Infertility, A Basic Information

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Presented by




Nrupathunga university, N.T.Road,

 Infertility is a condition
affecting one fifth to one
sixth of couples in
reproductive age.

 Approximately 48 million
couples live with
infertility around the
 Within the field of
reproductive health, infertility
implies a deficiency that does
not compromise the physical
integrity of the individual, nor
is it life-threatening.

 However, such deficiency may

negatively impact the
development of the
individual, bringing about
frustration and weakening the
personality, since most
couples consider having
children as a vital objective.
According to WHO Infertility
can be described as the “ in
ability to become pregnant,
maintain a pregnancy or carry
a pregnancy to live birth.

According to ICMART “ it is a
disease of reproductive
system defined by the failure
to achieve clinical pregnancy
after 12 month or more of
regular unprotected sexual
There are 2 types of infertility:

 primary infertility – where someone who's never conceived a

child in the past has difficulty conceiving.
 secondary infertility – where someone has had 1 or more
pregnancies in the past, but is having difficulty conceiving
• Infertility can be seen in either of partner,
• Based on type of individual ,infertility can be categorized into male
infertility and female infertility.
• Causes of Male infertility:
1) Conditions that can affect how much sperm is made or
sperm quality. :-undescended testicles, genetic defects, hormone
problems and health problems.
2) Problems with sperm reaching the female reproductive
tract.:- premature ejaculation, certain genetic diseases such as
cystic fibrosis, physical problems such as a blockage in the testicle, or
damage or an injury to the reproductive organs.
3) Certain factors in the environment. :-Exposure to pesticides,
other chemicals or radiation can affect fertility. So can medicines
that treat bacterial infections, high blood pressure and depression.
And if the testicles often are exposed to heat, such as in saunas or
hot tubs, that may affect their ability to make sperm.
• Damage related to cancer and its treatment.:-Cancer
treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can affect
sperm production.
Causes of Female infertility:
1) Ovulation disorders :-These conditions affect the release of
eggs from the ovaries. They include hormonal problems such as
polycystic ovary syndrome.
2) Conditions of the uterus:-These include growths called uterine
polyps, issues with the shape of the uterus or problems with its lower
end, called the cervix. Tumors in the wall of the uterus, called uterine
fibroids, also may cause infertility.
3) Fallopian tube damage or blockage:-these issues are caused by
swelling of the fallopian tube, called salpingitis.
4) Pelvic adhesions :-These are bands of scar tissue that bind
organs. They can form after a pelvic infection, appendicitis,
endometriosis, or surgery of the abdomen or pelvis.
For Men :-
1) Semen analysis.
2) Hormone testing.
3) Genetic testing.
4) Imaging
For Women:-
1) Ovulation testing.
2) Thyroid function test.
3) Hysterosalpingography
4) Imaging tests.
Treatment for men:-
1) Lifestyle changes.
2) Medicines
3) Surgery.
Treatment for women:-
1) Fertility medicines.
2) Intrauterine
insemination (IUI).
3) Surgery to restore
Assisted reproductive technology
 Ifpregnancy doesn't happen after a year of unprotected
sex, couples often can still become pregnant through
infertility treatments called assisted reproductive
technology. But treatment can involve big financial,
physical, emotional and time commitments.
 Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is any
fertility treatment in which the egg and sperm are
 In vitro fertilization (IVF)
is the most common ART
 Sometimes, other
techniques are used in an
IVF cycle, such as
 Intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (ICSI).
Role of Nurses in infertility management
 A Nurse should be aware of types
of treatment that are currently
 A Nurse should have a sufficient
knowledge of the current fertilizing
treatment and understand
procedures involved and remove
the pressure of couple the
 Encourage co-operation, protect
privacy, refer couple to appropriate
resource when necessary.
 D.C.Dutta text book of Gynaecology, 5th edition,
New central book agency, Pp no. 220-249
 Gynaecology by 10 Teachers 18th edition book
power publishers Pp no.76-88
Thank you very much

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