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What are some problems most people experience

when they have to write an essay?

List as many ideas as you can think of.

There are no bad ideas.
Method One: Listing

You just listed the ideas that came to your mind related to the topic.

Next, group those ideas into categories. What categories can you
create from the list?

These categories become your body paragraphs. Develop your thesis

statement using these categories.

What are two important goals you have for the

following years? How will you achieve them ?
Thesis Statement: _________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 1

OUTLINING Topic sentence: _____________________________________________________________________

Main Supporting Point 1: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph 2
Topic sentence: _____________________________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 1: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________

Concluding Paragraph topic sentence : _________________________________________________

Write an
outline for the What are some problems most
following people experience when they
have to write an essay?
questions. Use
your ideas in
What are two important goals you
the previous have for the following years? How
tasks. will you achieve them ?
Thesis Statement: Writing an essay for the exam is difficult for two main reasons.

Body Paragraph 1
Topic sentence: Writing an essay is challenging because it is difficult to come up with new ideas and
organize them correctly.
Main Supporting Point 1: difficult to find new ideas________________________________________
Detail: ______stress______________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: ___organizing ideas_________________________________________
Detail: _________not doing brainstorming activities because of

Body Paragraph 2
Topic sentence: It is a challenge to write an essay because of lacking appropriate grammar or vocabulary
Main Supporting Point 1: __grammar___________________________________
Detail: ___cannot form complex sentences_______________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: _vocabulary_________________________________________
Detail: ______cannot remember the words ______________________________________________

Concluding Paragraph topic sentence : Writing an essay is challenging especially when it is in an exam.
Some people think that doing sports is advantageous for people for
many reasons. Do you agree? Why/ Why not?
Some people think that doing sports is advantageous for people for
many reasons. Do you agree? Why/ Why not?
Pros (+) Cons (-)

 Good health  Feel tired

 Positive mood  Health problems Heart attack
 Regular sleep  Get injured
 Feel better  Pressure
 A beautiful and fit body
 Self-confidence
 Nutrition / healthy diet
 Your brain works better
 Be fit
 Meet new people / socializing
 Team-work
 Learn new skills
 Anti-aging
 Relieve stress
Thesis Statement: _________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph 1
Topic sentence: _____________________________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 1: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph 2
Topic sentence: _____________________________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 1: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: _____________________________________________________________
Detail: ____________________________________________________________________________

Concluding Paragraph topic sentence : _________________________________________________

Here is an essay written about the topic. Write the outline of this essay. Is it similar with the ones that you wrote?

Why do people do sports?

Everyone wants to live healthily and happily. Therefore, they tend to take up various hobbies. Some
people may be interested in knitting, gardening and playing chess. No matter which hobby they take up, there is
no doubt that it helps them to relieve stress and have a good free time. One of the most important hobby of all is
doing sports. In my opinion, doing sports offers several advantages for your health and social life.
First of all,doing sports is beneficial for health. Firstly, there are a lot of mental benefits. For example,
when people do sports, they feel better instantly, and the more time they spend on sports, happier they become
in all aspects of life. Also, they are likely to be in good mood and radiate positive energy to the people around
them. In addition, doing sports provides them a good self-confidence, which helps to be mentally healthy.
Therefore, people who do sports are healthy in mind. Moreover, sports make people physically fit and healthy.
To give an example, people lose wight and consequently be fit when they do sports. It is quite possible that they
would have a well-functioning muscles and bones. Another advantage of doing sports is that it slows down
aging process. Thus, in order to have a strong and healthy body, people do sports.
Second of all, it encourages people to have a more social life. First, it helps people to be socially
active in their lives. When they sign up for a gym, they meet new people. Furthermore, they can build
friendship when they spend their time doing sports together, especially doing sports together. Moreover, it helps
them to have stronger and meaningful relations with the people around them because people who share
common ideas and interests tend to have stronger bonds with each other. Consequently, a good social life is
another benefit of doing sports.
From the points I have mentioned above, I strongly believe that people gain various benefits from
doing sports. The benefits are having a healthy mind, body and relations. Not only they have a fit and beautiful
shape, but they will also enjoy the stress-free and abundance of friends. So, why not start a sport that fits your
Thesis Statement: In my opinion, doing sports offers several advantages for your health and social life.

Body Paragraph 1
Topic sentence: First of all,doing sports is beneficial for health
Main Supporting Point 1: mental benefits________________________________________
Detail: _____makes people happy immediately ____________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: ___physically fit _______________________
Detail: _________well functioning muscles and bones________________________________

Body Paragraph 2
Topic sentence: Second of all, it encourages people to have a more social life.
Main Supporting Point 1: __socially active___________________________________
Detail: ___meeting new people_______________________________________________
Main Supporting Point 2: _stronger relations_________________________________________
Detail: ______common hobbies______________________________________________

Concluding Paragraph topic sentence : From the points I have mentioned above, I strongly believe that people
gain various benefits from doing sports.

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