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Research Teacher
Experience and
- is a systematic investigation for information
- a study of materials and sources to establish facts and
reach new conclusions
- is a process of inquiring
- is an act of studying something carefully and
extensively in order to attain deep knowledge
- Can be creative, exploring or just reassuring in nature
Research holds the following significant
1. To gather necessary information
2. To make changes
3. To improve the standard of living
4. For a safer life
5. To know the Truth
6. To explore our history
7. To understand arts
Reasons for research:
1. Research teaches methods of discovery
2. Research teaches investigate skills
3. Research teaches critical thinking
4. Research teaches logic
5. Research teaches the basic ingredients
of argument
Nature of inquiry
 Inquiry is defined as “a seeking for truth,
information or knowledge”.
 The information is ought through questioning.
 Individuals carry on the process of inquiry from
birth till death.
 The process of inquiry begins with gathering
information and data through applying the various
human senses.
 Different factors involved in different kinds of inquiries in
different areas of knowledge and at different levels of
1. selection of appropriate questions
2. formulation of appropriate questions
3. identification of key issues
4. search for valid and relevant evidence
5. interpretation and assessment of evidence
6. application of evidence to identified issues
7. presentation of coherent, conclusion, final or tentative
8. reflection on, and assessment of the learning process.

 Research is multiple and adaptable.

Experience and knowledge

Knowledge is sought from

other people who had
experienced what the
problem is or some other
sources of expertise.
Forms of undergraduate research experiences:
 Class-based activities (naturalistic observation,
surveys and experiments)
 Class-based projects (term papers, service learning
and community-based and campus-based learning)
 Capstone experiences (senior research projects and
research tasks/ assignments)
 Out-of-the-class student/ faculty collaborative
researches (students opportunity to work with faculty
on their on-going research and on a project jointly
planned or designed by both)
Importance of
Research in Daily
Research is a systematic process of collecting and
analyzing data or information in order to increase
understanding of a phenomenon.
 It is an inquiry process.
 It is a formal process of problem solving.
 It is a set of procedures and stages.
 It originates with a question or a problem.
 Often it is an iterative process.
Research is important in providing a solid
information for the :
 Discovery & creation of knowledge, theory-
 Testing, confirmation, revision, and refutation
of knowledge as theory
 Advance a discipline or field
 Advancement & improvements in

various aspects of life

 Promotion & tenure of individuals
 Connected with development
 Experience relationship with others
 Organizations of a society as a whole are
profoundly influenced by the expansion of
 Vital to our everyday decision making
 Hones basic life skills & makes learning a
lifelong endeavor
 Leads to an expansion of knowledge & discoveries of new medical
treatment and cures
 Efforts to break through in agriculture
 Projects of the effects of global warming
 Explains individual’s behaviors
 Determine disorders and their impacts on the person and society lead
to discover/ develop treatments to improve quality of life
 Companies makes forecasts & formulate strategies
 Business properties conduct surveys & feasibility studies
 Useful learning process, challenging students & teachers to work
Research benefits can be seen and felt in the
following fields: refers to matters concerning the environment & which
 Economic Research may lead to improved techniques to ensure sustainable
food production.

 Social leads to an increased knowledge of people & their interactions

Research with one another, which could be relevant to policy makers.

 Environmental Research focuses on improved techniques to ensure

sustainable food production.

 Cultural Research leads to increased understanding of cultural values or

social approaches.

 Health Research contributes to a better understanding of the cause

of medical conditions.

Characteristics of Research:
Based on observations & experimentation of theories.
Most researchers are based on real-life situations.
1. Empirical
Follows orderly & sequential procedures, based on valid procedures & principles.
Researchers are advise to refer to the research guidelines provided/ prescribed by
2. Systematic the school.

In research, all variables, except those that are tested/ experimented on, are kept
3. Controlled constant.

The hypothesis guides the investigation process. Research refers to

4. Employs hypothesis a search for facts, answers to questions & solutions to problems.

There is a critical analysis of all data used so that there is no error in the
5. Analytical researcher’s interpretations.

Refers to the research as unbiased & logical. All findings are logically based
On empirical data, are based on real life situations.
6. Objective
Requires effort to get at the researcher’s own investigation & produce
the data needed to complete the study.
7. Original work
Other Characteristics of Qualitative Research:
Human experiences takes its meaning from social, historical,
1. Concern for context & meaning political & cultural influences

2. Naturally occurring settings Studies behavior as it happens naturally in a school, classroom,

community or an organization. It is based on the premise that
setting affects the findings.

3. Humans as Instruments The researcher is the primary instrument for gathering & for analyzing
data. He/ she responds to the need for capturing the complexity of
human experience, as well as in adapting & responding to the
environment. Only a human being can do the field work methods such as
interview, observation & documentary analysis.
4. Descriptive data Data used in qualitative studies are in the form of words/pictures or other visuals
rather than numbers & statistics. The participants, experiences & perceptives
culled from varied types of documents enable the researcher to present a holistic
description of the subjects of the study.

5. Emergent Design The design cannot be finalized at the onset because the researcher continues to
adjust his/ her method and ways of proceeding as the study progress. It is
difficult to predict what may happen during the actual interactions between the
researcher & the participants.
Type of Research:
Done primarily in the library where answers to specific
1. Library Research questions or problems are available.

Done in the natural setting such as barangay, school or

2. Field Research factory.

3. Laboratory Research Conducted in an artificial or controlled conditions

by doing the study in a thoroughly specified and
equipped area.
 Ethics refer to it as norms for conduct that distinguish
between acceptable & unacceptable behavior (Remik,
 Ethics is to consider it as a method, procedure/
perspective for deciding how to act & for analyzing
complex problems & issues.
 To be ethical, a research project needs to be designed
to create valid outcomes if it is believed to be
pursuing truth.
Ethics in Research
 Researchers are ethically bound to maintain the
privacy of participants including confidentiality fro
any information they give and anonymity for their
identity (Baez, 2002).
 Research ethics involves the application of
fundamental ethical principles to a variety of topics
involving research.
Functions of Ethics:
1. Norms promote the aims of research such as
knowledge, truth & evidence of error.
2. Ethical standards promote the values that are
essential to collaborative work such as trust,
accountability, mutual respect & fairness.
3. Ethical norms ensure that researchers can be held
accountable to the public.
4. Ethical norms in research, is research that helps build
public support quality & integrity of research.
Ethical Considerations:
1. The kind of information obtained because of the length
and personal interaction that ensues when doing a
qualitative inquiry may give rise to an issue/s. The
researcher may uncover or get hold of practices that may
not be acceptable. What then does he/she do? One rule
that must always be followed is that the person is obliged
to report practice such as child abuse, drug use, abusive
teachers and the like.
Ethical Considerations:
2. With regard to the researcher’s relationship to the
participants, the researcher is expected to act
professionally, maintaining respect towards them. The
issues of anonymity and confidentiality are to be observed.
In field notes particularly, when conducting a sensitive
research, false names or code names are used to keep
track of what information came from whom without
revealing their identities.
Ethical Considerations:
3. The researcher is expected to give back to the
subjects/ participants of the research and to show
appreciation for their commitment of time, effort
and cooperation. These acts may be to provide a
written report, present findings in an assembly,
give assistance or advice on other research
projects at their workplace and others.
Ethical Considerations:
4. The researcher writes a letter and seeks
to be allowed to conduct a study. If
changes happen in the course of the
investigation, he/she needs to get an
approval for the continuance of the study.
The Research Process:
 Research is a process that requires patience.
 There is no easy way to make certain that you
have exhausted every resource and found the best
 It is more of an art rather than a science.



The processes are considered & selected, based on the:

* validity & appropriateness to the research topic;
* manageability including time reserved; and
* safety & ethical matters

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