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The formula ; Tan θ = listing moment / (Δ x GM)

only can be applied for small angle of inclination

(assuming M doesn’t move)

Range of the stability will be depend on position

of M
M above G > stable
M below G > unstable
Large Angle Stability
For large angle, range of stability will be
depend on value of GZ
GZ +ve > stable
GZ –ve > unstable

 GZ refer as righting lever and Moment of

Statical Stability (Righting Moment) can
be calculate using formula;
RM = GZ x Δ
Large angle stability represents range of
stability of the vessel at different

It is shown on GZ curve.

A ship is stable if she is able to return to

upright when she is inclined by external forces
like wind or waves.
KN Cross Curves of Stability
It has already been shown that the Stability Cross
Curves for a ship are constructed by plotting the
righting levers for an assumed height of the centre of
gravity above the keel.
 In some cases the curves are constructed for an
assumed KG of zero. The curves are then referred to as
KN curves, KN being the righting lever measured from
the keel.
Figure 16.3(a) shows the KN curves for an imaginary
ship called the M.V. `Cargo-Carrier'.
To obtain the righting levers for a particular
displacement and KG, the values of KN are first
obtained from the curves by inspection at the
displacement concerned.
The correct righting levers are then obtained by
subtracting from the KN values a correction equal to
the product of the KG and sin Heel.
Point C – 50 degrees of
Point A – 0 degrees Point B – 25 degrees heel
of heel of heel GZ = 4.0 ft (max)
GZ = 0 ft GZ = 2.5 ft

Point E – 85 degrees Beyond Point E - > 85

Point D – 75 of heel degrees of heel
degrees of heel GZ = 0 ft GZ < 0 ft
GZ = 2.0 ft Vertical Alignment Capsizing Arm
In Figure 16.3(b), let KN represent the ordinate
obtained from the curves.
Also, let the ship's centre of gravity be at G so that KG
represents the actual height of the centre of gravity
above the keel and GZ represents the length of the
righting lever.
Now GZ = XN
=KN – KX
GZ = KN – KG sin θ
Statical Stability curves
The curve of statical stability for a ship in any
particular condition of loading is obtained by plotting
the righting levers against angle of heel as shown in
Figures 16.4
From this type of graph a considerable amount of
stability information may be found by inspection:
– The range of stability. This is the range over which
the ship has positive righting levers. In Figure 16.4 the
range is from 0 degrees to 86 degrees.

– The angle of vanishing stability. This is the angle of

heel at which the righting lever returns to zero, or is
the angle of heel at which the sign of the righting
levers changes from positive to negative. The angle of
vanishing stability in Figure 16.4 is 86 degrees.
– The maximum GZ is obtained by drawing a tangent
to the highest point in the curve. In Figure 16.4, AB is
the tangent and this indicates a maximum GZ of 0.63
• If a perpendicular is dropped from the point of
tangency, it cuts the heel scale at the angle of heel at
which the maximum GZ occurs.
• In the present case the maximum GZ occurs at 42
degrees heel.
– The initial metacentric height (GMo) is found by
drawing a tangent to the curve through the origin (OX
in Figure 16.4), and then erecting a perpendicular
through an angle of heel of 57.3 degrees.
• Let the two lines intersect at Y. Then the height of the
intersection above the base (YZ), when measured on
the GZ scale, will give the initial metacentric height.
• In the present example the GMo is 0.54 metres.
According to the International Code on Intact stability, 2008, the
following criteria are mandatory for passenger and cargo ships
constructed on or after 1st January 2010:
 The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be
less than 0.055 metre-radians up to 30° angle of heel.
 The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be
less than 0.09 metreradians up to 40° angle of heel or the angle of
downflooding if this is less than 40°.
 The area under the righting curve between the angles of heel of 30°
and 40° or between 30° and the angle of downflooding if this angle
is less than 40°, should not be less than 0.03 metre-radians.
 The righting lever GZ should be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel
equal to or greater than 30°.
 The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of heel
preferably exceeding 30° but not less than 25°.
 The initial metacentric height GMo should not be less than 0.15 m.
 Severe wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion)
Example 1
A vessel has a displacement of 4700 tonnes and vertical
centre of gravity, KG 5.42 m. Righting Arm (KN) values
for the displacement are as follows:
 Draw on the graph paper given, the corrected Intact
statical stability curve. Graph the GZ as a function of
heeling angle on the intact statical stability curve and
determine the values for:
i. GZ maximum
ii. Angle of heel at GZ maximum
iii. Initial GM, GM0
(20 marks)
Displacement KN 10° KN 20° KN 30° KN 40° KN 50° KN 60° KN 70° KN 80° KN 90° KN 100°

1 6000 1.261 2.515 3.737 4.932 5.937 6.616 7.009 7.160 7.132 6.867
2 5800 1.252 2.497 3.722 4.916 5.945 6.634 7.031 7.186 7.169 6.882
3 5600 1.241 2.479 3.707 4.900 5.949 6.650 7.055 7.215 7.208 6.897
4 5400 1.231 2.461 3.690 4.883 5.951 6.665 7.079 7.253 7.248 6.913
5 5200 1.221 2.443 3.672 4.865 5.949 6.678 7.105 7.299 7.280 6.929
6 5000 1.210 2.425 3.652 4.846 5.942 6.691 7.131 7.347 7.311 6.946
7 4800 1.200 2.408 3.631 4.826 5.932 6.702 7.160 7.397 7.341 6.964
8 4600 1.190 2.391 3.609 4.805 5.916 6.712 7.190 7.450 7.370 6.983
9 4400 1.180 2.375 3.587 4.782 5.895 6.720 7.222 7.501 7.400 7.005
10 4200 1.170 2.359 3.566 4.757 5.867 6.726 7.260 7.548 7.430 7.028
11 4000 1.161 2.344 3.545 4.730 5.835 6.731 7.301 7.589 7.461 7.053
12 3800 1.154 2.329 3.525 4.700 5.799 6.733 7.344 7.628 7.493 7.080
13 3600 1.147 2.317 3.506 4.667 5.761 6.731 7.387 7.664 7.526 7.111
14 3400 1.143 2.306 3.487 4.634 5.720 6.724 7.426 7.699 7.561 7.144
15 3200 1.140 2.298 3.470 4.599 5.678 6.714 7.461 7.732 7.596 7.180
16 3000 1.140 2.294 3.455 4.565 5.633 6.701 7.490 7.763 7.634 7.221
KN values

Heel,ф(˚) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
4800 1.2 2.408 3.631 4.826 5.932 6.702 7.16 7.397 7.341 6.964

4600 1.19 2.391 3.609 4.805 5.916 6.712 7.19 7.45 7.37 6.983

3 marks 3 marks 2 marks

Righting Arm,
Heel, ф(˚) Sine correction, Corrected Righting
KN (m)
KG sin ф Arm, GZ (m)
0 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 1.195 0.941 0.254
20 2.400 1.854 0.546
30 3.620 2.710 0.910
40 4.816 3.484 1.332
50 5.924 4.152 1.772
60 6.707 4.694 2.013
70 7.175 5.093 2.082
80 7.424 5.338 2.086
90 7.356 5.420 1.936
100 6.974 5.338 1.636
i. GZ maximum = 2.086 m (1
ii. Angle of heel at GZ maximum is 80º (1
iii. Initial GM, GMo = 1.3m (1 mark)
Exercise 1
A vessel has a displacement of 5500 tonnes and vertical
center of gravity, KG 6.9 m. Righting Arm (KN) values for
the displacement are as follows:
Displacement, KN 10° KN 20° KN 30° KN 40° KN 50° KN 60° KN 70° KN 80° KN 90° KN 100°

5600 1.291 2.529 3.807 5.1 5.94 6.425 6.795 6.93 6.85 6.596
5400 1.251 2.561 3.79 4.823 5.801 6.565 6.805 6.85 6.81 6.62

Based on the data given, calculate:

(a) Corrected Righting Arm, GZ

(b) Plot a graph of GZ versus heeling angle

(c) Range of stability (0 – 85º)

GZ Cross curves of stability
GZ curves are a set of curves from which the
righting lever about an assumed centre of gravity for
any angle of heel at any particular displacement
may be read by inspection.

The curves are plotted for an assumed distance

from the keel to the centre of gravity (KG) and if the
actual KG of the ship differs from this, a correction
is applied to the values read from the curves.
Corrected GZ
When actual KG is higher than assumed KG
Correction = GZ – GX GX = GG1 sin θ
 Corrected G1Z = GZ - GG1 sin θ
When actual KG is lower than assumed KG
Correction = GZ + G2Y G2Y = GG2 sin θ
 Corrected G2Z = GZ + GG2 sin θ

Corrected GZ = GZ ± GG sin θ
Cross curves of stability
To find the GZ value for any particular
displacement, locate the displacement on the
bottom scale.

From this point, project a line vertically up through

all curves.

 At each intersection translate across to the left

hand margin and read off the GZ values for each
angle of heel.
Example 2
The heeling angle and the corresponding righting levers, GZ for a
ship of 14700 tonnes displacement at an assumed KG of 6.42 m
are as follows:
Heeling angle, θ 0 15 30 45 60 75 90

GZ, m 0 0.12 0.37 0.58 0.37 - 0.06 - 0.53

In a certain condition of loading the ship displacement is made

up as follows:
Item Mass (t) KG (m)
Lightship 4060 6.0
Cargo 9140 7.0
Fuel 1300 1.2
Stores 200 8.0
a) Actual KG
b) Corrected righting lever, G1Z
c) Plot a graph of corrected G1Z versus heeling angle
d) Range of stability
a) Actual KG

Item Mass (t) KG (m) Moment

Lightship 4060 6
Cargo 9140 7 63980
Fuel 1300 1.2 1560
Stores 200 8 1600
14700 91500

Actual KG = ΣMoment / ΣMass

= 91500 / 14700
= 6.224 m
b) Corrected righting lever, G1Z
GG1 = 6.42 – 6.224 = 0.196 m

Heeling Correction, Corrected

GZ, m GG1 sin θ GZ1 (m)
angle, θ

0 0 0 0
15 0.12 0.051 0.171
30 0.37 0.098 0.468
45 0.58 0.139 0.719
60 0.37 0.170 0.540
75 -0.06 0.189 0.129
90 -0.53 0.196 -0.334
c) Plot a graph of corrected G1Z versus heeling angle
GZ, m GZ curve

0.468 0.540



0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105
Heeling angle, θ

d) Range of stability (0 – 79º)

Exercise 2

The heeling angle and the corresponding righting levers, GZ

for a ship of 14200 tonnes displacement at an assumed KG
of 6.2 m are as follows:
Heeling angle, θ 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
GZ, m 0 0.15 0.38 0.6 0.48 0.15 -0.16
In a certain condition of loading the ship displacement is
made up as follows:
Item Mass (t) KG (m)
Lightship 4000 4
Cargo 9000 8
Fuel 1000 1.2
Stores 200 8
a) Actual KG (6.394 m)
b) Corrected righting lever, G1Z
c) Plot a graph of corrected G1Z versus heeling
d) Range of stability (0 –
e) Initial GM, GM0 (0.32 m)

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