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Thematic Analysis

for Nicole Griffin

Nicole Griffin
February 4, 2024
Dr. Janice Lawhorn
Hello and welcome to my thematic analysis where I have taken all the
information complied over the past four years and beyond to find
what is really the driving force behind what motives me and where
my values lie. Interestingly enough, after conducting a good amount
of research I found that those material items that were so important
to me really aren’t the key drivers in who I am and what I want. On
surface level, success, a nice house money all seemed to be what I
have been working for. As you will see, after further research the
materialistic things are not what I find value in. The material will
fade away, jobs will come and go, the true motivating factors are far
deeper than material things: those things money can’t buy, family,
health, a sense of community etc.
My Data Sources
I would like to introduce you to data sources from where I obtained my data from. I used several survey questions and results from various assessments which you will find below:

• Career and life Orientation Index

• Developing Implications - Self Assessment
• Disk Personality Assessment
• Identities Exercise
• Journal entries
• Kudar Career Assessment
• Kudar Skills Confidence Assessment
• Super’s Work Values Inventory Revised
• Values checklist
Data Sources
 The Career and Life Orientation Index: Asked 33 questions which I added up and gave a total score. That score broke
down if I was Extremely Protean, Highly Protean, Moderately Protean, Moderately Organizational, or extremely
 DISC Personality Test (DISC): I enjoyed this assessment because it asked us a series of questions, of the four questions
asked, we had to choose one question that we related to more than the others, and we had to choose another answer for
the same number that was least like us. The four primary categories for this assessment were: dominance, influence,
compliance and steadiness
 Journal Entries: I chose to utilize my journal entries to seek reoccurring themes because I feel we are most honest with
ourselves when we feel we can be vulnerable, and the journal entries gave real life experiences I long forgot, whish
helped with the data I needed to complete my analysis
 Kudars Career Assessment: Asked us a series of questions based on the questions and how we answered I fell into
different categories: those categories were Artistic (A), Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Enterprising (E), Social (S),
Conventional (C). It tallied up our top three answers for a total score in the three top areas that related to me the most
and which career would be best for us based on our scores
 Kudar’s Confidence Assessment: Broke down our confidence levels based on the following categories: Artistic (A),
Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Enterprising (E), Social (S), Conventional (C). It tallied up our top three answers for a total
score in the three top areas that related to me the most
 Life Story Personal Narrative aka LSPN: Was a lengthy process, however, well worth the work. I was tasked with writing
an 8 page autobiography which really honed in on reoccurring themes which has molded me into who I am today, the
foundation of my life really set the stage for the non-material items I seek and value in my personal life as well as my
professional life
 Values Exercise: Gave us a long list of various values to choose from. I was able to choose all that I related to, while the
list was originally long, we had to choose the top 10 values and then from that, we had to choose the top 3 values.
My 10 Themes
I compiled information from all of my data sources and familiarized myself with different categories, I utilized the categories that were mentioned the most in all of the information which I pulled from: journal entries, the autobiography (LSPN), assessments and feedback from others to gather the top 10 themes, I had about 28, however, I was able to condense the them down a bit they are listed below:
1. Family
2. Experience
3. Trust
4. Leadership
5. Faith
6. Consistency
7. Security & Stability
8. Integrity
9. Helping others/Community
10. Belonging

2. Helping
3. Integrity
4. Security & Stability
5. Consistency
6. Faith
7. Leadership
8. Trust
9. 10.
Theme 1: Family
 Theme Statement: After conducting several assessments, the information reiterated how important my
family is. At the end of the day the very core of who I am is centered around my family. Going back to
journal entries and my personal narrative, there is nothing more important than my family. I will do
whatever it takes to ensure my family has what they need to be loved and honored by giving them the
care they need.
 Supporting Data:
In the career & life orientation Assessment, indicated that my main emphasis is on my family:
rated a 4.2 I scored 25 which needed to be divided by 6, giving me a total score: 4.2 which meant
that when it comes to my family, I score Highly Protean which means I’m highly focused on my
family (Harrington & Hall, 2007)

While being supportive of the family is crutial, this can actually be negative if I don’t balance my
family activity with work. For example, If one of the kids are sick, I will leave work because they
are my priority, I feel it would be beneficial if I know they are going to be sick to find someone to
back me up at work so we don’t fall behind. Family is important but so is balance.
Please see external colors and key for excel document as I
wasn’t sure how to add in ppt
My Personal Vision Statement

My vision is to allow the spirit within me to inspire, give security to others

consistently to let everyone know they are valued, loved and cared for.

Social change, community and family should give everyone a sense of belonging.
Everyone is someone and I will care for each person I come in contact with so
they feel a positive spiritual feeling.
Reflection: The reason I want to inspire others is because without a sense of
belonging people feel lost and unloved, we need to care for everyone we come in
contact with, to change the world and to make it a better place.
My Personal Mission Statement

My personal mission statement is simple to Motivate Millions. Any chance you get
to do the right thing-always do the right thing.
I want to motivate others not by my words but by who I am and how I treat
others. Motivating them by including them, by always being available to them to
let them know they are included. I am dedicated to my family and my co-workers
to ensure everyone is included and no one is left behind.

Reflection: Each and every opportunity to help someone I will go back to my

mission statement, what is it that I want to accomplish, if the action is not
aligned with my mission statement, I will re-think my approach so it will align. In
a world where anything goes, there’s nothing more important to me than making
sure I’m able to motivate others by my actions and how I treat them.
I found through my expressive writings, indirect assessments and readings that
family, a sense of community and what matters most to me. The key takeaways
for me after doing a qualitative analysis is that my current career does not align
with my values and goals. Because of this assignment and constant assessments,
I realize that I want my next job to be a career and every job after that to align
with my faith, my family, my community, my core values, I work for a fortune
500 company which values its share holders, those values and my values are not
the same. I found that family and belonging truly inspired me

I have thoroughly enjoyed learning the power of assessments and the power
reflection and will be taking a different route looking for a job in a different
career and I’m okay with doing so after 15 years.

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