Intro MicrowaveEng

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Introduction :

Dr: Moh’d Al-Wadeai

Course Objectives

 After this course, you will be able to explain:

o Concept and characteristics of microwave
o Functions and principles of each component of
microwave equipment
o Common networking modes and application
scenarios of microwave equipment
o Propagation principles of microwave
communication and various types of fading
o Anti-fading technologies
o Procedure and key points in designing microwave
transmission link
Required References

1) Microwave Engineering, David M. Pozar,

JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., 4nd edition.
2) Electromagnetic waves, C. G. Someda, CRC
Press, 2006.
3) Microwave and RF Engineering, Roberto
Sorrentino, Giovanni Bianchi, JohnWiley &
Sons, Inc.,ISBN: 978-0-470-75862-5 (Hbk).
Grading Elements and Weights

Homework: 15%
Activities/Quizzes: 5%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Final Examination : 60%
∙ Microwave Frequencies and Bands
o The practical microwave region is generally considered to
extend from 1 to 30 GHz, although frequencies could include up
to 300 GHz.
o Microwave signals in the 1- to 30-GHz have wavelengths of 30
cm to 1 cm.
o The microwave frequency spectrum is divided up into groups of
frequencies, or bands.
o Frequencies above 40 GHz are referred to as millimeter (mm)
waves and those above 300 GHz are in the submillimeter band.
Benefits of Microwaves
o Moving into higher frequency ranges has helped to
solve the problem of spectrum crowding.
o Today, most new communication services are
assigned to the microwave region.
o At higher frequencies there is a greater bandwidth
available for the transmission of information.
o Wide bandwidths make it possible to use various
multiplexing techniques to transmit more information.
o Transmission of high-speed binary information
requires wide bandwidths and these are easily
transmitted on microwave frequencies.

• Fast Deployment
• Flexibility
• Low implementation Cost
• Link across Mountains and Rivers are economical &
• Quick maintenance of the system
• GHz band has very low noise
o The higher the frequency, the more difficult it
becomes to analyze electronic circuits.
o At microwave frequencies, conventional components
become difficult to implement.
o Microwave signals, like light waves, travel in
perfectly straight lines. Therefore, communication
distance is limited to LOS (not always available).
o Microwave signals penetrate the ionosphere, so
multiple-hop communication is not possible.
• Needs frequency license
• ‫ف‬
1. Communication:
∙ Microwave is used in broadcasting and Telecom.
Transmission, due to their short wavelength, highly
directional antennas are smaller.
∙ Mobile phone networks, like GSM, use the low
microwave/UHF frequencies around 1.8 and 1.9 GHz.
∙ Microwaves are used in television signal to transmit a
signal from a remote location to a television station
from a specially equipped van.
∙ Microwaves are used for comm. from one point to
another via satellite. Wavelengths below 1 meter ( i.e.
frequencies below 8 MHz are reflected by the
ionosphere) are not reflected by the ionosphere: we
can use them for satellite communication
1. Remote Sensing:
 The most important of remote sensing is RADAR that uses a
transmitter to illuminate an objects and a receiver to detect
their positions and velocities.
 Another class of remote sensing is radio astronomy. It is
subclass of astronomy that studies celestial objects at radio
 Remount control sets.
2. Heating Applications:
⁎ Baking: the heating property of microwaves are used for
baking, cooking using microwave oven. In microwave oven,
the food is heated directly by microwave radiations without
heating the container .The cooking time is very small as
compare to conventional heating.
⁎ Drying: microwaves are used for drying the solids. Drying is
uniform throughout the product moisture present in the
product is evaporated out. Drying is at relative low
Cont. of Applications of Microwave-

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