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Click to edit Master subtitle style FACULTY RESEARCH MODULE

Prof robin joubert. 2011


1. 2. 3.

Purpose of report is to present findings in a clear and coherent manner to others, to convince your target For the purposes of these lectures the focus will be on writing up a report for an under graduate /honours type of dissertation Characteristics of a good report:

. Well-researched . Coherent . Logical . Balanced . Objective . Impartial . Concise, uncomplicated and clear language


Points to consider
Discourse and presentation differs between quantitative and qualitative

Usually targeted at an intended audience Each discipline has its own discourse or terminology which may need to

be operationally defined in the report but the bulk should be reported using common research language e.g. data gathering instruments or tools not ways of getting information for my research
Whatever you do DONT plagiarise!!!!


Basic principles to consider in writing your report

Be consistent in the use of terms dont use dozen different terms (synonyms)

for a single concept

Dont use hyperbole i.e complex and difficult descriptions to try and impress Your information should be presented in a coherent and clearly worked out plan

that leads the reader through a process of clearly developed descriptions, supporting arguments and discussions that show a clear and unambiguous connection.
Most reports follow a 5 chapter format i.e.: 1. 2. 3.

Chapter 1: Introduction & Rationale/problem statement Chapter 2: Literature review Chapter 3: Methodology

4. 5.

Chapter 4: Analysis and results Chapter 5: Discussion/ recommendations & Conclusion



Plan report carefully and thoroughly before starting. If you are working in groups you can assign various sections to each member and then come together to agree on the final presentation. Your need to have consensus on : The purpose of the report

2. .

. The precise message you wish to convey in it . The appropriate structure and format you will use /font styles etc. . Correct vocabulary, terminology, style and tone.


Layout and technical presentation. (suggested)


Structure/language and format

Suggested structure will be discussed in next slide ( not cast in stone) The following are suggestions and do not have to be rigidly adhered to:
Format all pages using a justify format with double spacing

and can centre chapter headings

Use at least a 12 size font for main text and smaller font for

tables etc e.g. 9 or 10

Use a larger font for chapters e.g. 14 or 16 and e.g. can use

either a larger font( 14 ) or bold for headings and sub headings

Use bold for main headings

Quantitative studies usually support their findings and

discussion with tables, figures and charts to illustrate their various points of discussion narrative in the form of statements made by their participants which typically illustrate a point

Qualitative studies usually support their findings with

e.g. in teenage pregnancy study we finish school early, teachers go home by 2pm then theres nothing to do so we spend time with our boyfriends support a theme around inadequate use of teaching time to provide constructive learning experiences

Specific considerations:
Title page Acknowledgements List of contents should also include separate list of

tables, illustrations, diagrams etc

Abstract Introduction ( beginning) Main body ( middle) Conclusion and recommendations


Title page
An investigation into the possible factors leading to teenage pregnancy amongst girls living in disadvantaged communities

Researchers Name and title: Name of discipline e.g. Audiology School/Faculty/University

Date and year of completion

Name of Supervisor(s)

Try to keep it brief Dont go overboard with flowery language Can personalise e.g. thank you to my beloved

parents etc but not overboard my beloved, most precious, adorable mother etc
Be careful not to leave important role players out

e.g. your supervisor!!


Contents page
The purpose is to inform the reader how you have organised your information and provides the reviewer/examiner with a good summary of the overall content of the report
List: sections ( where appropriate), chapters and the key sub headings

under each chapter

Format carefully Make sure you have all the most important headings recorded and that

they tally exactly with what is in the report

Make sure contents page recorded here tallies with the page in your

write up
Ultimately it should enable reader to find his/her way in the report


Abstract/executive summary
This is a very condensed outline describing the

structure and content of the report it should not be more than 250 words long


Chapter 1: Clear outline of the importance of the research and

problem statement as well as any hypotheses or nil hypothesis; should include the aims and objectives of the research. e.g. why is it important to know about the factors leading to teenage pregnancy in disadvantaged communities?(discuss)
Chapter 2: Literature review should select the most relevant and

appropriate to your particular study, dont use references that have very peripheral significance to the study, develop the discussion around the core components within the rationale e.g. what research has been done to date around teenage pregnancy in general and specifically in disadvantaged communities. Other linked references e.g. around poverty and crowding, adolescence/puberty etc could also be relevant depending on where the site for study takes place.
Acknowledge every source consulted


Chapter Methodology: set this out very clearly and sequentially

exactly as you implemented it. If there are phases of sampling and data gathering stipulate each and the exact processes followed under each phase
Clearly stipulate site and situation of data gathering Clearly stipulate sampling method, inclusion and exclusion criteria Clearly explain how you analysed your data and what the results were


Chapter 4/5 Results and discussion:
Probably the most important section because it pulls

together the conclusions drawn from the results and supported (or not) by your literature review
It is imperative that you are thorough, coherent and

brutally honest and objective in the write up of this section


Tables/charts and figures/pictures etc

These are excellent ways of supporting the discussion and argument They make the report far more interesting to read They provide clarity They should be appropriate to the point you want to illustrate thus e.g. bar diagram best to show e.g. percentages of teenage pregnancies

across 8 schools in the site under investigation

Pie chart more appropriate way of showing percentages of the various

age categories of girls under study in the 8 schools

Pictures should be clear and if necessary should not be able to identify

participants in the picture


Referencing your report

Stick to one particular referencing method e.g. Harvard, APA,

Vancouver system and use it correctly and consistently throughout

Keep very careful list of all details of ALL references used Check thoroughly that all references in text are included in reference list

at end


Fox,W & Bayat,M.S.(2007) A guide to managing research. Juta,Cape Town. Jansen, J. The Language of research , in Maree,K (Editor)(2008) First Steps in

Research. Van Schaik, Pretoria.

Bless,C,Higson-Smith,C & Kagee,A.(2007) Fundamentals of Social Research

Methods: An African Perspective. Juta, Cape Town.

Creswell, J.W.(2003)Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed

methods approaches (2nd Edition).Sage Publications,Thousand Oaks.




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