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Chapter 1

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

• 1.1 Mappings The basics, very
• 1.2 Definition of a function important

• 1.3 Composite functions

• 1.4 Modulus functions
With the basics at
• 1.5 Graph of linear modulus functions hand, will be very
easy to understand
• 1.6 Inverse functions
• 1.7 Graph of a function’s inverse

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Mapping diagrams

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y = 3x

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Types of mappings

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One-many Many-one

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Graphs of mappings

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Definition of a function
• A function is a rule that maps each x value to only one y value for a
defined set of input values.

Input Output

Only one output for each input means that only one-one
and many-one mappings are considered functions.

One-many mappings are not considered functions,

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Definition of a function
• Functions can be denoted as:
• f : x ↦ x+1 x∈ℝ
• f(x) = x+1 x∈ℝ
• For example, when f(x) = x+1, f(2) = 2+1 = 3
• Functions have both a domain and range.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Domain and Range of a function
• Domain of a function is its set of input values.
• Denoted with ‘x’.
• Examples: x > 3, x < 1, x ∈ ℝ
• Range of a function is its set of output values.
• Denoted with ‘f(x)’ but can also be denoted as ‘y’.
• Examples: f(x) > 4, -1 < f(x) < 1, f(x) ∈ ℝ

• ∈ ℝ means “is an element of all real numbers”. It means that the previous
variable can be any real number.
In simpler terms, ∈ ℝ means -∞< and <∞ .
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Finding the domain of a function
If the domain is not given in the question and needs to be found, it is
always x ∈ ℝ unless the function falls into either or both criteria:
1. The function is a fraction, and the denominator (bottom part)
contains x.
Example: f(x) =

2. The function has a square root which contains x.


Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Finding the domain of a function
1. The function is a fraction, and the denominator contains x.
The domain can be found by setting the denominator ≠ 0.

f(x) =

Domain: x - 6 ≠ 0

This is because you can not divide by 0.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Finding the domain of a function
2. The function has a square root which contains x.
The domain can be found by setting everything inside the square
root ≥ 0.

Domain: x – 1 ≥ 0

This is because you can not square root a negative number (not in

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Finding the domain of a function.
3. The function meets both criteria.
Just combine both rules.

f(x) =

Domain: x – 1 > 0 (≥ 0 but also ≠ 0)


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Finding the range of a function.
• Can be found through the graph when sketched or substitute in the
domain if the function is linear.
• Can also be found by inversing the function and finding the domain of
the inverse.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Exercises for finding the domain
1. f(x) = 7x + 1 x∈ℝ
2. f(x) = x≠
3. f(x) = x≥-
4. f(x) = x > 3, - ≤ x < 3

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Sketching graphs
• Linear graphs
• The highest degree in the function is 1.
• Example: f(x) = 3x + 1
• Quadratic graphs
• The highest degree in the function is 2.
• Example: f(x) =

This resource will be extremely helpful for the entire syllabus:

Desmos | Graphing Calculator
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Sketching linear graphs
• Linear graphs are always one-one and are always just a straight line.
• It only takes three steps to sketch a linear graph.
1. Take any three x-values and substitute them into the function.
2. Plot the three points.
3. Draw a straight line connecting all three points.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Sketching linear graphs (Example)
f(x) = 2x + 3
Let’s use the x-values -1, 0 and 1.
f(-1) = 2(-1) + 3 = 1
f(0) = 2(0) + 3 = 3
f(1) = 2(1) + 3 = 5
x -1 0 1 Inputs
y 1 3 5 Outputs

Plot the points (-1, 1), (0, 3) and (1, 5) on the grid.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Sketching quadratic graphs
To sketch a quadratic graph two things are needed:
The critical point
The shape of the graph

Symbol at the
front shows
shape of graph
(x – 2)² + 3
Used to find y-value of
x-value of critical point
critical point

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Sketching quadratic graphs
f(x) = (x – 2)² + 3
Shape of the graph: Critical point (Maxima or minima):
If the symbol in front of the brackets is positive The x-value of the critical point can be found by
(+) or there is no symbol, the graph will be a setting everything inside the brackets as = 0.
parabola (U) shape.
For the current function, x – 2 = 0
If the symbol in front of the brackets is negative x=2
(–), the graph will be an upside-down parabola
(n) shape. The y-value of the critical point is directly the
number (and its symbol) outside the bracket.
Remember, if there is a negative symbol For the current function, it is y = 3
the graph will be shaped as an n.

Thus, this critical point is (2, 3)

The shape of the current function is a U shape
because there is no symbol in front of the If the graph is U-shaped, this point is called a
brackets. minima. If the graph is n-shaped, this point is
called a maxima.
Koh Ern Jeat 2023
Sketching quadratic graphs
Now that both the critical point and shape of
graph have been found, the graph can be
1. Plot the critical point on the grid.
2. Draw either a u or n shape, with the end of
its arch at the point. Make sure both sides
are the same shape.

*If a domain is given in the question, stop at the

given domain.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Exercises for sketching quadratic graphs
1. f(x) = (x + 1)² - 5
2. f(x) = 4 - (2x – 8)²
3. f(x) = (x – 9)²

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

End of lesson questions
1. Find the domain of f(x) = 358 –
2. Sketch the graph of f(x) = x² – 4 for the domain x ∈ ℝ.
3. Find the function of this graph:
(Hint: write the function in the form
(ax + b)² + c first)

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Recap of functions
• Types of mappings
One-many (Not a function)
• Domain and range
• Sketching graphs

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Revision questions
State the domain of the following

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Sketch the graph of and state the range.

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Composite functions
Also known as nested functions. Consider:

Treat the function nested inside as the ‘x’ of the function outside.
The first set of brackets is usually not written. and is used.
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Other notations

Also written as . can be written as and so on.

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Practice questions


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Express the following as a composite function, using only and .

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Express the following as a composite function, using only and .

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Modulus functions
Modulus or absolute value only has one effect:
Negative number turns positive

Positive numbers stay the same

With that logic, equations with modulus can be solved by considering

the other side to be both or .

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Worked example

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Worked example 2

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Practice questions

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Solve the simultaneous equation:

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Linear modulus graphs
Consider the line
If , all negative values of
will become positive.

Consider the line

Modulus reflects the everything
below the x-axis upwards.

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Sketching modulus graphs (demonstration)
Sketch the graph of and state its range

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Two special circumstances
If there is a in front of the modulus, reflect everything above the
x-axis downwards.

Any number added or subtracted outside the modulus is the vertical

translation. (Ignore it first then move the whole graph upwards or
downwards depending on number)

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Worked example
Sketch the graph of and state its range

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Worked example 2
Sketch the graph of and state its range

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Practice questions
Sketch the graph of and state its range

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Sketch the graph of and state its range.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Inverse functions
The inverse of a function means it undoes what the original function
The inverse of is denoted as .

*The inverse of a function can exist if, and only if, the function is a
one-one mapping.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Finding a function’s inverse

Replace with .

Switch with and vice versa.

Make the subject.

Replace with .

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Worked example
for . Find an expression of .

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Worked example 2
Consider .
Write down a suitable domain for which exists.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Practice questions
The functions and are defined, for , by

a. Find expressions for and .

b. Find the expression for .

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Express the following as a composite function, using only

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a. Sketch the graph of .
b. Thus, write down a suitable domain for which exists.

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Graphs of inverse functions
The graph of a function’s inverse is the original function reflected
through line .

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

Graphs of inverse functions
The domain of is the range of , and vice versa.

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Practice question
On the grid, draw the graph of the inverse of function .

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What to take from this chapter
• Types of mappings
• Finding domain and range
• Sketching linear, quadratic and modulus linear graphs
• Solving equations involving modulus
• Inverse functions and their relations to the original function

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End of chapter questions
Sketch the graph of .

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Solve the equation

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Consider for .
a. Sketch the graph of .
b. Find the range of .
c. Write down a suitable domain for for which exists.

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a. Find the domain of the function
b. Write down an expression for .

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A function is defined by for .
a. Write down the range of for the defined domain.
b. Find and state its domain and range.
Another function is defined by for .
c. Solve .

Koh Ern Jeat 2023

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