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Group Discussions


To gauge whether the candidate has the

traits & skills that are required.
Typical Scenario
Duration: 15-20 minutes.
Evaluation: 3-4 panel members.
Preparation time: 2-5 minutes.
Seating Arrangement: semi-circular, circular,
horseshoe, rectangular.
Do’s & Don'ts :
How much to talk: Quality matters
Do not talk too much.
Other’s talk: Encourage people to
express their points.
Time Factor: Keep track of time but
do not get obsessed.
Changing Stand: Yes, You can.
If you are convinced by counter
arguments, explain to the group
how your argument was true within
a narrow range. No rash statement.
Moderator: Don’t ask for moderators
help for topic explanation.
Radical Thoughts: Allowed to express.
Technical Jargon: Don’t use
Right time to participate: Participate
irrespective of noise levels. Join the
strongest in the group.
Sensitivity levels: Religion and
Caste sensitivity.
First Speaker Advantages:
Highly risky & Highly beneficial.
English proficiency: Good English &
Good Ideas –Greatest Advantage.
Good Ideas-okay, but knowledge is
Use of examples: Necessary.
Individual Participation: Participate
four times (each for 25-30 seconds)
Humor: Accepted.
Slang: N.A
Other Languages: N.A
Aggressive & Rude Behaviour: N.A
Summary: Depends on the time. If
time is available summarize.
Related Queries
- A snapshot
How to prepare for a GD?
Reading:- Never ending process.
The more, the better. Be in touch
with current affairs, debate topics-
read multiple view points on same

Mocks:- Create a GD group and

mock GD’s. Try to participate with
strangers to overcome shyness.
How do I initiate a GD?
High profit – High Loss strategy
*Initiation grabs the attention of
the examiner and fellow candidates.
* Content and Communications
skills good – easy sail through.
* Initiation with stuttering &
stammering – irreparable damage.
* Only initiation & no later
participation – no good.
* Initiation only if there is in-depth
Different techniques to initiate a GD
* Effective way to start.
* e.g., Customer is king – There is only
one boss: the customer.

2. Definition:
* Define the topic or
* Define an important term in the topic
* e.g., Advertising is a diplomatic way
of telling a lie- define advertising.
3. Question:
* Ask a question to make an impact.
* Ask and answer it yourself.
* Ask questions that promote a flow of
* Don’t ask derogatory questions.
* e.g., Should India go to war with
Pakistan- Ask “What does war bring to
the people of the Nation?”
4. Shock Statement:
* Grabs immediate attention.
* e.g., Impact of population on Indian
economy- “At the centre of the Indian
capital stands a population clock that
ticks away relentlessly… It tracks 33
births a minute.
5. Facts, Figures and Statistics:
* Quote only accurate figures.
* Wrong facts- adds to disadvantage.
* e.g., ‘China, a Rising Tiger’ - China’s
real use of Foreign Direct Investment
only stood at $ 636 million.
6. Short Story:
* Initiate with a short story.
7. General Statement:
* Use a general statement to put it in
the right perspective.
* e.g., Should Sonia Gandhi be the
Prime Minister of India? – Before jumping
into conclusions like, “ Yes Sonia Gandhi
Should be…..”
How do you interrupt

1.“Excuse me, but I feel that what

you are saying isn’t universally

2. “Yes, I agree with your idea, and

I would like to further add to it..”

3. “Yes, I think you are right when

you say that, but could you clarify
what if…”
How do you ward off
stubbornness & aggressiveness?

1.Ignore the person and address the


2. Be assertive and inform the

person that he is wrong.

3.Point out to him that his point is

well taken and the group must
progress and discuss other’s points
of view.
How do I conclude?

Most group discussions have no

conclusions, but it is important to
summarize your group discussion.

A group discussion may be

summarized if there is time available
on hand, else no summary is needed.
How do I summarize?

* Avoid raising new points.

* Avoid stating only your views.

*Avoid concentrating on only one

aspect of a Group discussion.
* Keep it brief & concise.

* Include/Incorporate all

* Summarization indicates end of


* Do not add anything after

Traits and Skills Tested:

! Ability to work in a team

! Communication skills
! Reasoning Ability
! Leadership Skills
! Initiative
! Assertiveness
! Flexibility
! Creativity (The ability to
on one’s feet)
Sub skills tested.
* Clarity of thought.
* Group Working Skills.
* Conflict Handling.
* Listening and Probing.
* Subject Knowledge.
* Ability to create a consensus.
* Openness and flexibility
towards new ideas.
* Data based approach to
decision making.
Topic Based Case Based

Factual Abstract

Factual Topics:
* Mostly Current Topics
* Socio-Economic Topics
Tests candidates awareness and sensitivity to
Controversial Topics:
* Argumentative in nature
Tests the maturity of a candidate in keeping his
temper in check, rational and logic.
Abstract Topics:
* Intangible things
Tests the lateral thinking and creativity.
What is required for a Group

* Communication Skills

* Knowledge and Ideas regarding a given


* Capability to co-ordinate and lead

* Exchange of thoughts

* Addressing the group as a whole

Communication Skills:
1.Speak effectively, convincing and hold
the audience attention.
2.Create an impact with subject
3.Precision and clarity.
4.Ability to listen to others.
5.Ability to react to other participants
6.Confidence and level-headedness in a
convincing and satisfying manner.
Knowledge and Ideas regarding a
1.Consistent reading
2.Indepth knowledge=> confidence and
enthusiasm->makes you convincing.

Leadership and Co-ordinating

*Display tactfulness, skill, understanding,
knowledge on topics, enterprise,
motivate and influence other candidates.
Exchange of Thoughts:
a)Tests Team Membership and Leadership
skills along with listening and articulation.

b) Tests your contribution to the discussion,

comprehension of the main idea, the rapport
you strike, patience, assertion,
and amenability.

c) Body language and Eye Contact.

Addressing the group as a whole:
* No individual addressing, address the
* Address the farthest person.
* Dress formally.
* Use formal language.
* Use plain and simple language.
* Be confident and cool.
* Do not repeat points.
* Be specific, not superfluous.
* Do not exaggerate.
Thorough Preparation:
a.Start early.

b. Concentrate on subject knowledge and

general awareness.
> Be yourself- Natural.
> Speak.
> Organize your thoughts.
> Clarify your doubts.
> Understand subject & speak.
> Keep Strategies ready for participation.
> Initiate – to gain attention.
> Body language – Should reflect right attitude.
Do’s contd..
> Language Skills important to communicate.
> Be assertive – not dominating.
> Stay cool – Don’t take things personally.
> Be polite.
> Brush up leadership skills- motivate others.
> Have a mock GD- Give feedback to one
> Alertness, presence of mind, problem solving
abilities, team-work & creativity tested.

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