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Culled by: Charlemagne James P. Ramos
Code of Ethics and Professional
Canon 1 - Primary Responsibility Canon 8 - Practice of the Profession
Canon 2 - The Criminology Canon 9 - Malpractice of the
Profession profession
Canon 3 - Attitude Towards the Canon 10 - Decorum
Profession Canon 11 - Continuing Professional
Canon 4 - Attitude Towards Fellow Development
Criminologists Canon 12 - Law enforcement Code
Canon 5 - Private Conduct of Ethics
Canon 6 - Conduct Towards the Canon 13 - Sanctions and Penalties
Public Canon 14 - Observance of due
Canon 7 - Limitation of Authority Process
Canon 1. Primary Responsibility
Rule 1. The fundamental and basic responsibility Of every Registered
Criminologist in the society is to bear faithful allegiance to the Republic of the
Philippines. They shall support the Philippine Constitution, its laws and other
lawful orders and administrative regulations. They shall observe and defend the
principle of liberty and religious freedom of everyone.
Rule 2. Every Registered Criminologist shall respect the rule of law, and legal
processes in both judicial and quasi-judicial bodies and also other administrative
bodies such as the Professional Regulation commission; the Commission on
Higher Education as well as the PCAP Rules and Regulations and other PCAP-
recognized professional associations .
Rule 3. Registered Criminologists shall strive to continuously improve their skills
and impart to others valuable information and practices that they acquired on
their practice of the profession especially those that would benefit the general
public in terms of safety and welfare.
CANON 2. The Criminology Profession
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists shall protect the public from those individuals who are not
qualified to practice the Criminology profession by reason of deficiency in the educational
requirements and qualifications, or moral standards, or by law.
Rule 2. Registered Criminologists shall assists the courts and other quasi-judicial bodies in the
administration and dispensation of civil, administrative, and criminal proceedings. They shall be
upholders of the law, its bounds, literate of the limitations and implications, and recognize the
system of government that gives no man, group of institution absolute power. They must also
ensure that they are the prime defenders of that system and as such, they must never pervert its
Rule 3. Registered Criminologists shall strive to engage in continuing professional development in
the field of criminological research, forensics, policing, harness their skills, competencies, and
disseminate practical and useful information relating to matters accruing to the benefit of public
safety and welfare.
Rule 4. Registered Criminologists, in the performance of their sworn duty and in dealing with
others, must be just, impartial and reasonable, never act according to anyone's preferential
treatment. They shall recognize the limitation of their authority and at no time use the power of
their profession for personal advantage and benefit.
CANON 3. Attitude Towards the
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists shall strive to make the best application of
science to the prevention and solution of crimes. Strive for an effective
contributing member of society on matters affecting public safety and
Rule 2. Registered Criminologists shall value the importance of his profession as
an honorable service provider to the community and country in the field of
criminological research, public safety, policing and forensic sciences.
Rule 3. Registered Criminologists shall avoid outside influence from overzealous
and disgruntled parties. Their findings shall be based solely and entirely on
logical and scientific deductions and conclusions derived from a fair and
impartial examination personally performed by them and with the aid of the
legally authorized Criminologist practitioners .
Rule 4. Registered Criminologists must never lose sight of the important fact that
they shall only work for the truth and nothing but the ultimate truth and justice.
CANON 4. Attitude Towards Fellow Criminologists
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists shall strive constantly to improve professional
standing of Criminology profession through association with other professional groups
in the profession and keeping abreast with the fast moving world of science and
technology through constant research and development.
Rule 2. Registered Criminologists shall cooperate fully with fellow criminologists
regardless of personal prejudice. They should however, be assured that such action is
proper and in accordance with law and guard against the use of his office or person,
knowingly or unknowingly in any improper or illegal action. They shall always bear in
mind at all times that it is not sufficient to be proficient in one's work, they must also
have a high sense Of justice, a belief in the dignity and worth of all men and a proper
motivation and attitude, They must possess a sense of dedication to their profession
and a sense of duty and obligation to his fellowmen.
Rule 3. Registered Criminologists shall cooperate with fellow criminologists and public
officials to the end that safety and general welfare of the public would be assured,
never permitting jealousies or personal differences to influence their professional
duties and obligations with anybody, client or not.
CANON 5. Private Conduct
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists must be mindful of their special identification
by the public as an upholder of the law. They must never be lax in conduct or
manner in private life, express disrespect for the law, nor seek to gain special
privilege that would be reflective upon the profession. He must so conduct his
private life that the public will regard him as an exemplar of stability, fidelity and

Rule 2. Registered Criminologists must be strive to elevate the standing of the

profession in the public mind, strengthen public confidence in law enforcement,
develop and maintain complete support and cooperation of the public and
insure the effectiveness by encouraging complete cooperation of members of
their mutual benefit and the upliftment of the profession.
CANON 6. Conduct Towards the Public
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists shall be reminded at all times that dignity,
fairness and genuine willingness to help are essential to their public image and
their ability to do a good job.

Rule 2. Registered Criminologists shall be mindful of their responsibility to the

whole community, deal with individuals of the community in a manner
calculated to instill respect for its laws and her profession.

Rule 3. Registered Criminologists shall be courteous responsible by being

punctual and expeditious in their engagements and duties. They shall regard
their profession as a public trust and in the discharge of their duties, bear
constantly in mind their obligation to serve the public efficiently and effectively
and without fear or favor and partiality to any party.
CANON 7. Limitation of Authority
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists shall uphold the rule of law including the observance of due
process at all times and circumstances; recognize and respect the human rights of everyone,
obey the laws, orders and administrative regulations of all agencies and likewise observe the
legal processes whether in the judicial, quasi-judicial or other administrative bodies.
Rule 2. Registered Criminologists shall respect the democratic principles, liberties of another,
their sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation, including the time honored rights
of women and their children, the marginalized, the elderly and the physically-handicapped
members of society.
Rule 3. In the performance of their professional duties and obligations, Registered
Criminologists shall be aware of their limitations as professionals in the field of Criminology,
recognize the system of government that gives no one or group absolute power and they
must the number one defender of that system and as such, they must never pervert its
Rule 4. In the performance of their duties, Registered Criminologists shall be just, impartial
and reasonable on professional dealings with clients in particular and in the public in general.
They shall recognize the limitation of their authority and in no time use the power of their
profession for personal advantage and preference in any given situation.
CANON 8. Practice of Profession
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists shall exercise the profession with utmost skills
and competence, decency and in the performance of their sworn duty, shall act
with justice, give everyone of his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
Rule 2. Registered Criminologists shall make the professional services with highest
integrity, independence, efficiency and effectiveness in the discharge of the
profession. In charging professional fees, it shall be reasonable and
commensurate to the services rendered. They shall maintain utmost
confidentiality of information, records, and cases handled by them regardless of
the kind of service (private or public) the professional is engaged in and whether
for fee or free.
Rule 3. Registered Criminologists are committed to a life of service to others. They
shall protect life, property and the welfare of the people and most importantly, as
agents and instruments of justice and fair play in the society. In serving others,
they shall be prepared for heroic sacrifice and genuine selflessness in carrying out
their personal and professional duties even at the expense of personal gain.
CANON 9. Malpractice of the Profession All
Registered Criminologists shall:
Rule 1. Never engage directly or indirectly in any act or Rule 4. Those Registered Criminologists who are in Law
conduct which is unlawful, dishonest, deceitful, or those Enforcement and other government services shall not use
deemed as graft and corrupt practices, or steal in whatever their position or rank to promote, favor, or advance their
amount and degree, any original creation of other private practice and/or business interests, nor allow to
professionals. Violation of this Rule may constitute interfere with their duties and responsibilities. Violation of
immoral or gross misconduct which may cause an outright this Rule may constitute unethical and unprofessional
termination as member of the PCAP, Inc. depending on the conduct.
nature and gravity of the specific offense. Rule 5. Those Registered Criminologists who were convicted
of crime involving moral turpitude shall be separately
Rule 2. Not use or permit the use of any false, fraudulent,
investigated to determine his/her fitness to practice
misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-laudatory or unfair
Criminology profession.
statement or claim regarding his qualifications or services.
Rule 6. Shall not refuse to admit prospective clients by
Violation of this Rule may constitute unethical and
reason of poverty and the like. Violation of this Rule may
unprofessional conduct which may merit or cause
constitute unethical conduct.
suspension of membership with the PCAP, Inc.
Rule 3. Not delegate to any unqualified person the
performance of any tasks which by mandate of
professional regulatory law or regulations may only be
performed by a Registered Criminologist. Violation of this
Rule may constitute unethical and unprofessional conduct.
CANON l0. Decorum
Rule 1. As role models, Registered Criminologists shall encourage their clients,
students, and anybody not to do any act which would vex, humiliate, blacken the
reputation and honor, of any professional; shall not cause, do any act of
meddling, prying, and intriguing anyone's private and professional life.
Rule 2. Registered Criminologists shall strive to actively involve themselves in the
professional and civic affairs of the criminology association and on other
activities sanctioned by it (PCAP, Inc) especially those that would enhance their
profession .
Rule 3. Registered Criminologists shall endeavor and give utmost respect to
one's or other's religious belief and spiritual preference. They shall not do any
act and even say anything that would hurt or degrade their stance on spiritual
CANON 11- Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Rule 1. Registered Criminologists shall be abreast with the current trends,
practices and developments of the Criminology profession and shall therefore
actively participate in the CPD activities of the profession and comply with the
number of units required by law and existing legal orders and regulations issued
by the Professional Regulatory Board of Criminology and of the Prðfessional
Regulation Commission and the national government in general.

Rule 2. All Registered Criminologists shall mandatorily observe and comply with
RA 10912 on CPD and other related requirements which will enhance their
professionalism, competence and skills and more importantly, ethics and values
as God-fearing and law abiding Filipino professionals.
CANON 12. Law enforcement Code of Ethics and Other
Rule 1. To Registered Criminologists who are in law enforcement service
universally accepted Code of Ethics for Law Enforcement shall be applicable to
them and it is true even if they are already out of the government service.
Rule 2. The Code of Good Governance for the Professions in the Philippines
which was initiated and adopted by the Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC) shall also be strictly observed by Registered Criminologists.
Rule 3. The letter and spirit of the Oath of professionals as well as the
Panunumpa Sa Kapisanan PCAP which were both subscribed to by the members
during Oathtaking Ceremonies shall also be strictly observed and adhered to by
CANON 13. Sanctions and Penalties
Rule 1. Any member of the Association who violated any provision of the Code
of Ethics and Professional Responsibility of Registered Criminologists shall be
penalized as follows:
1.1 For violation of Canons 9, 11 and 12 which are considered Grave the penalty
shall be termination as member in good standing of the Criminology Profession.
1.2 For violation of other Canons which are deemed Less Grave, the sanction
shall be suspension.
1.3 For violation of any of the Canons which are minor ones, the impossible
penalty shall be admonition or reprimand.
CANON 14. Observance of Due Process
Rule 1. For purposes of imposing discipline on tis members, a Committee of
Discipline shall be organized. Its head shall be the sitting chairperson of the
Professional Regulatory Board, the President of the PCAP, as its member and the
President of PEACE, as the other member. The Committee may appoint another
member who would also serve as a secretary with no voting power.
Rule 2. Before any member of the PCAP can be administratively sanctioned or
penalized for violation of this Code, said member shall be properly accorded a
fair and lawful hearing.
Rule 3. The investigation shall be fact-finding and summary in nature and the
Rules of Procedure in Administrative Investigations by the Civil Service Laws shall
be applicable in suppletory character to those that may be promulgated and
adopted by the PCAP, Inc.
Rule 4. Before an aggrieved member can take judicial review, he/she may file an
administrative appeal to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) whose
administrative decision is final.

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