Eyes Open 3 Unit 2

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Unit 2

I don’t usually write notes. There are .1
a lot of things on my desk and I can
lose the notes easily. But I sometimes
make notes on my smartphone – only
.when it’s something really important
I don’t get stressed much. I know .2
that my mum will tell me about
anything important. Being with my
.friends makes me happy
It makes me feel stressed! There are .3
too many things to read and the notes
.aren’t organized
Learn vocabulary for talking about *
.priorities in life
Talk about what is important to me, what I *
argue about with my parents, what stresses
.me and what I enjoy doing
7 6 g
2 a d
5 b 3 f
4 e 8 h
Read an article about teenagers and *
.Learn verb and noun collocations *
.Talk about my sleeping habits *
Between eight and nine .1
It can be difficult to .2
concentrate and learn.
Your body gets weak and
it’s easy to get ill. You eat
unhealthy food
.with more sugar in it
Because their bodies are still growing .1
.and their brains are still developing
.Between eight and nine hours .2
You can’t concentrate in your lessons .3
.so it’s more difficult to learn
.Because it has a lot of sugar in it .4
A big meal and drinks with caffeine .5
.or sugar
.Learn should and must *
Talk about problems and give advice *
.using should and must

should spend .2
should .1 must .2
shouldn’t go to bed .3
should … say .4
mustn’t .2
must .3
must .4
Learn vocabulary to describe *
.Learn about word stress *
Listen to a conversation about learning *
.to be a singer
an opera singer .1
She has to practice the .2
piano, do voice exercises
and take music, singing
.and acting lessons

voice .2
school .3
music .4
Italian .5
singing .6
acting .7
German .8
plays the piano
on stage

.Learn have to *
Learn don’t have to and how it differs *
.from mustn’t
.Talk about what you have to do *
have to

don’t have to
Do have to
Do … have to go .2
has to practise .3
have to make .4
don’t have to take .5
doesn’t have to go .6
mustn’t forget .1
don’t have to .1 don’t have to .2
don’t have to .3
mustn’t .2
mustn’t bring .4
don’t have to .5

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