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Operational Planning Considerations


• Lt Col Duxullow SNA S6

• Bob Lovell, Bancroft Communications Mentor

What are our first considerations during Planning

• Battlespace Area/Size

• What type of Communications each Unit has

• Limitations on communications, Network, Terrain, Security.

• Security of Information and Intelligence when Sharing

Key factors to consider when planning for Operations – C2 and Battle Field Tracking Systems

• Locations of Fixed and Deployable Command & Control (C2) locations

• Use of an SNA Battlefield Tracking System

• Effective Communications over multiple systems from HQ to frontline working

on P.A.C.E acronym.

• Security of Information and Intelligence when Sharing

Fixed and Deployable Command & Control
(C2) locations
• Currently the SNA have established four such Operations Rooms
(Gashandiga, Villa Somalia, 2 x deployable assets)
• This allows the Chief of Defence Force the ability to deploy Staff and
his Commanders to forward locations but maintain both Command &
Control across the battlespace.
• Working with the SNA we have
created a deployable Ops Box that
can be independently deployed
wherever the CDF wishes previously
used in Warghadi
Implemented Battlefield Tracking System
• Working together we currently have 50 GPS trackers issued to the
SNA directly and this will continue to expand.
• This enables “real-time” tracking and monitoring of Unit Commanders
locations into all 4 deployed C2 Ops rooms simultaneously.
• The system then gives commanders an improved:-
a. Situational awareness and decision making
b. Coordination, collaboration navigation and force protection
c. Direction of CASEVAC Assets or ISR Assistance
d. Determine future communication between SNA locations
Effective Communications over multiple systems
from HQ to frontline working on P.A.C.E acronym.
• As part of the CONOPS and OPORD procedures considerations
should be given toward communications over the whole battlespace.
• Clarity and a defined outline during the Planning phase will ensure the
commanders are made aware of the methods that are available to them
• During the Planning process use of P.A.C.E will assist you in this
a. Primary
b. Alternate
c. Contingency
d. Emergency
P.A.C.E explained in more detail

• It is critical for communications to continue despite disrupted

communication networks. Perfect communications not always possible,
and may be impacted by environmental factors affecting infrastructure,
equipment, networks and its Users.
• Primary – The best and intended method of communications
• Alternate – Another common used BUT less preferred option
• Contingency – This may be slower or convenient but can accomplish the
• Emergency – The Last Resort, GPS Tracker SOS for example
Security of Information and Intelligence
when Sharing
• It is important that during the Planning Cycle considerations should be made in the
following area
• Time and how many Users are required to pass one piece or information and how
that could change the desired affect could determine which part of PACE you use
when planning.
• PACE Triggers should be considered so all commanders are aware of the process
and more importantly when they change between equipment, daily, weekly or

a. Cyber Security when passing and receiving communications

b. Use of Technology to pass information effectively and securely
Any questions for the SNA S6
and his Staff or myself ?

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