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3rd Group

Evi Maulidhatul Karomah (2176620004)

Noer Ita Faixmatul Hasanah (2176620007)
Putri Wahyu Illahi (2176620009)
Yulita Purbowati (2176620014)
LECTURER : Rifzi Devi Nurvitasari,S.Tr.Keb.,M.Keb


What is contraception?
The term contraception comes from the
words contra and conception. Contra
means "against" or "prevent", while
conception is the meeting between a
mature egg and sperm which results in
What’s the purpuso of contraception ?
The purpose of conception is to avoid/prevent pregnancy as a
result of a meeting between an egg cell and a sperm cell.
Therefore, based on the intent and purpose of contraception,
those who need contraception are couples who are actively
having sex and both have normal fertility but do not want
The targets of
contracepcion is for !
● The Phase of Delaying Pregnancy
● Phase Regulating/Spacing Pregnancy
● Ending Fertility Phase
The Phase of Delaying
The period of delaying the first pregnancy should be
carried out by couples whose wives have not yet
reached the age of 20 years. Because the age under
20 years is the age that should delay having children
for various reasons. The contraceptive criteria
needed are contraception with high fertility recovery,
meaning that fertility returns can be achieved. 100%
guaranteed. This is important because at this time the
couple does not have children, and the effectiveness
is high. Contraceptives that are suitable and
recommended are birth control pills, IUDs.
Phase Regulating/Spacing
The wife's age period between 20 - 30 years is
the best age period for giving birth, with 2
children and the distance between births is 2-4
years. The contraceptive criteria needed are
high effectiveness, high reversibility because
the couple still expects to have more children.
Contraception can be used 3-4 years according
to the planned birth spacing.
Ending Fertility Phase
It is advisable for the family after having 2
children and the wife's age is more than 30 years not
to get pregnant. Family conditions like this can use
contraception that has a high effectiveness, because
if there is a failure this can lead to a pregnancy with
a high risk for both mother and child. In addition, if
the acceptor couple does not expect to have more
children, contraception that is suitable and
recommended is the contraception method, IUD,
implant, KB injections and birth control pills.
The condition of contracepion is :
1. It is safe to use and can be trusted.
2. No adverse side effects.
3. work can be arranged according to desire.
4. Do not interfere with intercourse.
5. Does not require medical assistance or strict
controls during use.
6. How to use is simple
7. the price is cheap so that it can be reached by wide
8. can be accepted by husband and wife.

Various Contraception Methods

01 02 03 04

Simple Hormonal Contraceptive Steady

Contraceptive Contraception Method with Contraceptive
Method Method Intrauterine Device Method

. .
. .
01. Simple Contraceptive Method
There are 2 simple contraceptive methods is this :

A . simple contraception without tools

and methods
Methods of contraception without tools include:
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (MAL), Couitus
Interuptus, Calendar Method, Cervical Mucus Method,
Basal Body Temperature Method, and Symptothermal
is a combination of basal temperature and cervical

B . the simple method

While the simple method of contraception using a
condom, diaphragm, cervical cup and spermicide.
02. Hormonal Contraception Method
Hormonal contraceptive methods are basically divided into 2 , that’s :
A. combination (contains synthetic estrogen and
progesterone) and containing only progesterone
B. Combined hormonal contraceptives found in pills
and injections. While hormonal contraception
containing progesterone is found in pills, injections
and implants.

03. Contraceptive Method with Intrauterine
Device (IUD)
This contraceptive method is broadly divided into 2 , that’s :

IUD containing synthetic hormones (synthetic

progesterone) and which do not contain hormones. IUD
that Contains the hormone Progesterone or
Leuonorgestrel, namely: Progestast (Alza-T with 1 year
action, LNG-20 contains Leuonorgestrel

04. Steady Contraceptive Method
There are 2 types of steady contraception methods, that’s Female Operative
Method (MOW) and Male Operative Method (MOP)

A. MOW often known as tubectomy because the principle of

this method is to cut or bind to the fallopian tubes / tubes so as
to prevent the meeting between the ovum and sperm.
B. MOP is often known as vasectomy, vasectomy, namely
cutting or binding the vas deferens channel so that sperm cannot
come out or ejaculate

Use of Contraceptives
During the Covid-19
During the Covid-19 pandemic, family
planning programs experienced a decline due
to limited public access to health facilities.
Decreased access to health facilities during
the pandemic can lead to unwanted
pregnancies and an explosion in the number
of births. Methods: This research is a study
quantitative descriptive, with a time approach
The Role of Midwives in Providing
Contraceptive Services During the
Covid-19 Pandemic

Family service protocols have been implemented in the

pandemic era with 19% 78% of midwives, online, and using
standard personal protective equipment. There was a decrease in
family planning services by midwives in the practice of
independent midwives in Yogyakarta during the Covid-19
pandemic by 13,8% (from February to April 2020). By the
decline predicted to result in a high chance of a baby boom.
Midwives are expected to improve family planning services
after delivery, especially the IUD, and utilize online media.
Other efforts can be made through the BKKBN, namely by
encouraging postpone pregnant during the Covid-19 pandemic
and the existence of free family planning services so that
productive partners can routinely control the use of acceptors.
The conception is to avoid/prevent pregnancy
as a result of a meeting between an egg cell and
a sperm cell. Therefore, based on the intent and
purpose of contraception, those who need
contraception are couples who are actively
having sex and both have normal fertility but
do not want pregnancy. Contraception is an
attempt to prevent pregnancy, the effort can be
temporary or permanent.
Do you have any questions?

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by Freepik

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