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Normal shock wave

application of the General

fluid motion equations
Normal shock
• A particular case of the general (or
oblique) shock wave
• Perpendicular to the flow direction
• Imagine a wall in front of the flow
1. the flow is steady
2. the flow is adiabatic
3. there are no viscous effects on
the sides of the control volume
4. there are no body forces
Equations describing the flow 1D under
assumptions from slide 2
•The continuity equation: •Enthalpy:

•Equation of state:
•Momentum equation:
•The total conditions in a flow are related to static conditions via:
•Energy equation:

• Note that the ratios of total to static properties are a function of local
Mach number only.
Equations tying the flow properties upstream (subscript
1) and downstream (subscript 2) of the normal shock
What happens inside the shock?

• Shocks are non-isentropic  the flow must be •Continuity

viscous inside the shock viscous dissipation must
occur • 
• From the Navier-Stokes equations, the viscous terms •Equation of State
related to the normal stress is defined as:

• We don’t use the Stokes model for ; . We create a
model for • 
• Match the constant C to the model equations and
solutions for the shock-wave  need the 1D fluid
motion equations in differential form:
•Energy •Static and total enthalpy

•  (+)

• u*( )
•  (integrate) 

• (1) + assumption that specific heat at constant pressure is constant 

• (2) ; where is the Prandtl number, for air it is 0.72.

•We can write , because .

•Replacing in (2), we obtain a relation for , that can be used in (1)
•  a rate of change equation for total enthalpy H.
• Boundary conditions
• Shock thickness is
• , on the faces of the shock for
continuity purposes
• ?variation of H inside the shock
Solution to the governing
•(1) The dissipation integral between the upstream and
downstream boundaries of the shock is a function of the Prandtl
number unless,
• This integral cannot be a function of Prandtl number because
conditions at station 2 are known to be independent of Prandtl
•(2) The rate equation for the total enthalpy, H, does not give a
convergent solution matching the boundary condition, H2 = H1,
unless .
•(1) and (2) are true together if , for σ = 0.72 in air, C = 0.611
(quite close to the value of 2/3 from Stokes’ assumption)
What is the parameter for which we solve?
• Shock wave thickness and stress
Normal Shock Solution at M = 2

• This equation effectively expresses the normal 600

stress, τ, as a function of the velocity, u, and

constant terms. We note that τ must be zero at u = 500

u1 and u2; there are no terms in x. 400

Flow Velocity

• This is a first order differential equation for u in 200

terms of x, which may be solved numerically using

a finite difference scheme. 100

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Streamwise Distance microns
Shock wave thickness
• Analytical form:

•Empirical assessments show that the value of u which is 15% of (u 1 - u2) less than u1. This gives

•For the viscosity term we take an average velocity, mid-way between u 1 and u2, defined by

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