Clean Water

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For the reflections have each group take a country and talk more
about… -> you cover Indigenous canada
Could be cool to do a ocean clean up remedy research
Key Facts
- 2.2 billion people in the world without access to safe
drinking water

- Nearly half of global population does not have access to

safe sanitation
- 419 million people still practice open defecation
- 700 children under the age of 5 die every day from diarrheal
diseases due to lack of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
services (WASH)
Issues - Water Safety
- Millions of people rely on water sources at high or moderate risks of fecal contamination
due to lack of toilets or poor sewer systems

- Chemical contamination is another real threat in many places of the world, millions of
people drink water containing arsenic or fluoride at unsafe levels (W.H.O)
● Organic arsenic vs inorganic arsenic
- High level of inorganic arsenic found in countries such as bangladesh, china, chile, India,
● Arsenic used readily in industrial applications: pigments, textiles, hide tanning,
pesticides, feed additives
- Long term effects: various cancers, skin lesions and hard patches, stomach problems

- High doses of fluoride may result in dental fluorosis, or crippling skeletal fluorosis (caused
tens of millions of cases worldwide)
(1) Do you Jennifer learning to be more open to connecting with the people around her was an
important lesson? Why so?
(2) Do you you believe we prioritize more on getting the job done rather than treating the people
around us well, respecting them, and building relationships? Why do you think this?
(3) Do you agree life is a little sweeter when you have those relationships with the people
around you? What quality can you bring to class to try and promote that?
(4) What does Jennifer mean when she says, “often times my best role isn't to help people
directly, often times my best role is to teach people to do whatever it is that needs to be
(5) How can we apply that statement to our actions in life? To the way we act and interact with
each other in the classroom?
A bit about your experience in Guatemala

Can go into the remedy after - and this was how one thing you had to stand up for
that was really hard - i felt like i was one person.. But now they have created over

First Nation Communities in Canada
The remedy (ask shonn about music and fertilizer too!)
Go over filters and everything make it intuitive so they guess what's happening on
top, is it phytoplankton and zooplankton that build on top?
Alternative solutions for these First Nation communities -
Then could do something where you allow them to explore

A few of the web pages you like - say how this is how you started too !

- Then can show a few videos that are pretty impactful

- Then you can talk about this issue a bit (maybe clean air)
- Then you can go into water filters a bit - connect to yourself - what do you
think happens here, relate to the waste water treatment - and introduce there
final project for this unit !

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