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Professional Conduct

and Course Theme


• to communicate with instructors clearly, effectively and
• to write an email to an instructor following email
conventions and professional etiquette
• to discuss different aspects of the course theme (food
and water) in relation to your major

1. Professional Communication
Making Requests

Taking Emails Seriously

Guess: How many ENGL 214

students were suspended from
KFUPM in T231 for sending
inappropriate emails to ELD
faculty members?

It is important to take care when writing emails at university and

at work. At best, a poorly written email makes you look bad, and
at worst, it can get you into trouble.
Asking for help and seeking Focus your attention on keeping
advice is key to doing well in this a polite, professional tone. Avoid
course. It is strongly advisedWhy
thatare the common following pragmatic
you attend office hours. mistakes…
“I want you to…” “Please tell me…”

“How can I get an A+?” “I was shocked…”

“Please look at my paper” “You said…”

Instructors often have specific preferences
regarding communication outside of class.

Take note of when your instructor is and is

not available, their preferred method of
communication and appropriate times for

You may very likely need to email your

instructor (or instructors from other courses).
Email correspondence follows a particular
form of etiquette.
2. Professional Communication
Email Correspondence

pp. 118–124
This will be on the
final exam!

Put the following in order from the easiest
to most difficult email to write for you:

Sending a friend some advising a

applying for documents from class colleague about a
a job Professional emails
require more effort mistake they made
and careful attention
informing Aramexthan
that personal
asking a professor
a package is going to about something you
the wrong address didn’t understand
Where on the continuum does each lie?

informing Aramex that asking a professor requesting annual

a package The
is going to about something you leave
level of formality will depend on the from your
the wrong address didn’t understand employer
purpose and who the audience is. Think
personal emails business emails
1. your familiarity with the receiver
2. the power dynamic between you and formal
the receiver.
applying for asking a professor to do
a job something for you
How formal should we be when emailing

personal emails business emails

informal semi-formal formal

student email
• What type of audience is an
• For what purpose(s) have you
had to email instructors in the
• What type of etiquette did you
follow when writing your
Student Email Example
(no subject)


Can I have only 250 words for the introduction and the first body paragraph in the first draft, or do
you want me to focus on all paragraphs?


Identify five
ways to improve
this email.

Student Email Example
(no subject)

The most serious problem here is that the
Can I have only 250 words for the introduction andinstructor does paragraph
the first body not have enough context
in the first draft,toor do
you want meWhich be able to answer the question. This means
to focus on all you
they will need to email the student back for
Thanks think is the more information. This requires more time.
most serious
Will this help you get your
answer quickly? No.

When is it
okay to send
Better Example
Question about writing task 1 requirements
clear subject
Dear Ms. LeGuin, polite salutation with title and name introductory content
In today’s class you introduced the task requirements for the drafting process for the report.

I was wondering if it were possible to have 250 words for the introduction and the first body
paragraph in the first draft, or is it necessary to focus on all paragraphs?

Kind regards, polite closing polite, clear request

Mariam al-Shrani
ENGL 214-22
full name, course and section information

Which of the following is the best way to close
a professional email?

• Sincerely,
A. Sincerely yours, • Respectfully,
Quick Quiz

• With gratitude, formal
B. Kind regards, • Kind regards,
• Best regards,
C. Thankfully, -----
• Best,
• Thank you, less
D. Thanks, • Many thanks,
• Warm wishes,
• All the best,
Pair Task
write an email to a previous instructor
asking for a recommendation letter
Write your subject here.

Write your message here.

Example Answer
Request for a letter of recommendation

Dear Mr. Liu,

I was a student in your ENGL 102 and 214 class and I am applying for a Master’s program at the University of Austin. I was
wondering if it were possible for you to write a recommendation letter for me. The university is especially interested in my
English skills and ability to write academically.

I received A grades for both courses and won an AFEW in 2022. I wrote my report about the use of rollable solar panels during
disaster relief. These may be useful points to mention.

Please let me know if it is possible to write a recommendation letter and I can give your email address to the university
administration. I understand if it is not possible or if it is an inappropriate time.

Kind regards,

Sharif al-Qatani How has this

considered the
3. T232 Course Theme
Food and/or Water

Food and/or Water

Task: Form groups based on your major.

1. Brainstorm ways two of the topics on the
following slide could link to your major.
2. What are two other topics related to food
and/or water not mentioned that might link
well to your major?

Floods Food waste
Packaging Food and/or Water Malnutrition
Transport Microplastics
Groundwater Food safety Food delivery Personalised nutrition
Food processing Water access Healthy diet Rainwater harvesting
Soil erosion Animal welfare Hydropower Food deserts
Vertical farming Agricultural Factory farming Desalination
Food and/or Water
Food and water topics and sources: Link (Ctrl + left click to open)
Topics by major: Link (Ctrl + left click to open)
Guidance on titles: Link (Ctrl + left click to open)
Homework 1
Go to this link for starter sources:
Link (Ctrl + left click to open)
Read or watch one of the sources
that interests you.

Submit your notes via

Blackboard [Homework]
before the next class.

Homework 2
Next class…
The overall structure
Read pp. of the report and
118–124 selecting an
appropriate topic


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