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Unit 1 : Lesson 1: Etiquette of entering or leaving a house

Grade :4
Recite the Holy Quran( Al-Nur:61)

“when you enter houses, salute one another with greetings from
Allah , blessed and sweet”
Learning Objective:

At the end of this lesson students will be able to:

• Study the dua’ on entering and leaving a house.

• Apply the etiquette of entering and leaving a house

Competence: Teamwork
Value : Care
Group A Group B Group C

 investigate about the etiquette of • study the etiquette of entering or • discuss and summarize the
entering or leaving a house (page leaving a house(page no: 12 and etiquette of entering or leaving a
no: 12 and 13) and answer the 13) and answer the questions ( 4 , house(page no:12 and 13) and
questions(7 I Think to be creative 5 , 6 in page no: 14) and organize the concept(page
page no:14) • write the suitable dua for no:15).
• What is the impact of following entering and leaving • list the etiquette of entering and
the etiquette of entering or house(activity 3: page no: 17) leaving house.
leaving house in our social life? • What are the benefits of
(Research) following the etiquette of
• Find out the dua (Arabic) one entering or leaving the house?
should say while entering or
leaving the house and complete it
in page no: 17(activity 3)(H.W)
How to enter a house?
How to move out of a house?
Let’s watch a video
‫اللهم إني أسألك خير املولج وخير املخرج باسم هللا توكلت على هللا وال حول‬
‫باسم هللا ولجنا وباسم هللا خرجنا وعلى هللا وال قوة إال باهلل العلي العظيم‬
• I greet my parents with “Assalamu alaykum”
• I help my parents to clean the house

• Saves the household from trouble.

• Respects their privacy.
• Teaches beautiful education etiquette

Disrespect and troubles in the community

I will buy him a book on home etiquette.

I will suggest him to watch a video on home etiquette
UAE Connect:
the hospitality of the people of UAE
• ensure the majlis is kept tidy to
receive guests .
• It is also perfumed with Oud to
welcome guests
• guests are invited to sit in places of
honor within the room.
• They are gentle and warm to the
Group A Group B

• analyze the ayah (Surah-an-Nur:61: • select appropriate answers for the

page no: 15) and complete the table of situations about etiquette
activities(My Imprint :page no: of entering or leaving house
15 ,Activity 2 : page no: 16) (Activity 1: page no: 16)
• find out the ayah that speaks • memorize the dua while entering
about the times of the etiquette of or leaving the house
entering or leaving a
house(Research work)
Recite the Holy Quran( Al-Nur:61)

“when you enter houses, salute one another with greetings from
Allah , blessed and sweet”
Following the Islamic rules.
Considering the feelings of others

Recall the etiquette of entering and leaving house.

• Enter with right foot • Ask permission to leave.

• I greet my parents with salam.
• Say the dua’ while • Dua’ on leaving.
• I keep the shoes in its place.
entering • We keep calm
• Say Assalamu alaykum
Unit 1: Lesson 1: Etiquette of entering or leaving a house
LO: Study the dua’ on entering and leaving a house.
Apply the etiquette of entering and leaving a house
Dua while entering home
Dua when leaving home

“ In the name of Allah , I place my trust in Allah , and there is no might nor
power except Allah”
Fill in the blanks:

1. When a guest visit us .I will welcome them.

2. While entering a house, ask permission also greet those in the house with

“Assalamu alaykum”

3. We can ask permission to enter a house three times.

Answer the following
1) List the etiquette of entering the house
A: a) Ask permission.
b) Say” Bismillah” and enter with right foot.
c)Say the dua’ to enter the house.
d)Greet those in the house with “Assalamu Alaykum”
2) list the etiquette of leaving the house
A: a) ask permission before leaving.
b) greet those in the house with “Assalamu alaykum”
c)say the dua of leaving the house.
3) list 4 things with which I help my family at home
A: a) Cleaning the room.
b) Throwing away the garbage
c)serving the dishes and taking care of the siblings
4) What if the permission to enter the house is not granted?
A: Prophet Muhammad(S) said:” When any one of you seeks
permission three times and he is not granted permission, he should go
back. “
5) What are the benefits of following the etiquette of entering or leaving
the house?
A: a) it saves the household from trouble.
b) respects their privacy
c) it makes you feel good.
d) makes communication clearer.
e) You are setting example for others.
6. What would happen if community members did not follow proper
etiquette at home?
A: a) People will become ill mannered.
b) they won’t respect the feelings and the personal life of others.
7. List some of the hospitality the people of UAE follows?
• ensure the majlis is kept tidy to receive guests .
• It is also perfumed with Oud to welcome guests
• guests are invited to sit in places of honor within the room.
• They are gentle and warm to the visitors
Learning Log
Learning Objective Able Mostly able Partly able With help

Memorize the dua ‘ of

entering or leaving the

Follow the etiquette on

entering or leaving the

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