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• the way teachers teach and guide
students in learning.

• Instruction is frequently associated with

the term ‘curriculum’ and generally
refers to the teaching methods and
learning activities that a teacher uses to
deliver the curriculum in the

• The terms ‘teaching’ and ‘instruction’

are often used interchangeably. (Source:
Kridel 2010).
• *According to Miller, Linn & Gronlund
(2009) assessment is a method utilized
to gather information about student

An assessment is a test. A great teacher checks how

students are learning with tests and quizzes. When they
see some students struggling, they don't keep going like a
train. Instead, they slow down or find a new way to
explain things to help more students understand.
• Assessment is an important part of the
curriculum development process. It is used to
assess students' learning needs, track their
progress, and evaluate their performance in
relation to selected student learning
outcomes. As a result, it is used at several
stages of instruction: *before (pre-
• during (formative assessment)
• after instruction (summative).
• As it determines whether or not the
goals of education are being met.
Assessment affects decisions about

Assessment grades, placement, advancement,

instructional needs, curriculum, and,
in some cases, funding.

as an integral •
Assessment inspires us to ask these

part of
hard questions:
• "Are we teaching what we think we
are teaching?"

• "Are students learning what they are
supposed to be learning?"
• "Is there a way to teach the subject
better, thereby promoting better
and Instruction
Just as a tailor would not make a suit
of clothes without first collecting
measurements and ideas about the The tailor metaphor continues as we consider that the client
style preferences of a client, a comes back for fittings and the tailor makes adjustments
teacher does not plan instruction based on the results of the fittings. Similarly, teachers assess
without first collecting during the learning to see how much students have learned.
“measurements” about students’ Additionally, the teacher should maintain records for each
strengths, interests, and differences, student and hold regular conferences with opportunities for
and determining which type of student reflection and steps for student growth. The results
assessment to use. of assessments inform instruction.
Assessment Guides Instruction - Assessment,
Assessment and like tests and quizzes, helps teachers
understand what students know and what they
instruction are like need to learn more. This helps teachers decide
what and how to teach.
two friends who Instruction Influences Assessments- The way
work together in teachers teach affects the kinds of tests and
assessments they use. If they teach in a certain
teaching. way, they'll need to test in a way that matches
in education.
Linking assessment and
instruction is critical to
effective learning.
Classroom assessments do more than just measure
learning. What we assess, how we assess, and how
we communicate the results send a clear message to
students about what is worth learning, how it should
be learned, and how well we expect them to perform.

By providing the means to gather evidence about

what students know and can do, classroom
assessment can help teachers:
• Identify students’ strengths and weaknesses
• Monitor student learning and progress
• Plan and conduct instruction
Ongoing informal and formal classroom
and instruction
• Can motivate and shape learning and
• Can help teachers gauge student mastery of
is critical to
required skills
• Can help teachers determine whether effective
students are prepared for tests that
are used for high-stakes decisions
A poorly chosen or poorly
developed assessment will fail to
provide useful evidence about

Good student learning. It could even

provide misleading information.
Only with good, properly chosen

evidence assessments will teachers gather

evidence of what their students have

improves An assessment should also reflect

real-world ways that knowledge and

instruction understanding are used.

Assessments based on situations
relevant to students’ own
experiences can motivate them to
give their best performances.
Don’t forget the
• Assessment integrated
with instruction is an
extremely powerful
teaching tool. Using
assessment as part of the Research shows that helping students understand what
learning process instead is expected of them, and why, gives students an
of in a summative role at opportunity to become active participants in their own
the end of a teaching unit education. It also helps them take responsibility for
ensures that students their own learning and judge the quality of their work.


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