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Bancroft Global Development

– Media and Information

Table of Contents

• What is Information Operations

• How does Information Operations and Media support the Commander
• Types of Media – Newspaper
• Types of Media - Radio
• How to Integrate Information Operations into Operational Planning
• Considerations for the conduct of Information Operations
• Discussion
• Questions
What is Information Operations
Information Operations is considered an umbrella term to describe the
coordination activities of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC), public
affairs, and operations security (OPSEC)
How does Information Operations and Media
support the Commander
• Influence
• Inform
Types of Media - Newspaper
Advantages Disadvantages
• Carries credibility and • Literacy rate limits
prestige. usefulness of text.
• Can be passed from person • Printing requires logistical
to person. support.
• Pictures can inform • Requires physical space.
illiterate audiences. • Can be expensive.
• Can be printed on almost • Can be collected and
any surface. destroyed.
• Can be reread for • Slower than other
Types of Media - Radio
Advantages Disadvantages
• Radio messaging is • Absence of Visual
• Reaches Everyone. Element.
• It isAdaptable. • Fleeting Nature.
• Can Segment and Target a • Over Saturation.
Specific Audience.
• It is Local. • Limited
• It is Trusted. Measurement Tools.
How to Integrate Information Operations into
Operational Planning
• What Event/Activity are you doing
• Who is the audience that you want to inform
• How do you want to influence
• What tools are available to achieve the desired influence
Considerations for the conduct of Information
• Timing
• Theme
• Messaging
• Target
• Capability
• Phase one – Clearing
• Phase two – Securing
• Phase three – Holding
• Phase Four - Stability



Adan Yabal

Al-Kowsar Ceel Cali Ahmed

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