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Flowchart Algorithm Application

in Study Case of How Human Get

the Happiness in the Life Journey

By: Bambang HSR Wibowo

*) Human thing The Happiness Source are:
1) Much Money or Riches with the various generation
2) High Knowledge or Graduated Certificate with the various
3) High Duty with the various generation
Money, Knowledge, Duty are called MKD

*) All of those have been BIG Wrongs !!!!
The q,… Why?
*) Secret Philosophy answers:
Cause M,K,D have been Not Gave for ALL,
and Cause Human have been WRONG
PLACE for looking the Happiness.
*) Like looking the fish at the cinema,….at the bus station,
or other wrong places. It NEVER Ever will be funded.
So, if We want to Look FOR:
*) Fish in the water with fishing rod
(We can find the fish at the sea, or other fishing ponds)
Where the place and How to get it?...
Let imagine
1) Algorithm F-Chart How Human to Get Sad/Happiness

BoG *) The q is…..How to get BoG?

“PLEASE look at the FC_2”

No BoG Yes

Print Print
“Sadness in “Happiness in
W&B” W&B”

q is question; BoG is Blessingness
of God; W&B is world and beyond
2) Algorithm F-Chart How Human to Get BoG

*) What’s happen? If the FoG

Heart Inside was Gone.
“PLEASE look at the FC_3”
No FoG Yes

Heart Inside toGod =Obey toMoG = Obey toHoB = Obey


Print “NOT Get Print “Get BoG

BoG in W&B” in W&B”

End Note:
FoG is Fear only God; MoG is Messenger
of God; HoB is Holy Book
3) Algorithm F-Chart How Human to Get 2 kind Desires

*) There is Desire in the HI. HI

How the manage?
“PLEASE look at the FC_4”
No HI=0 Yes

PoSat<PoBn PoSat>PoBn

Print Print
“Good_Desire” “Bad_Desire”

End Note:
HI is Heart Inside; PoSat is Power of Satan;
PoBn is Power of Beliefness
4) Algorithm F-Chart How Human to Manage Good_D

*) Desire must be fight, cause

We need Good Desire in
Heart Inside. Why?
“PLEASE look at the FC_5”
No D Yes

PoSat>PoBn PoSat<PoBn

Print Print
“Bad_Desire” “Good_Desire”

End Note:
PoSat is Power of Satan;
PoBn is Power of Beliefness
5) Algorithm F-Chart How Human to Get HpNs with GD

GoodDesire=GD *) FINALLY, GD can manage our

Knowledge, Money & Duty
to get HpNs in W&B
No GD Yes

KnLedge>=0 Money>=0 Duty>=0

Print “Get Print “Get HpNs

Sadness in W&B” in W&B”

End Note:
KnLedge is Knowledge; HpNs is Happiness;
W&B is world and beyond
1) Look at yourself attitude in story of your life…have been
made Happy or Sad?
2) How about your desire? Under yourself control or others?
When will be change as fast as possible?
3) Do you want to be Happy, Right Now and future? So,
What can you do?
Advice>>>Remember: Do Not wait till end your limit time !!!

………...HAVE NICE your LIFE Journey………

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