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Organize A Beach Clean

Sukma Rahmadiani
Nadiya Safitri
About The OCEAN
Reduce: to become diminished or lessened.
Ex: Stop buying plastic-bottled water. Bring your own tumbler and refill it. Or when
possible Stop the use of single-use plastic items such as shopping bags, plastic
wraps, disposable food packaging, and plastic drinking straws. Switch to reusable
bags, silverware, mugs, and non-plastic items instead.

Reuse: to use again especially in a different way or after reclaiming or

To reuse means to find another use for an item you might not need anymore.
Recycle: to process something in order to
regain material for human use.
Plastic recycling is the process of recovering
any type of plastic waste and reprocessing
them into useful products. Through recycling,
the amount of plastic in the waste stream is
reduced. More than that, it can lower the rate
of plastic pollution.
Marine debris can be harmful to coral reefs. Recycle your trash at home and on
the go (especially plastic), and remember the three R’s (reduce, reuse, and
recycle). When disposing of trash, do it properly in bins, to avoid trash being
blown or washed away into waterways and oceans. On beaches, make sure you
leave no trash behind, and never throw or leave any cigarette butts in the sand.
You can help keep your rivers and streams clean by volunteering to pick up
trash in your community.

Recycle and dispose of trash properly.

For Your Nice Attention

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