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RUSET 2023

The Role of Collective Action for

Disaster Mitigation in Community
Resilience Facing Landslides

Kampung Muara 1, Cibunian Village,
Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, West Java

Indri Wardiah Abriana Lubis

Dr. Nurmala Katrina Pandjaitan M.S., D.E.A


Background Literature Review Methodology

Result Conclusion
Research Background
• Landslide is a disaster that often occurs in Indonesian due to high
rainfall and generally occurs in hills and mountains.

• BNPB recorded a total of 634 landslide occurred in Indonesian in


• Based on BNPB 2023, landslide are ranked third out of eight natural
disaster frequently occured in Indonesian.

• Landslide disaster cause various impacts such as damage to facilities

and infrastructure, loss of homes, the number of fatalities as well as
having a psychological impact that affects the social life of the
community. In addition, landslide disaster also create vulnerability in
communities affected by disaster.
Research Background

• The occurrence of two landslide in Kampung Muara 1 has caused several social
problems. The community members is economic condition has not yet stabled
because some have lost their jobs. Communities affected by disaster need to adapt to
avoid or reduce the negative impacts of disaster. Such can be achieve by increasing
community resilience through leadership and collective action (Norris et al. 2008).

• Disaster risk management is needed to minimize the incident. Law Number 24 of

2007 concerning Disaster Management defined mitigation as an effort to reduce
disaster risk through physical development, awareness, and capacity building to face
the threat of disaster.
Research Objective

1 To analyze forms of disaster mitigation carried out by the community in dealing with landslide

2 To analyze the level of community resilience in dealing with landslide disaster

3 To analyze the role of collective action with community resilience in dealing with landslide
Literature Review

Lanslide Disaster Collective Action

Collective action is defined as collective action carried out

BNPB (2017) defined landslides as the movement of soil or by several community members together to develop
rock masses or the mixing of the two that descends or exits disaster-affected areas (Sukamto 2010). Vinson (2004)
the slopes due to disruption of the stability of the soil or described three categories of information relevant to
supporting rocks. collective action, namely social and support networks,
social participation, and community engagement.
Literature Review

Disaster Mitigation Collective Action as Disaster Mitigation

Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management Hidayati et al. (2019) show that collective action and
defined mitigation as an effort to reduce disaster risk collaboration are key to community resilience. Surtiarti et
through physical development, awareness raising, and al. (2019) and Hidayati et al. (2019) stated the importance
increased capacity to deal with disaster threats divided into of collective action and collaboration in post-disaster
two forms, namely structural mitigation and non- resettlement recovery and livelihood
structural mitigation. development strategies.
Literature Review

Community Resilience

Maguire and Cartwright (2008) defined community

resilience as the ability of a community to overcome
disturbances or changes and maintain adaptive behavior
rather than returning to its original state. Jordan and Will
(2012) looked at five main instruments for measuring
community resilience, namely economic resilience,
infrastructure resilience, institutional resilience, social
resilience, and recovery strategy.
Research Location

Kampung Muara 1, Cibunian Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, West

Research Methods Data Types and Data Collecting

Primary: Questionnaire and In-Depth Interview

The research use a quantitative approach supported
by a qualitative data Secondary: Study literature and supporting

Respondent and Informants Data Analyzing

Respondents: 80 respondents (purposive Quantitative: Spearman Rank Correlation on

sampling) Microsoft Excel 365 & IBM SPSS Statistic 24

Informants: Local government, community Qualitative: Data reduction, data presentation,

leaders, and several community members. data verification.
Forms of Disaster Mitigation carried out by Communities

Structural Mitigation

Involved Not Involved

Form of mitigation
2015 2022 2015 2022

n % n % n % n %

Building retaining walls 2 2,50 4 5,00 78 97,50 76 95,00

Installation of disaster-prone signs 4 5,00 10 12,50 78 97,50 70 87,50
Building disaster evacuation routes 14 17,50 27 33,75 66 82,50 53 66,25
Build refugee tents 6 7,50 15 18,75 74 92,50 65 81,25
Cleaning houses affected by landslides 18 22,50 37 46,25 62 77,50 43 53,75
Reforestation 31 38,75 36 45,00 49 61,25 44 55,00
Building new or temporary housing 3 3,75 5 6,25 77 96,25 75 93,75
Improve facilities and infrastructure 18 22,50 36 45,00 62 77,50 44 55,00
Forms of Disaster Mitigation carried out by Communities

Non-Structural Mitigation

Involved Not Involved

Form of mitigation
2015 2022 2015 2022

n % n % n % n %

Socialization about preventing landslides 34 2,50 39 5,00 46 97,50 41 95,00

Socialization to save yourself in the event of a landslide 33 5,00 38 12,50 47 97,50 42 87,50
Islamic activity 40 17,50 57 33,75 40 82,50 23 66,25
Evacuating disaster victims 75 7,50 79 18,75 5 92,50 1 81,25
Collect donations 25 22,50 54 46,25 55 77,50 26 53,75
Distribute aid 8 38,75 14 45,00 72 61,25 66 55,00
Maintain environmental safety 47 3,75 58 6,25 33 96,25 22 93,75
Trauma healing 27 22,50 50 45,00 53 77,50 30 55,00
Providing information 33 41,25 33 41,25 47 58,75 47 58,75
Collective Action for Disaster Mitigation

Social and Support Network Social Participation Community Engagement

6.25% 3.75% 2.50%



Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High

Social and support network Social participation Community engagement

Is considered high Is considered medium Considered moderate
Community Resilience Facing Landslides


40.00% 36.67%


20.00% 16.25%


Economic Resilience Infrastructure Social Resilience Institutional Resilience Recovery Strategy
Collective Action for Disaster Mitigation and Community Resilience Facing Landslides

• Collective action is still top down and the community is less likely to participate because they are still
dependent on government assistance. Collective action from the community only supports and agrees, many
other communities still have not participated, because mitigation in Kampung Muara 1 does not involve the
community actively, but is more focused on the role of government, so collective action is top down.

• Community resilience in Kampung Muara 1 is said to be not yet resilient. This is caused by obstacles in
employment opportunities, low income, and economic conditions that have not experienced sufficient
improvement. The community's dependence on government assistance is also a factor that influences low
economic resilience scores. If people only rely on aid and surrender without making any effort to develop
their own economic resources, this can create unsustainable dependency. To achieve resilience, community
solidarity, effective leadership, and involvement and participation of community members are needed.
• Forms of disaster mitigation in Kampung Muara 1, Cibunian Village are divided into 2 types, namely
structural mitigation and non-structural mitigation. Mitigation is divided into two categories, namely
preventive mitigation carried out before a disaster occurs and impact mitigation carried out after a disaster

• The level of collective action is in the medium category. Collective action of community members is seen
from social and support networks, social participation, and community engagement. Collective action is top
down, because the government is more involved.

• The level of community resilience is in the low category, which shows that the Kampung Muara 1
community is not yet resilient. This condition is caused by some communities focusing on impact
mitigation, lack of active participation in collective action, and dependence on aid.
Thank You
By: Dr. Nurmala Katrina Pandjaitan M.S., D.E.A and Indri Wardiah Abriana Lubis

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