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Sabahattin Ali was detained on the grounds that he had read a poem
criticizing Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in a circle of friends while he was in
Konya. Sabahattin Ali, who was sentenced to a one-year prison
sentence for this accusation in 1932, was released by taking advantage
of the amnesty issued on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the
Republic. Sabahattin Ali, who became a free man again, continued his
life as unemployed for a year and at the end of the year, he applied to
the Ministry of National Education to start teaching again. In order
for his application to be approved, Sabahattin Ali is asked to prove his
love and devotion to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. His poem “Benim
Aşkım", which he wrote to show his love and devotion to Atatürk, was
published in Varlık magazine in 1934. Proving his dedication,
Sabahattin Ali starts teaching again in Ankara. He and Aliye Hanım,
with whom he would share the remaining years of his life, got married
on May 16, 1935.
Later, Sabahattin Ali started publishing the political
humor magazine Marko Pasha, together with two writers
who, like himself, had an important place in Turkish
literature, Aziz Nesin and Rıfat Ilgaz. Despite the closure
of the magazine, the writers did not give up and
continued their struggle by publishing magazines such as
Malum Pasha, Late Pasha, Öküz Pasha. Considering that
they made fun of İsmet İnönü in their articles published
in these magazines, an investigation was launched against
Aziz Nesin, Rıfat Ilgaz and Sabahattin Ali, and these
three writers were followed. Sabahattin Ali is sentenced
to three months in prison for his articles. He was
imprisoned again for three months in 1948. Unable to
stand it any longer, Sabahattin Ali decides to leave the
country. Sabahattin Ali, who was left with his hands tied
when his passport application to go abroad was rejected,
decided to go out of the country illegally and made an
agreement with a retired military smuggler named Ali
Ertekin to cross the Bulgarian border. While Sabahattin
Ali was about to cross the Bulgarian border, he was killed
by Ali Ertekin by hitting his head with a hard object.
Değirmen, 1935.

Kağnı, 1936.

Ses, 1937.

Yeni Dünya, 1943.

Sırça Köşk, 1947.

Kuyucaklı Yusuf, 1937.

İçimizdeki Şeytan, 1940.

Kürk Mantolu Madonna, 1943.

Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of the prominent figures
in 19th-century Russian literature. In his novels,
he extensively explores the human psyche, societal
injustices, moral conflicts and existential issues.
Fyodor Dostoevsky was born on November 11, 1821,
in Moscow. Recognized as one of the greatest writers
in Russian literature, Dostoevsky is known for the
depth in his literary works concerning human
psychology, moral conflicts and societal problems.
However, his life was as tumultuous and challenging
as the literature he created. Despite his upbringing in
an affluent environment during his childhood,
Dostoevsky had to grapple with financial difficulties
after his father's death. The demise of his father and
the subsequent decline in his family's financial state
led to early tragedies in young Dostoevsky's life.
Having received education at the Saint
Petersburg Engineering Academy, Dostoevsky
pursued a literary career and began writing in
the 1840s. However, during his student years,
his involvement in anti-government activities
due to radical thinking led to his arrest. His
time in prison inspired him to portray the
internal conflicts of individuals and societal
injustice in his future works. His
youthful involvement in anti-government
activities led to his arrest and even a
death sentence. He spent four years in a
Siberian prison camp, followed by exile and six
years of compulsory military service. In
later years, Dostoevsky continued his writing
career as a journalist; he published and edited
his diaries and collection of his writings title 'A
Writer's Diary' which significantly influenced
his subsequent works.
He published his first novel titled "Poor Folk,"
but achieved true success with works like "Crime
and Punishment," "The Brothers Karamazov,"
"Notes from Underground," and "The
Gambler." These works deeply explored the
human psyche, moral issues and societal tensions.
Dostoevsky's personal life was also filled with
various challenges. Despite these challenges, his
works gained immense respect worldwide due to
his desire to explore the human psyche and his
perspective on the complexity of human nature.
Throughout his life, his works focusing on
existential problems, the complexity of human
nature and moral dilemmas had a profound
impact on the literary world. Dostoevsky passed
away on February 9, 1881, in Petersburg, yet his
works and profound philosophical perspective
ensured the transmission of his literary legacy to
future generations.
POOR FOLK (1846)
THE IDIOT (1868–1869)
DEMONS (1871–1872)
A W R I T E R ’ S D I A RY ( 1 8 7 3 – 1 8 8 1 )

The pen name Osamu Dazai, better known as
Shuji Tsushima, lived between 1909 and
1948. Osamu Dazai was born as the twelfth
child of the family. Despite his family's
aristocratic background, he did not have
a happy childhood, especially after his
father's death. Following his father's
death and his mother's illness, he was
raised by his aunt, but he did not
receive much love from either of them.
Over time, Dazai developed resentment and
anger towards his social status and
family due to these circumstances.
• Even though his family disapproved, Dazai, known for being the
only one who smiled and joked during family gatherings and photos,
did not care about his social standing. At the age of seventeen, he
discovered his interest and talent in literature and began writing.
Despite his family's wish for him to become a successful bureaucrat,
Dazai opposed them and enrolled in the French Literature department
at Tokyo University at the age of twenty. When he joined the
Communist Party during this period, his family disowned him.

• Dazai's literary idol was Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, a master of

Japanese short stories. His admiration for Akutagawa went
beyond literary aspects and had ideological implications.Akutagawa's
suicide at the age of 35 in 1927 deeply affected Dazai. In 1929, Dazai
attempted his first suicide but failed due to an insufficient dose. In
his second attempt, he convinced a woman to join him in a double
suicide, but the woman drowned while Dazai was rescued by
a passing fishing boat.
• Throughout this period, Dazai continued to publish
his books. In 1935, he received the Akutagawa Award
for his short stories, and in 1936, he won the award
again for his first novel, "Bannen."

• Dazai had two children from his first marriage and

another child from an extramarital affair. Leaving
behind the two women in his life, he met Tomie
Yamazaki and persuaded her to commit double
suicide. On June 13, 1948, they both jumped into
the Tamagawa canal, ending their lives. This
marked Dazai's fifth and final suicide, and his body
was found in the Tamagawa canal on his thirty-ninth
birthday, June 19, 1948.
Bannen (The first year of Bannen 1936)
Shoya (The Setting Sun 1947)
Ningen Shikkaku (No longer Human)

Shumon (The Final Years)

Viyon no Tsuma (Villon’s Wife)
Otogizoshi (Fairy Tales)
• My life
is full of shame.I have
no idea what human life

Famous Quotes

• My unsuccesful life even

made me lose my desire
to commit suicide.


Who is Oğuz Atay?
Oğuz Atay was born on October 12, 1934 in the Inebolu
district of Kastamonu. Atay attended primary and secondary
school in Ankara and graduated from Ankara Maarif College,
now TED Ankara College, in 1951 and from Istanbul
Technical University Faculty of Construction in 1957. After
doing his military service between 1957-59, he worked in the
construction of the Kad Deckhouse ferry pier as a repair and
control officer. After resigning from his post, he became a
faculty member at the Department of Construction of the
Istanbul State Academy of Engineering and Architecture (now
Yildiz Technical University) .
He became a faculty member at the Department
of Construction. Atay, who became an associate
professor in 1975, also wrote a professional book
called Topography. His articles and interviews
have been published in various magazines and
newspapers. Oğuz Atay became the focus of an
important discussion after the publication of
Those who Could not Hold On in 1971-72. He
won the 1970 TRT Novel Award with this novel.
Roman, Oğuz Atay's 20. in 1997, the anniversary
of his death, the 20th anniversary was
announced by UNESCO. it has been selected as
the most outstanding work of century
Turkish literature.
Tutunamayanlar, one of the most important works of Turkish
literature, has been described by the critic Berna Moran as "a
rebellion both by what it says and the way it says it". According to
Moran, the literary competence of Those who Cannot Hold on has
brought the Turkish novel into line with the understanding of the
contemporary novel and has gained it a lot.

Atay's work, which made a great impact, was followed by the

second novel, Dangerous Games, which he published in 1973.
Atay, who collects his stories under the title Waiting for Fear, lived
between 1911 and 1967 and was also a professor who was his
teacher. He published the Novel of a Scientist based on the life of
Mustafa Inan in 1975. his play called Those who Live with the
Plays, published in 1973, was staged at the State Theater. Atay died
on December 13, 1977 at his friend Altay Gündüz's house in
Mecidiyeköy.Atay was buried in the Gum Tree area of Edirnekapı.
The mixing of dream and reality in his works, the
fact that metafiction is the main principle of
fiction, made Oguz Atay the first Turkish writer to
give works in the category of postmodernist
novels. Oğuz Atay, especially in the novel Those
Who Cannot Hold On, describes the loneliness
experienced by the individual in modern city life,
disconnections from society and the inner world
of individuals who are alienated from social
morality and stereotypical thoughts and who
cannot hold on. His works contain criticism,
humor and irony.
His published works

Tutunamayanlar (1972)
Tehlikeli Oyunlar (1973)
Bir Bilim Adamının Romanı (1975)
Korkuyu Beklerken (1975)
Oyunlarla Yaşayanlar (1975)
Günlük (1987 - ölümünden sonra)
Eylembilim (1998 -ölümünden sonra)
William Shakespeare was born in
1564 in the English town of
Stratford-upon-Avon.His father
was a businessman and the town’s
mayor. His mother came from a
family that owned land near
Stratford.William had three
brothers and two sisters.
• Like other boys of middle-
class families, William
attended a grammar school in
Stratford where he got a
good education and also
learned Latin.

• When William was 18 he

married Anne Hathaway. They
had three children (Susanna,
Hamnet, Judith). Hamnet died
when he was 11.
In 1592 he went to London to
work as an writer and actor. It
was a difficult job and only the
best found work in London.
From 1592 to 1594 the Black
Death spread across England so
Shakespeare spent these years
writing sonnets and poems.
When the theatres opened up
again in 1594 Shakespeare joined
the best acting company of the
country—Lord Chamberlain’s Men.
Shakespeare and his fellow actors were
responsible for everything in the Globe
They owned the building and the
costumes, they wrote the scripts and
they also shared the profits that they
The actors and writers of the theatre
worked together successfully for many
In the twenty years that he worked on
stage Shakespeare wrote 37 plays.
Romeo and Juliet
The Merchant of Venice
Taming of the Shrew
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Julius Caesar
All’s Well That Ends Well
Shakespeare's The Most Famous Play;
Romeo and Juliet

•Romeo and Juliet is a story about two teen-aged lovers

whose families hate each other. At a ball the two young
people meet and fall in love. The next day they
marry secretly, but Romeo has to leave Verona after he
kills Tybalt. Juliet’s cousin.
•Juliet’s father doesn’t know that his daughter is
already married and tries to force her to marry her
cousin in Paris. A friar wants to help Juliet. He gives her
a drug that puts her to sleep for 42 hours and tells
everyone that she is dead. When Romeo hears that
Juliet has died he hurries to her grave and poisons
himself. When Juliet wakes up and sees her dead lover
she stabs herself. The two families discover their dead
children and end their fight.
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