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What is homeschooling?

•Homeschooling is a method of learning where students study their lessons at

home or in places outside the walls of a traditional classroom.

•The parents – instead of the teacher - take the place in educating their

• One goal of homeschooling is to make the children self-reliant – eventually

managing their own pace and taking control of their education with the
parent acting more as their mentor/advisor and guide.
“Homeschooled children benefit the
community because they are not
shaped by peers, but by parents.”

- Mary Kay Clark

Founder, Seton Home Study
Advantages and

o Learning Never Stops

o Enjoy More Freedom


o Unlimited Family Bonding o Socialization (yes!)

o Strengthens Family Beliefs

o Allows children to identify o Gives opportunities for

o Good Health their passion children to exercise their
imagination and creativity

o Give many o Learning Alongside o Avoid Traffic!

opportunities to PLAY!! Children
Homeschooling Parents may be required

o Frequently explain their

reasons for homeschooling

o Restrain Anger and

Remain Patient

o Be around your children

all-day long
Adapt “teachers’ syndrome” DISADVANTAGES
Homeschooling Parents may be required to:

Spend large amounts of money

Spend time reviewing numerous

curriculum programs

•Effectively Handle the difficulties of moving at a

slower pace than traditional or conventional school
What are your goals of
First, let’s take a moment and understand
what the
verb “educate” means..

The bringing up, as of a child; instruction and discipline, which is

intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, form the
manners and habits of the youth, and fit them for usefulness in their
future stations.

To give children a good education in manners, arts and science is

important; to give them religious education is indispensable; and an
immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect
these duties. –

American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828


To bring up, rear or train to give knowledge or

training to; train or develop the knowledge,
skill mind or character of, especially by formal
schooling or study – Webster’s New World
Dictionary, 1956

The act or process of imparting or

acquiring general knowledge, developing
the powers of reasoning and judgement,
and generally of preparing oneself or
others intellectually for mature life. – online, 2017
Definitions change over time – based on circumstances, context, and the
need of society.

It’s important to acknowledge the difference because it reveals what we

believe about education.

If we believe that our children can only learn from a blackboard-based

classroom, then it will affect how we view other alternatives to education
• To inform
• To make my kids smarter and
What are your Goals wiser
of education? • To give my kids a better future

• To open more opportunities for my


• To fulfill my obligation as a parent

• All of the above

Does Homeschooling address
my education goals?
Role of Parents

We have to bear in mind that our children belong to parents and not to the
government or any other institution. As such, we should have the final word
on how and where our children are educated.

We parents are ultimately responsible for what we do to and give our children
– education included.

We are God’s chosen teachers – the primary educators of our own children.
For young children, we can’t stress enough the need for them to have free play. This is how they learn
about the world around them. It helps in building many skills and develops their self-confidence.

Life itself is the textbook for play!

Thank you!

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