Waste Classifier Major Project

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In this project, we implements a waste sorting system using computer vision. It utilizes
the OpenCV and cvzone libraries to capture video from a camera, classify objects using a pre-
trained neural network model, and dynamically update a graphical interface. The system
differentiates between recyclable, hazardous, food, and residual waste, displaying the
corresponding waste bin and an arrow for guidance. The code showcases real-time image
processing for waste classification and visualization, contributing to an automated waste
management solution.
• Aims to implement a waste sorting system through
computer vision, leveraging the capabilities of
OpenCV and cvzone libraries.

• The system distinguishes between recyclable,

hazardous, food, and residual waste to
corresponding waste bins.

• It dynamically updating a graphical interface to

visually represent the sorting process with pre-
trained neural network model.

• Offering an automated and efficient solution for

sorting different types of waste.
1. Efficient Waste Sorting: The waste classifier aims to efficiently categorize different types of
waste, such as recyclable, hazardous, food, and residual, based on visual characteristics.
2. Automation in Waste Management: By automating the waste sorting process, the system
reduces the need for manual sorting, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
3. Real-time Decision Making: The classifier operates in real-time, allowing for immediate
identification and sorting of waste items as they are presented in the camera feed.
4. Contribution to Sustainable Practices: Automating waste sorting contributes to sustainable
waste management practices by promoting proper disposal of different types of waste, aiding
in recycling efforts and reducing environmental impact.
5. The goal of a waste classifier is to automate and optimize the process of sorting waste,
facilitating efficient and environmentally friendly waste management practices.
The scope of the Waste Classifier project involves several key aspects:
1. Image and Video Processing: - Utilize OpenCV for capturing and processing video frames from a
camera . Resize and manipulate images for efficient processing.
2. Neural Network Integration: - Implement a pre-trained neural network model (Keras) for waste
classification. Load and use the model to classify objects in real-time video frames.
3. Waste Categories: - Classify objects into specific waste categories, such as recyclable, hazardous,
food, and residual waste.
4. Graphic User Interface (GUI): - Dynamically update a graphical interface to visually represent the
waste sorting process. - Overlay waste and bin images based on the classification results.
5. Directional Guidance: - Display directional guidance, possibly in the form of an arrow image, to
indicate the appropriate waste bin for sorting.
6. Waste Sorting Logic:- Develop a logical framework for mapping waste categories to corresponding
waste bins, contributing to the sorting process.
functional Requirements
1. Camera:
 Capture Video Feed: T he camera should have sufficient resolution and frame rate for clear and
smooth video capture.
 Adjustable Settings : The camera should support adjustable settings such as focus, exposure,
and white balance to optimize image quality for waste object detection.
 Compatibility : The system should be compatible with various types of cameras, including
webcams, CCTV cameras, or specialized industrial cameras.

2. Computer Vision Libraries (e.g., OpenCV):

 Image Processing : The system should utilize computer vision libraries to process the captured
video feed for waste object detection.
 Integration : Computer vision libraries should integrate seamlessly with other components of
the system, such as the neural network model and graphical interface.
functional Requirements
3. Neural Network Model:
 Real-Time Inference : The neural network model should be optimized for real-time inference
on the system hardware to ensure timely waste classification.
 Update Mechanism : The system should have provisions for updating or fine-tuning the neural
network model to improve classification accuracy over time.
 Pre-Trained Model Integration: The system must integrate a pre-trained neural network model
capable of classifying waste objects into predefined categories.
4. Graphical User Interface:
 Dynamic Updating : The graphical interface should dynamically update to display waste bins
and guidance based on the classification results.
 User Interaction : The interface should allow user interaction for starting/stopping the video
feed, adjusting settings, and providing feedback on waste classification.
 Compatibility : The interface should be compatible with different display devices and screen
resolutions to ensure accessibility for users.
Nonfunctional Requirements
1. Data Requirements: 4. User Interface:
-> LabeledDataset -> Display and Interaction

2. Project-Specific Resources: 5. Documentation and Communication:

-> Waste Item and Bin Images -> Documentation
-> Background -> Communication Channels
-> Arrow Image
3. Development Environment: 6. Testing and Validation:
-> Integrated Development Environment (IDE) -> Testing Framework
-> Performance Metrics
-> version control
1. Use Case ID: UC001
2. Name: Waste Classification
3. Description: The system classifies waste objects in real-time using computer vision
techniques and displays the corresponding waste bins for sorting.
4. Precondition: The camera and image processing libraries are properly configured and
5. Postcondition: Waste objects are successfully classified, and the graphical interface displays
the appropriate waste bins.
6. Actors Involved: User,Data annotator and System.
7. Exceptions:
1. Camera malfunction prevents video feed capture.
2. Image processing libraries fail to process the video feed.
3. Neural network model encounters errors in classifying waste objects.
4. Graphical interface fails to update or display the waste bins.
5. User interrupts the process by stopping the video feed.
8. Alternate Flow:
1. User adjusts camera settings to improve video feed quality.
2. Image processing libraries apply filters or enhancements to improve object detection.
3. Neural network model undergoes retraining to improve classification accuracy.
4. Graphical interface provides error messages or prompts for user interaction in case of
1. Use Case ID: UC002
2. Name: Train Neural Network Model
3. Description: This use case involves training a neural network model using labeled data to
classify waste objects into different categories.
4. Precondition:
1. Labeled dataset containing images or video frames of waste objects and
corresponding categories is available.
2. Model training and evaluation tools are installed and properly configured.
5. Postcondition:
1. Trained neural network model capable of classifying waste objects is generated.
6. Actors Involved:Data annotator and Sysytem.
7. Exceptions:
1. Insufficient or low-quality labeled dataset may lead to decreased model performance.
2. Model training process may fail due to hardware limitations or software errors.
3. Incompatibility issues between labeling tools and model training tools may hinder the
data preprocessing workflow.
8. Alternate Flow:
1. Data Scientist performs data augmentation techniques to enhance dataset diversity and
model generalization.
2. Model hyperparameters are fine-tuned to optimize performance metrics such as
accuracy and loss.
3. Transfer learning techniques are applied to leverage pre-trained models and accelerate
training convergence.
1. Use Case ID: UC003
2. Name: Label Waste Objects
3. Description: This use case involves annotating waste objects in images or video frames with
corresponding categories to create labeled datasets for training the neural network model.
4. Precondition:
1. Raw images or video frames containing waste objects are available.
2. Labeling tools are installed and accessible.
5. Postcondition:
1. Annotated dataset with labeled waste objects and categories is generated.
6. Actors Involved: Data Annotator.
7. Exceptions:
1. Data Annotator encounters difficulties in accurately identifying and labeling waste objects,
leading to errors in the annotated dataset.
2. Camera captures low-quality images or video frames with poor visibility, making it challenging
to label waste objects accurately.
3. Labeling tools malfunction or lack necessary features for efficient annotation, causing delays in
the labeling process.
8. Alternate Flow:
1. Data Annotator applies quality control measures to ensure consistency and accuracy in labeling
waste objects across the dataset.
2. Camera settings are adjusted to improve image quality and visibility of waste objects for more
precise annotation.
3. Annotated dataset undergoes validation by domain experts to verify the correctness of labeled
categories and identify any labeling errors for correction.
1. Use Case ID: UC004
2. Name: Display Waste Bins and Guidance
3. Description: This use case involves presenting the waste bins corresponding to the classified
waste categories on a graphical interface, along with providing guidance for waste sorting.
4. Precondition:
1. Waste classification results are available from the neural network model.
2. Graphical interface is initialized and ready to display waste bins and guidance.
5. Postcondition:
1. Waste bins and guidance are displayed on the graphical interface according to the
classification results.
6. Actors Involved: System.
7. Exceptions:
1. Graphical interface fails to update or display waste bins and guidance due to software
bugs or compatibility issues.
2. Inaccurate waste classification results may lead to incorrect display of waste bins,
causing confusion for users.
8. Alternate Flow:
1. If waste classification results are uncertain or ambiguous, the system prompts the user
for confirmation before displaying waste bins and guidance.
2. In case of system errors or interruptions, the graphical interface provides feedback to
users and attempts to recover or restart the display process.
1. Use Case ID: UC005
2. Name: Update Graphical Interface
3. Description: This use case involves dynamically updating the graphical interface to reflect
changes in the waste classification results or user interactions.
4. Precondition:
1. Graphical interface is initialized and accessible.
2. Data or events triggering interface updates are available.
5. Postcondition:
1. Graphical interface is refreshed or modified to reflect the latest information or user
6. Actors Involve: System.
7. Exceptions:
1. Graphical interface fails to update due to system errors or software bugs, leading to
inconsistencies in the displayed information.
2. Delayed or slow interface updates may cause frustration or confusion for users, especially
in real-time applications.
8. Alternate Flow:
1. If the waste classification system detects changes in the environment or new waste
objects, it triggers an interface update to reflect the updated classification results.
2. User interactions, such as selecting a different view or adjusting settings, prompt
immediate updates to the graphical interface to provide responsive feedback.
Data flow diagram (level- 0)

images of
as input
Data flow diagram (level- 1)

Trained by
waste images Neural updating the interface
Network by image classification

waste classification classifieid
image of
waste and
Data flow diagram (level- 2)

camera Nerual waste classified image and type

Network bins
classifying image

image processing update interface
openCV through
bin images display image
& Graphical
of waste and
CVzone interface
type of
Architecture diagram

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