Intro. To Anatomy

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• The word anatomy was derived from the

Greek term “anatome” consisting of two
Ana = apart and
Tome = cutting.
• Therefore anatomy means to
Cut apart,
Divide or
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• It also refers to the study of normal structures of
the body and their interrelationship.

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1. General anatomy – the study of gross &
microscopic structures as well as the
composition of the body, its tissues & fluids.
2. Special anatomy – is the anatomy of certain
definite organs or groups of organs involved
in the performance of special function.
3. Gross ( macroscopic) anatomy –is the study
of the human body or its parts without the
help of a microscope.
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4. Microscopic anatomy – the study of cells, tissues
& organs of the body by the help of using the
5. Regional or Topographic anatomy- is the
anatomy of certain related parts or divisions of
the body.
6. Systemic anatomy - the anatomy of the different
systems of the body.
7. Descriptive anatomy - deals with the description
of the physical structure of man.
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8. Comparative anatomy – is the comparative
study of structures with regard to
homologous organs or parts.
9. Applied anatomy – the practical application
of anatomical knowledge to the diagnosis &
treatment of disease.
10. Ultrastructural anatomy – the
ultramicroscopic study of structures too
small to be seen with light microscope.
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11. Developmental anatomy – anatomy of the
structural changes of an individual from
fertilization to adulthood.
12. Pathological anatomy: it is the study of
structural changes caused by diseases.
13. Radiological anatomy – the study of the
body by the help of radiographs.

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14. Surgical anatomy – applied anatomy in
reference to surgical diagnosis & treatment.
15. Physiological (functional) anatomy –
anatomy studied in relation to function.

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Anatomical position, terms, planes and movements

• The Anatomical Position

• is a position used as a reference when
describing parts of the body in relation to
each other.
• Used in conjunction with
©Terms of relationship,
©Terms of comparison and
©Terms of movement

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• A person in the anatomical position is
standing erect with the head, eyes and toes
pointing forward, feet together with arms by
the side.
• The palms of the hands are also point
• See the diagram below

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• If palm of the hands or the subject are facing
upwards- supination
• If palm of the hands or the subject are facing
downwards- pronation

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• There is a "language" used by medical
practitioners of all kinds (chiropractors
(system of healing), orthopedic, surgeons,
nurses, etc.).
• Medical professionals often refer to sections
of the body in terms of anatomical planes
(flat surfaces).
• These planes are imaginary lines – vertical or
horizontal – drawn through an upright body.
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Planes cont..
Anatomical Planes Descriptions

Divides a body into anterior &posterior

Coronal Plane or Frontal Plane or ventral & dorsal, via coronal suture

Divides a body into right and left or

Sagittal Plane or Lateral Plane medial & lateral, via sagittal suture

Divides a body into top and bottom or

Axial Plane or Transverse Plane superior and inferior

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Anatomical Terms Direction

Medial Toward the midline of the body

Lateral Away from the midline of the body

Toward a reference point (extremity)or
toward trunk of a body
Away from a reference point (extremity)
or away from trunk of a body
Inferior Lower or below a reference point

superior Upper or above a reference point

Cephal or Cranial nearer the Head

Caudal or Caudad away from head, tail end

Anterior(ventral) Toward the front

Posterior(dorsal) Toward the back

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Anatomical Terms Direction

internal (deep) away from surface of the body

toward surface of the body

external (superficial)

Related to internal organs or


located on the same side of a

located on the opposite side of a
contra lateral

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1. Cranial toward the head
2. Caudal - toward the feet
3. Medial - toward the middle
4. Lateral - toward/from the side
5. Proximal - toward the attachment of a
6. Distal - toward the finger/toes
7. Superior - above
8. Inferior - below
9. Anterior - toward/from the front
10. Posterior - toward/from the back
11. Peripheral - toward the surface
12. Palmar - toward/on the palm of the
13. Plantar - toward/on the sole of the foot

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• ☞anatomical movements which take place at

joints are of angular, circular or special types

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The description of body movements are based
on the following:
Along Longitudinal ( vertical) axis
Rotation – movement of a part of the body
along its long axis.
Medial rotation – the movement that results in
the anterior surface of the part facing medially.
Lateral rotation – the movement that results in
the anterior surface of the part facing laterally.
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Pronation of the forearm
- Medial rotation of the forearm in such a
manner that the palm of the hand faces
Supination of the forearm
- Lateral rotation of the forearm from the
pronated position. So that the hand comes to
face anteriorly.

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Along transverse axis
 Flexion – flexion of the elbow joint
approximates the anterior surface of the
forearm to the arm.
 Extension – means straightening the joint .

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– Along sagittal plane(axis) Anterior
posterior axis
Abduction – movement away from the
midline of the body in the coronal plane.
Adduction – movement toward the body in
the coronal plane.
Lateral flexion – movement of the trunk in the
coronal plane.
Circumduction – combined movement of
flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction.

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1. Lateral rotation
2. medial rotation
3. Supination
4. Pronation
5. Eversion
6. Inversion
7. Adduction
8. Abduction

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Special Movements
Unique to only one or two joints
Elevation and Depression
Protraction and Retraction
Inversion or eversion

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Flexion Extension

1. Lateral rotation
2. medial rotation
3. Supination
4. Pronation
5. Eversion
6. Inversion
7. Adduction
8. Abduction

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Body Cavities and Membranes

• During embryonic development, the body is

first divided into two internal cavities:
The posterior (dorsal) body cavity and
The anterior (ventral) body cavity.

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The two major body cavities and their subdivisions. a. Left lateral view b. Frontal view.

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Body Cavities cont…
• Posterior (Dorsal) Body Cavity
• The posterior body cavity is subdivided into
two parts:
– (1)The cranial cavity, enclosed by the bony
cranium, contains the brain.
– (2) The vertebral canal, enclosed by vertebrae,
contains the spinal cord
• The posterior body cavity is lined by three
membranous layers called the meninges.
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Body Cavities cont…
• Anterior (Ventral) Body Cavity
• The large anterior body cavity is
subdivided into the
Superior thoracic cavity and

The inferior abdomino-pelvic cavity

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Body Cavities cont…
• Thoracic Cavity
• The thoracic cavity is enclosed by the rib
cage, and has three portions:
The left,
The right, and
The medial portions.
• The medial portion, called the mediastinum,
contains the heart, thymus gland, trachea,
esophagus, and other structures
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• The right and left portions of the thoracic
cavity contain the lungs.

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Clinical subdivisions of the abdomen into quadrants.

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