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Can you name some ways to separate
3.3 Filtering and Decanting

Dot point:
• Relate a range of techniques
used to separate mixtures to
the physical principles involved
in filtration and decantation.
Notes:Mixtures can be physically separated

• A mixture is a substance made from two or

more substances that can be physically
separated again.
• Examples include: Concrete, air, mayonnaise,
muddy water, sea water, etc.
• Different separation techniques are used to
separate mixtures, depending if they are
soluble substances or insoluble substances.
Soluble or Insoluble?

a) Sand is dissolved in Insoluble Mixture


b) Salt is dissolved in water Soluble Mixture

Notes: Filtration separates liquids from
• Filtration is used to separate insoluble
substances from liquids. A filter is like a sieve,
with many small holes. The holes are smaller
than the particle being filtered, so that they get
caught in the filter. Only particles smaller than
the holes can pass through.
Notes: Filtration separates
liquids from solids.
• In figure 3.6, the solid chalk
particles get trapped in the filter
paper and the liquid passes
through the filter paper. The
chalk left in the filter paper is
the residue and the liquids that
passes through the filter paper
is called the filtrate.
Notes: Filtration separates liquids from solids.

Filtration can be used to separate:

• Solids from gases
• Solids from liquids
• Liquids from gases
• Liquids from other liquids
Steps for Filtration
How to fold filter paper
Notes:Decanting Separates sediments from
- Decantation is a type of gravity separation that
lets suspensions of solids or liquids separate
naturally. After an insoluble solid in a mixture
settles to the bottom of a container
(sediment). The top layer can be poured or
scrapped off.

- Sieving uses a sieve to separate different sized

particles. A sieve is a barrier with holes in it.
Small solid particles can get through, but large
ones can’t.

- Magnets are used for

separating rubbish made
of iron or steel. Iron is
attracted to magnets and
steel is mostly iron.
Nickel and cobalt are
also magnetic, while the
other metals and
substances such as

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