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To introduce basic procedures and polices relevant to
the establishment and maintenance of
pathfinder/adventurer club
Main areas to cover
Committees and staff
Operating policies
How to organize pathfinder/adventurer club
1. Councel with with conference youth ministries
2. Meet with the pastor and conference youth ministry
3. Present your plan to the church board
4. Inform the congregation during the worship service
5. Call a special meeting on sabbath afternoon
6. Teach the basics of pathfinder/adventurering
8. Elect director and deputy directors
9. Choose counselors and instructors or executive committee
10. Call pathfinder/adventurer executive committee to plan a
yearly program
11. Build the programm six weeks before enrollment
12. Send letter to the potential pathfinder/adventurer families
four weeks before enrloment night
13.Advertise pathfinder/adventurer program
14.Enrollment night
15.Induction ceremony .
16.Evaluation by conference director or area coordinator
pathfinder/adventurer COMMITTEES
1. Coordinating committee
Where there is a junior and teen club operating
separately the guidance of an administrative director is
highly needed
Administrative director –chairperson
Club director (junior and teen )
Deputy directors (junior and teen)
Members on coordinating committee
1. Administrative director
2. Deputy director
3. Pastor
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Chaplain
NB All joint pathfinder/adventurer activities are chaired
by administrative director
2. pathfinder/adventurer executive committee
 Club director (chair person)
 Deputy directors
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Chaplain
 Pastor as ex official
 Youth sponsor /elder
3.pathfinder/adventurer staff committee
pathfinder/adventurer executive committee members
plus counselors
Junior counselors
Unit captains
Club director
She /he must be a mature who is a seventh day
Adventist church member in good regular standing
He must be a master guide and completed basic staff
 He/she should be interested in young people
The director must be resourceful and enthusiastic
carry responsibility etc
Duties of a director
Be a member of the church board
Maintain liaison with the church pastor ,youth pastor,
elder, and invite them to participate
Keep in touch with youth elder
Chair the pathfinder/adventurer executive
Preside at the club staff meeting or appoint a deputy
to take charge
Supervise all activities of the club called, organize and
arrange for each meeting
Lead in planning the total program for the year and
produce a calendar of events
Be responsible for all committees for preparing overall
program for the club
Be responsible ,through the staff meetings for
planning regular club meetings
Deputy director

Deputy director shall accept all assignments of the

director and share leadership responsibility of the club
Takes charge of meetings incase a director is absent
The deputy director should possess the same high
qualities of leadership as outlined for the director take
a charge
 Is in charge of all pathfinder/adventurer classes
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Games
 Camping activities
 Honors and creative skills
 Music
 pathfinder/adventurer equipment
 Nature
 Transportation
 Chaplain or worship
 Special events
 Out reach activities
 Public relations
Club secretary
 The pathfinder/adventurer director is generally a deputy director ,but may
also be a selected from other staff member
 Secretary is in charge of all club records other than those of club treasurer
 In charge of all club programs
 Checks unit records
 Records all merits and demerits
 Fills out conference report
 Keep the director informed of achievements of the club in the conference
scoring plan
 Informs the directors incase of indiscipline pathfinder/adventurer
 Be responsible for keeping up an attractive bulletin board display
 Types all club letters
 In charge of club library
Club treasurer
Is also a deputy director and he/she may be chosen
from staff members.
Club treasurer should closely work with the director
and church treasurer
He or she should know all club expenses and income
Count and record all funds such as membership
fee ,dues offerings craft charges etc
Transfers funds to the church treasurer to be kept and
reserve for pathfinder/adventurer club use
Keeps an accurate income and expense journal sheet
Keeps all receipts
Withdraws funds for petty cash from
pathfinder/adventurer reserve funds
Mobilizes fundraising and keeps records
Collects funds from uniform ,equipment and keep
them to appropriate account
Collects funds for campouts ,field trips etc
Administrative director
The administrative director liaison between junior and teen
club directors
He/she is a member of the church board and represents club.
 Presides meetings and junior or teen directors becomes
He or she advices his or her deputy directors
Is in charge of recruiting new staff members
He attends many meetings to represent the club
Conference polices and recommendations may be channeled
through administrative director to the teen and junior
In charge of all club meetings
He is proved by the conference or district council and
he or should have the following qualifications
1. Be a master guide
2. Have last five years of experience in
pathfinder/adventurering including years of
administrative responsibilities
3. Live in the pathfinder/adventurer area he or she is
4. Does not hold office in a local pathfinder/adventurer
How to elect pathfinder/adventurer
district /area coordinator
The term of office shall be two years ,but the
coordinator may be re-elected
Local club nominating committee should made up of
all local pathfinder/adventurer clubs and staff
members 30 days before the election
Conference youth director must be part of the
nominating committee as a chief adviser
The elected pathfinder/adventurer area /district
coordinator’s name will be submitted to the
conference or mission for approval
Duties of area or district coordinator
Basic required duties
a. Assist the local pastor or club leadership in
promoting and supporting local ,union
b. Visits clubs in his or her area often enough to be
become familiar with its program
c. Attends conference meetings and assist in planning
d. Helps conference directors or mission leader at
camprees , training courses and conference
pathfinder/adventurer functions
Other functions as requested by local clubs and
pastors like:-
1. Assist local clubs with such activities as
pathfinder/adventurer day
programs ,investitures ,inductions ,and inspections
2. Encourages churches without pathfinder/adventurer
clubs and help them to get clubs started
3. Promote and direct area activities such as camping
tips athletics events leaders training courses and
leaders meetings
Optional suggestions
1. Promotes promotions in the community activities
such as parades and fairs
2. Promote and direct area –wide mission projects
3. Publish an area bulletin
4. Participate in any other activities desired by the
directors of the local clubs in an area .
1. Write short notes on the following officers
I. unit captain
II. unit scribe
III. junior counselor
IV. instructor
V. unit counselor
VI. chaplain
Question and answer
Operating policies is our next subtopic
Don’t miss

thank for you listening

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