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Sending & Supporting Mission Workers


Recognition of missionaries pastoral needs Greater knowledge and honesty about stresses of missionary life Awareness that many are leaving the field early Better resources and expertise available

Missionary Attrition
5% of missionaries leave the field each year 71% leave for preventable reasons

To send someone who is not fit to go is irresponsible, and with our stress on the role of the local church commending and sending, the elders and church leaders have a key role in assessing the person or persons who are potential candidates.


The Biblical Basis

Practical Assessment of workers Pitfalls to avoid

How can we do better?

Commendation - Biblical


Acts 14: 26 They sailed

back to Antioch, where they had been committed (commended) to the grace of God for the work they had now completed.

Acts 15:40 Paul chose Silas and left,

commended by the brothers to the grace of God.

Commendation - Biblical


The word paradidomi literally means to give or deliver over. It contains the idea of releasing, delivering over or committing His servants to Him. Vine

Biblical commendation has at its heart the idea of 'handing over' workers to the grace of God for His support and direction in the particular ministry to which He has called them.

Commendation the Acts model


The Holy Spirit identifies the workers

Acts 13:2

2. The Church at Antioch release/commend them to God and send them away 3. They fulfil their ministry 13:4-14:26 4. They return to the church at Antioch
Ch 14:26

5. They report to the church on the work accomplished Ch 14:27

Commendation the Acts model

6. Paul leaves with Silas for another period of service. The church commend them Ch

7. They fulfil their mission Ch 16:1 -18:21 8. Paul returns to Antioch Ch 18:22 9. Paul leaves Antioch again on his third missionary journey Ch 18:23 10. He returns to Jerusalem, but cannot visit Antioch due to his arrest.

Commendation the Acts model

They were members of the local church They were actively involved in the work of the church. The call of God was clear to ALL (nobody needed persuasion) The church recognised the call The church released them to service & IDENTIFIED with them- they fasted, prayed and laid hands on them. They returned and reported to the church ACCOUNTABLE

Commendation - Biblical


There is no evidence that Barnabas and Saul volunteered for missionary service; they were sent by the Spirit through the church. Still today it is the responsibility of every local church (especially of its leaders) to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, in order to discover whom he may be gifting and calling. John Stott

Commendation Practical assessment

1. KNOWLEDGE OF THE PERSON/S Character Commitment Gifts and Abilities Physical fitness Family Circumstances

Commendation Practical assessment



Is there a realistic assessment of their likely service and its problems?

(Beware the person who sees no problems.)

Is there excessive pressure from other workers? Are they escaping problems at home?

Commendation Practical assessment

2. KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORK THEY ARE TO DO Country - Area Type of work Who is already present Likely conditions/ problems Language / culture

Commendation Practical assessment

2. KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORK What is their role to be? If the worker is single is it suitable? Has the situation been researched well by the potential worker? Has work been established there? Who is doing this work? Have contacts been made, will they receive a welcome? Are they wanted? Are they compatible, culturally and doctrinally? Will the local church (if one exists) welcome them?


The Pitfalls

The pressure to commend before there is a unanimous conviction of Gods calling Commending too soon Not reviewing commendation and service adequately Forgetting pastoral care Not visiting the workers on the field Failing to accept the support implications that come with commendation

Commendation Doing it better

Waiting on God, until sure the person is called an ready to go Delegating a contact person to ensure regular communication Assessing the appropriate level of support Having a thorough review with the worker/workers when they return home Recognising that each new period of service should be a new sending

Priorities in Pre-Field Training

1. Spiritual Formation
Conforming to Christ & discovering His adequacy

2. Interpersonal Formation
Active listener and learner Relationships mature

3. Personal Preparation
Local Church & agency Expectations Physical readiness Family readiness Cross-cultural readiness



Language learning
Separation from children


Childrens education
Change in work status


Engaging in a culture


6. Housing & security


Difficulties with close relationships

Lack of accountability


Changing missionary role

10. Lack of results

Providers of Care The Workers

Maintaining their spiritual life and developing dependence on God is a strong bulwark when problems arise.

Providers of Care Sending Church

Commendation Prayer Encouragement Communication Receiving back Financial support Information Visiting Debriefing listening in confidence with a structured interview

Topics for a Debrief

Review of last term of service Role & Work of missionary: achievement of goals; satisfaction, frustrations & problems Spiritual progress & growth, doctrinal issues Relationships with church and local Christians Relationships with colleagues Accommodation & living conditions

Topics for a Debrief

Health concerns
Support & finance Communication with home, frequency & level Assessment of role and input of sending church Family progress and education Future plans and goals Other problems and issues

Providers of Care Colleagues

Learning culture Problems & danger areas Parental figures Listeners Carers

Providers of Care
Local Church on Field

Language learning Cultural adaptation World view Identity as member of local church Fellowship Support

Providers of Care Service


Advice on commendation Training, orientation Advice on medical care, education, finance Care on the field through services, visits, counsel Accumulated expertise & specialist knowledge

Providers of Care Specialist


Objective assessment Medical advice and care Psychological assessment Specialist counselling Networking

Challenges in Communication

Maintaining interest Non- responding workers Changing technology Connecting with the young Educating about a changing world Passing the Baton

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