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Independent Study
Your Assignment
1. Make sure you have answered “Why do we have day and night?” and “Why
do we have seasons?” under WHAT I THINK.
2. By the end of this PowerPoint presentation, you should have the following
organizers filled out:
a. Rotation Foldable (left side)-You will be
called out to do the “Try This”.
b. Revolution Foldable-BOTH sides
c. Rotation vs. Revolution venn
3. If you are unable to find all the needed info in this presentation, you can
access the internet to look for information!
4. If you finish all work before time is up, you can fill out the “What It?”
foldable, both sides. Write on the TOP of the flap, NOT on the notebook
Earth’s Rotation
• Rotation is the
spinning of the Earth
on its axis.
• The time for one
rotation is 24 hours.
• The speed of rotation
24,855 miles/24 hr
or 1,038 miles/hr
• The Earth tilts at 23 Click image to view Earth’s rotation.

Earth’s Revolution
• A revolution technically means going
around in an orbital path.
• A revolution occurs as the earth moves
around the sun.
• Time for one revolution = 365 1/4 days
= 8,766 hours.
• The speed of earth’s revolution is
about 18 miles per second.
Earth’s Revolution
Earth’s Orbit
• The orbital path an object takes as it revolves
around another object.
Around and Around We Go

• Every second, that you sit in

this classroom, the Earth's
orbital motion carries you
about 18 miles through
Quiz Time!!!!!
• Make sure ALL your foldables are filled
out before you take the quiz!!!
• Get out a sheet of BLANK notebook
• Write your name and your partner’s name
on the paper.
• Number your paper from 1-8.
• Answer each question. Your answer will
either be Rotation or Revolution.
• Turn in this paper by the end of class, for
a grade!!!
1. The Earth spinning on its axis. Rotation Revolution

2. Going around a larger body. Rotation Revolution


3. 24 hours. Rotation Revolution

4. Causes the Earth’s seasons. Rotation Revolution

5. Creates a year. Rotation Revolution

6. The moon going around Earth. Rotation Revolution

Identify the motion being shown in each of these
pictures. Each team must write their answers for each
figure on their notebook paper.

Figure #7 Rotation Revolution


Figure #8


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