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Cloud Computing and

its Characteristics

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Table of contents

What is cloud
01 What is cloud
02 computing

03 Why is it needed 04 Characteristics

What is ‘CLOUD’
"The cloud" refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet,
and the software and databases that run on those servers. Cloud
servers are located in data centers all over the world. The cloud is
not a physical entity, but instead is a vast network of remote
servers around the globe
What is cloud computing
Cloud services simply refer to those services that
provide infrastructure, software, hardware, or
even different platforms via the internet. Cloud
computing is the internet based computing
whereby shared resources , software , and
information are provided to computer and other
devices on demand like the electricity grid
Example – Google drive , icloud , one drive etc
Why is it cloud computing needed ?
Before the concept of computers, data was
stored in handwritten or typed formats on
paper. But with advancements in technology,
data is now being stored in hard drives and
other such devices by as the day goes by the
amount of data being generated every
moment has also increased
thus the hard drives and other devices alone
cannot handle the needs of the growing
industries and businesses. This is where
cloud services come in.
Cloud service providers a space to reduce
this problem
• On-Demand Self-Service - Cloud computing allows on-demand self-
services. Services include storage, networking, analysis, etc.
• Rapid Elasticity - Cloud services must quickly develop to keep up with
the ongoing workspace
• Resource Pooling - it a multi-client approach for location independence,
network infrastructure pooling, storage systems,
• Broad network access - The cloud is accessible to any device from any
location because of widespread network access .
• Measured service - The consumption of resources is tracked for each
application and tenant;

- BY AYUSHI , 11th C

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