This Space Is Yours 1 June 21

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This space is yours

The ant and the grasshoper

Natália Megid Cossa
Once upon a time...
There was an anthill full of ants, but there was a grasshoper that just wants to
play and play all day.
Julliet (an ant of the anthill) talked to the grasshoper:
- Hey! Come with us to get food. In the winter you will not have!
- Not today – replied the grasshoper - after 2 days I will come!
After 2 days:
- Did you forget? – asked Julliet
- Sorry! Today is the day that my family will come here to visit.
Julliet started to think that the grasshoper was just making excuses to
not work. Julliet went to her mom to ask when the winter will come:
- Mom?
- Yes? – said Julliet’s mom
- How many days are left for winter?
- No one dear, the winter starts this night.
At night, the grasshooper came to the anthill. He knock at the door and
Julliet’s mom came to the door:
- Please! Let me enter! – said the grasshoper
- Hmmmm... Ok! Do you want to live with us?
- Of course! I will work first and then play all day!
Then the grasshoper starts a new life with Julliet and her mom. First he
works, then he plays! This can be helpful until now kids!
This can help you to understand that fun and study are both important
to our life!

Moral lesson: First the obligation then the fun!


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