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Fitting Shop

Lab Experiment No: 1

Fitting and Benchwork

 The term Fitting is related to the assembly of parts, after bringing the
dimension or shape to the required size or form, in order to secure the
necessary fit. The operations required for the same are usually carried out on
a workbench, hence the work is done on the bench is called Fitting work.
 Benchwork and fitting play an important role in engineering. Although in
today's industries most of the work is done by automatic machines that
produce jobs with good accuracy still it requires some hand operations called
fitting operations. A fitting shop worker is called Fitter

 Prepare a job as per given shape and dimensions.

Materials and Tool

 Material required: MS flat of 5x50x65 mm size.

 Tools used: Engineer`s Scale, Scriber, Try Square, Bench Vice, Hand Hacksaw, Files:
Flat file, Triangular file, Round file, Half-Round file
Engineer`s Scale
Try Square
Bench Vice
Hand Hacksaw
Files: Flat file, Triangular file, Round file,
Half-Round file
List of operations

 Marking

 Punching

 Filing

 Sawing
Steps to Make a Fitting Job

Operations explained in brief

How to do marking and punching

How to use a Hacksaw

Video of Job performed at MAIT


1. File the size 65x48 assuring perpendicularity of the adjacent edges using flat file and a try square.

2. Mark the job as per given dimensions using surface plate with V-block, height gauge & divider.

3. Put the dot marks on the lines with help of dot punch and hammer.

4. Place the blade in the hacksaw assuring teeth of the blade pointing in the forward direction and tighten the

5. Hold the job in vice firmly and make parallel saw cuts as per marking done.

6. Cut the maximum material of job with hacksaw & file it with round file to make exact radius.

7. Hold the job on drill vice of drill machine and make a drill with diam. 5.15 mm drill bit.

1. Hold the job at proper height i.e. 10 mm above bench vice.

2. The blade should be tight enough in hacksaw to avoid the accident.

3. Tools should be kept above the edges &corners of work table.

4. The filling should be done by standing at an angle of the bench vice.

5. The hack saw should be kept straight while performing cutting operation to avoid stick up and
breakage of blade.
Viva Voce question
(Answers should be brief, to the point and supported by sketches where necessary)

 Question 1: What do you understand by fitting?

 Question 2: Name various types of vice?

 Question 3: Name the various parts of bench vice along with their materials.

 Question 4: What is a ‘Tap’ and what for it is used? Name the different types of taps.

 Question 5: What is the use of V-block and Center Punch?

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