time

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UCSD Physics 10

The Lorentz Transformation

• There is a prescription for transforming between
observers in relative motion
ct’ = (ct  vx/c); x’ = (x  vt); y’ = y; z’ = z
– “primed” coordinates belong to observer moving at
speed v along the x direction (relative to unprimed)
– note mixing of x and t into x’ and t’
• time and space being nixed up
– multiplying t by c to put on same footing as x
• now it’s a distance, with units of meters
– the  (gamma) factor is a function of velocity:

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The gamma factor

• Gamma () is a measure of how whacked-out relativistic
you are

• When v = 0,  = 1.0
– and things are normal
• At v = 0.6c,  = 1.25
– a little whacky
• At v = 0.8c,  = 1.67
– getting to be funky
• As vc, 

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What does  do?

• Time dilation: clocks on a moving platform appear to tick
slower by the factor 
– at 0.6c,  = 1.25, so moving clock seems to tick off 48 seconds per
– standing on platform, you see the clocks on a fast-moving train
tick slowly: people age more slowly, though to them, all is normal
• Length contraction: moving objects appear to be
“compressed” along the direction of travel by the factor 
– at 0.6c,  = 1.25, so fast meter stick will measure 0.8 m to
stationary observer
– standing on a platform, you see a shorter train slip past, though the
occupants see their train as normal length

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UCSD Physics 10

Why don’t we see relativity every day?

• We’re soooo slow (relative to c), that length
contraction and time dilation don’t amount to
– 30 m/s freeway speed has v/c = 10-7
  = 1.000000000000005
– 30,000 m/s earth around sun has v/c = 10-4
  = 1.000000005
• but precise measurements see this clearly

Spring 2008 10
UCSD Physics 10

Velocity Addition
• Also falling out of the requirement that the speed of light is
constant for all observers is a new rule for adding velocities
• Galilean addition had that someone traveling at v1 throwing
a ball forward at v2 would make the ball go at v1+v2
• In relativity,

– reduces to Galilean addition for small velocities

– can never get more than c if v1 and v2 are both  c
– if either v1 OR v2 is c, then vrel = c: light always goes at c

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Classic Paradoxes
• The twin paradox:
– one twin (age 30) sets off in rocket at high speed, returns to earth
after long trip
– if v = 0.6c, 30 years will pass on earth while only 24 will pass in
high speed rocket
– twin returns at age 54 to find sibling at 60 years old
– why not the other way around?
• Pole-vaulter into barn
– high-speed runner with 12 meter pole runs into 10 meter barn;
barn door closes, and encompasses length-contracted 9.6 m pole
(at 0.6c)
– but runner sees barn shrunken to 8 m, and is holding 12 m pole!
– can the barn door close before the pole crashes through the back?
– resolution in lack of simultaneity: “before” is nuanced

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If I’m in a car, traveling at the speed of light…

• If I turn on my headlights, do they work?
• Answer: of course—to you, all is normal
– you are in an un-accelerated (inertial) frame of reference
– all things operate normally in your frame
• To the “stationary” outsider, your lights look weird
– but then again, so do you (because you’re going so fast)
– in fact, at the speed of light, all forward signals you send arrive at
the same time you do
• And the outside, “stationary” world looks weird to you
• But I must inquire: how did you manage to get all the way
up to the speed of light?!

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UCSD Physics 10

What would I experience at light speed?

• It is impossible to get a massive thing to travel
truly at the speed of light
– energy required is mc2, where  as vc
– so requires infinite energy to get all the way to c
• But if you are a massless photon…
– to the outside, your clock is stopped
– so you arrive at your destination in the same instant you
leave your source (by your clock)
• across the universe in a perceived instant
– makes sense, if to you the outside world’s clock has
stopped: you see no “ticks” happen before you hit

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E = mc2 as a consequence of relativity

• Express 4-vector as (ct, x, y, z)
• describes an “event”: time and place
• time coordinate plus three spatial coordinates
• factor of c in time dimension puts time on same footing as space (same
• We’re always traveling through time
– our 4-velocity is (c, 0, 0, 0), when sitting still
• moving at speed of light through time dimension
– stationary 4-momentum is p = mv(mc, 0, 0, 0)
– for a moving particle, p = (mc, px, py, pz)
• where px, etc. are the standard momenta in the x, y, and z directions
• the time-component times another factor of c is interpreted as energy
– conservation of 4-momentum gets energy and momentum
conservation in one shot

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UCSD Physics 10

E = mc2, continued
  can be approximated as
 = 1 + ½v2/c2 + …(small stuff at low velocities)
• so that the time component of the 4-momentum  c is:
mc2 = mc2 + ½mv2 + …
– the second part of which is the familiar kinetic energy
• Interpretation is that total energy, E = mc2
– mc2 part is ever-present, and is called “rest mass energy”
– kinetic part adds to total energy if in motion
– since  sticks to m in 4-momentum, can interpret this to mean mass
is effectively increased by motion: m  m
– gets harder and harder to accelerate as speed approaches c

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UCSD Physics 10

Experimental Confirmation
• We see time dilation in particle lifetimes
– in accelerators, particles live longer at high speed
• their clocks are running slowly as seen by us
• seen daily in particle accelerators worldwide
– cosmic rays make muons in the upper atmosphere
• these muons only live for about 2 microseconds
• if not experiencing time dilation, they would decay before reaching
the ground, but they do reach the ground in abundance
• We see length contraction of the lunar orbit
– squished a bit in the direction of the earth’s travel around the sun
• E = mc2 extensively confirmed
– nuclear power/bombs
– sun’s energy conversion mechanism
– bread-and-butter of particle accelerators

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UCSD Physics 10

• Relativity Visualized
– by Lewis Carroll Epstein
• movie

• Assignments
– Q/O #3 due today by midnight
– Partial read of Chapters 9 & 10 (pages on assignment page)
– Read Chapters 35 & 36 on relativity
– HW5: 9.R.13, 9.E.9, 9.E.14, 9.E.43, 9.P.7, 10.E.16, 35.R.27,
35.E.6, 35.E.19, 35.E.20, 35.E.37, 35.P.3, 35.P.10, 36.R.7, 36.E.2,

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