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It isessentially anopinion, supportedby evidence, relatingtotheme, style, settingorhistorical

A. context.
Literary C.Literacy texts
criticism D.Sociological
_____2.B. It exercisestheimaginationandtransportsusout
Writinganalysi of ourcurrent context
A. Writingliterature C.Readingliterat
B. Writingcritical ure
_____3. Areadingapproachwhichexaminesliteratureinthecultural,
analysis D.Literature economic, andpolitical context
inwhichit iswrittenor received, exploringtherelationshipsbetweenthetext andsociety.
A. Reader-response B. Sociological C. Feminism D. Formalism
_____4. Areadingapproachwhichbelievesthat literaturedoesnot exist asanartifact uponaprintedpagebut
asa transaction betweenthephysical text andthemindof areader.
A. Reader-response B. Sociological C. Feminism D. Formalism
_____5. It isaformof literary criticismwhichanalyzesawriter'sbiography
toshowtherelationshipbetweentheauthor'slife andtheirworksof literature.
A. Historical B. Psychological C. Biological D. Mythological
_____6. It emphasizes“therecurrent universal patternsunderlyingmost literary works.”
A. Historical B. Psychological C. Biological D. Mythological
_____7. It isliterary criticisminthelight of historical evidenceor basedonthecontext
inwhichaworkwaswritten, including factsabout theauthor’slifeandthehistorical andsocial circumstancesof
A. Historical B. Psychological C. Biological D. Mythological
_____8. It isanapproachthat “rejectsthetraditional assumptionthat languagecanaccurately represent
A. Formalist B. Feminist C. Deconstructionist D. Psychologist
_____9. It isanasynchronouscommunicationbetweenwriterandreaders, sothat typical interactionthat
commonly exist in other kindof social mediacanalsobecreatedamongtheusers.
A. Blog B. Chicklit C. Battlerap D. Wattpad
_____10. What element of spokenpoetry embodiesthecouragenecessary toshareone’sself withtherest of
theworld“No attitude, Nopoem”!?
A. Repetition B. Attitude C. Rhyme D. Concretelanguage
_____11. Anelement of spokenpoetry that usewordsandphrasesthat project onthemindsof thelisteners.
A. Repetition
A. Magneticheadli B. Attitude C. Rhyme D. Concretelanguage
_____12. Whichelementsof
ne bloginwhichthebody isthe“meatbody
andpotatoes” of yourblogpost?
_____13.B.It isacompletestory
Compellinglea writtenin1,000wordsorlessandall D.Useful subheads
theweb-based d publicationor print-basedpublication.
A. Flashfiction B. Chicklit C. Speculativefiction D. Graphicnovels
_____14. It usestheinterplay of textsandillustrationsinacomic-stripformat totell astory.
A. Flashfiction B. Chicklit C. Speculativefiction D. Graphicnovels
_____15. It isabroadcategory of fictionencompassinggenreswithcertainelementsthat donot exist intermsof
therecorded history andobservedphenomenaof thecurrent universe, coveringvariousthemesinthecontext of
thesupernatural, futuristic, andmany other imaginativetopics.
A. Flashfiction B. Chicklit C. Speculativefiction D. Graphicnovels

_____16. What isthesecondwaveof thewavesof

feminism? C.Women’ssuffragemove
A.Women’sliberationmovement ment
B.Individuality anddiversity
_____17. Astructureof abloginwhichmost peoplewon’t havetheattentionspantoreadyourpost,
A. Haveaclearintroducti C.Keepparagraphsh
on ort
_____18.B.It isanelement
Useheadingsof abloginwhichthefirst sentenceor D.WriteinplainEngl
short paragraphof your blogmust compel
visitorstoreadyour secondparagraph-youwant todrawyourreadersin. ish
A. Compellinglead C.Magnetic headline
B. Appealinggraphics D.Powerful call-to-
_____19. What isthefirst action
tipinusingfeminismcriticisminreading? C.Evaluatetheircharacter
A. Determinetheirrelationshipwitheachother. s.
_____20.B.It focusesontheeconomicandpolitical
Get toknowtheir rolesintheliterary text. elementsofD.Get
A. Sociological approach
literature. C.Marxist criticism
B. Formalismapproach D.Reader-
_____21. Whichof responseapproach
A. Literary literary
criticismisaplot summary.
criticism?criticismisessentially anopinion, supportedby evidence.
B. Literary
C. Literary criticismmay beastudy of anindividual pieceof literatureoranauthor’sbody
of work.
D. Literary criticismmay haveapositiveoranegativebias.
_____22. It isprintedinblackandwhite, readfromright toleft, hascomplexstory
linesandbig-eyed, bigcharacter.
A. Manga
Battlera B. Graphicnovels C. Chicklit
C.Spokenpoet D. Flashfiction
p What typesof 21 century genresthat
ry oneof thefeaturesof
Textula achicklitsyllabicrhymes?
that establishthemaincharacterandherwants,
outerneedandinner need. e
A. TheSet Up B. TheLoveInterest C. TheStakes D. TheCrisis
_____25. Everythingseemstofall apart andtheantagonist seemstoprevail. What structureof
achicklit isthis?
A. TheSet Up
A. Battlera B. TheLoveInterest C.Spokenpoet C. TheStakes D. TheCrisis
_____26. It isoriginatedfromthetraditional
p Tagalogformof
ry poetry calledTanaga.
Textula D.Twitteratur
ablog, thereare3purposesof useful subheads, except:
•They breakupthetypetomakethepagemorevisually eappealing.
•They helpyourreader navigatetoimportant sections.
•They boost searchengineoptimization(SEO).
•They givewithout indicationof what articleall about.
_____28. It isadiscussionorinformational websitepublishedontheWorldWideWebconsistingof discrete,
ofteninformal diary- styletext entries.
A. Blog B. Manga C. Twitterature D. Wattpad
_____29. It isuniqueformof humanknowledgethat needstobeexaminedonitsownterms.
A. Sociological C.Reader-
approach responseapproach
Formalismapproa D.Feminismapproach
except: ch D.
_____31. Inthefeminismapproach,
Mood B. particularly
Tone inwavesof feminism, Style
A. SusanB. Anthony B. RebeccaWalker C. RebeccaBaker D.
_____32.A.It believesthat
exist asanartifact uponaprintedpagebut asa
transactionbetweenthephysical responseapproach
text andthemindof areader.
Formalismapproa howmany
characters? ch
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
_____34. It suggeststhat theroleof thereader isessential tothemeaningof atext, foronly
inthereadingexperiencedoesthe literary workcomealive.
A. Reader-responseapproach C.Feminismapproa
B. Sociological approach ch
_____35. It isaliterary useof D.Formalismappro
themicrobloggingserviceof Twitter. ach D.
Blog B. Manga C.
_____36.A.It isfictionbasedonimaginedfuturescientific Wattpad
or technological advancesandmajorsocial
orenvironmental changes, frequently portrayingspaceor timetravel andlifeonotherplanets.
A. Sciencefiction C.Flashfictio
B. Speculativeficti n
_____37. it followsanovel
on D.Doodlefict
orastory booktypeof narrationandshowsbothtext andpicturesinaway
likearticlesarewritten, while, thecomicbookstylesdon’t.
A. Sciencefiction C.Flashfictio
B. Speculativeficti n
_____38. Feminismliterary criticismmay useany D.Doodlefict
of thefollowingmethods, except:
A.interpretingtheway that womencharactersaredescribedinnovels, stories, plays, biographies,
andhistories, especially if theauthorismale
•encodinghowthereadersowngender influencesthereadingandinterpretationof atext.
A.unravellinghowwomenautobiographersandbiographersof womentreat their subjects,
andhowwomenare treatedassecondary tothemainsubject
•describingrelationshipsbetweentheliterary text andideasabout power, sexuality, andgender
_____39. It isanelement of aspokenpoetry that allowsyoutobeanyoneyouwant tobe, andit
canbethevoiceof someoneor somethingotherthanyourself orwithapersonality trait that isdifferent
A. Persona B. Performance C. Attitude D. Repetition
_____40. Intheelementsof aspokenpoetry, therearethreewordsandphrasesthat project onthemindsof
thelisteners, except:
A. Vividimages B. Conflict C. Actions D. Sounds

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