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part 3
No. 11
- They are emotionally intuitive
• Most people live as if they are the only important
person in the world, not caring for the well-being of
others, physical or emotional.
• But when you have true integrity, you are more
attuned with the world and those around you. You
do not live in your little bubble, but allow yourself
to be a part of everyone else’s.
• When you notice that someone is experiencing
something troubling, you do your best to assist them
with their situation actively
No. 12
- Apologetic
• You may not admit it, but many of us never let
ourselves say those two simple words—“I’m
sorry”—simply because we don’t want to “lose”.
• But true integrity can see past the vanity of losing
and winning and prefers instead to create peace
instead of tension. If this requires being the bigger
man and apologizing first, then so be it
No. 13
- Accountability
• To a person with true integrity, nothing is more
crucial than their word and their bond.
• Those with true integrity use accountability as the
defining element in whether they can trust another
person, or even trust themselves.
No. 14
- Genuine
• Nothing about an individual with integrity is
dishonest, untruthful, or a white lie.
• They believe that being genuine is the best way to
interact with others and the world around them.
• They would bleed for their values and the truths that
define them.
No. 15
- They apologize when they’ve gone too far
• You’ll see this most often in supervisors who are
trying to find the balance between encouraging their
surbodinates and pushing them to do more.
• When you yell about something that didn’t require
that kind of response, a person of integrity will
apologize and accept responsibility for their actions.
No. 16
- They ensure the team gets the credit
• if a boss is a person or integrity, he or she will
ensure that the team get the credit they deserve.
• give props where they are due and ensure that
others know what role they had in the success of a
project or account.
• It’s so easy just to let the accolades roll in when you
are the head of the team, but to go out of your way
to ensure those that deserve recognition get it, is a
real sign of integrity.
• It’s amazing what you can achieve when you do not
care who gets the credit
No. 17
- They don’t name call
• When things go bad, anyone who resorts to name
calling as a form of communication is not a person
of integrity.
• when push comes to shove, it’s all too easy to start
pointing fingers and calling people mean or rude
names because they broke your heart.
• It’s a hard place to be in when someone is treating
you like that, but know that these people – whoever
they are to you – are not people of integrity
No. 18
- They have patience
• You’ll see this lack of control on the road with
aggressive drivers who don’t have the wherewithal
to relax and enjoy the ride.
• People who lack integrity are more likely to take
their anger and issues out on those around them
• Pay attention to how people treat others and that is
usually a good indicator of how much integrity
someone has
• Patience is the companion of wisdom
No. 19
- They apologize
• Whether you are waiting for the keynote speaker to
arrive or the waiter to take your drink order, if the
person has integrity, they’ll be sure to apologize for
being late.
• That’s because people who have a good deal of
integrity know how precious time is and how
important it is for people to show up on time – for
themselves and others.
• If someone just says they are sorry, believe them
and move on from it. That shows integrity on your
part as well.
it is not in our nature

No! Not so common around us

It is not something that you are naturally

born with, and there is a limited amount
to go around
Good news
• The good news is that integrity can be developed
over time.

• If you want to start showing up as a better person in

the world, all you have to do is try.
Final words
• If you are dropping balls, hogging all the attention,
taking the credit, and ignoring the fact that you
showed up late, you probably don’t have integrity.

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