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Consistent Deformation Method

Beam 1
For the beam shown in FIGURE 1a, determine the reactions at pin
supports A and roller supports B and C by the method of consistent
deformation. Draw the shear and bending moment diagrams for the
beam. Assume EI is constant.
Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1
1. Determine the degree of redundancy of the structure

number of reactions, r = 4.
number of equations of equilibrium for a plane structure, e = 3.
number of equations of conditions, c = 0.
degree of external indeterminacy, ie = r – e – c = 4 – 1 – 0 = 1 .
Therefore the structure has one (1) redundant reaction.
Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1
2. Decide on the primary structure and redundant reaction/s

Choose the reaction at the roller support B as the

redundant force
Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1
Using the principle of superposition


Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1
3. Solve the primary structure due to the applied load

RAX 0  0

RAYO  12.6kN RCY 0  5.4kN

 237.6
 B0 
Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1
4. Solve the primary structure due to the redundant reaction

RAX 1  0

RAY 1  0.4 RBY RCY 1  0.6 RBY

 B0  RBY
Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1
5. Formulate the Compatibility Equation (Consistent Deformation)

 B   B 0   B1

0   B 0   B1
237.6 19.2
0  RBY

R BY  12.375kN 
Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1
substituting the value of RBY

RAY 1  0.4 RBY  0.412.375kN   4.95kN

RCY 1  0.6 RBY  0.612.375kN   7.425kN

6. Solve the actual structure using the principle of superposition

R AY  R AY 0  R AY 1
R AY  12.6   4.95  7.65kN

RCY  RCY 0  RCY 1

RCY  5.4   7.425  2.025kN
Consistent Deformation Method
Beam 1

7. Check equilibrium of the whole structure

MA  0
0  (3 kN )6m 3m   R BY 6m   RCY 10m 

0  (3 kN )6m 3m   12.375kN 6m   2.02510m 


00 OK !
Consistent Deformation Method Frame
1 Determine the reactions and draw the shear and
bending moment diagrams for the frame shown in
FIGURE F1a by the method of consistent

Consistent Deformation Method Frame
1. Primary structure and redundant force
Consistent Deformation Method Frame
2. Solve the primary structure due to the applied
Consistent Deformation Method Frame
3. Solve the primary structure due to the unit load
Consistent Deformation Method Frame

4. Formulate the Bending Moment Equations for

each member

Member x – coordinates
origin Limit M0 mA
(ft) (k.ft) (k.ft)
AB A 0-20 0 1x

BC B 0-30 3
45x  x2
 20 x
2 2
Consistent Deformation Method Frame

5 . F o rm u la te th e C o m p a tib ility E q u a tio n

 AO   AA  0

 AO   AA AX  0
Consistent Deformation Method Frame
6 . C a lc u la te h o r iz o n ta l d e fle c tio n a t p o in t A
1 . d u e to th e a p p lie d lo a d

M m
   
0 A
A 0 dx

1  3 2  2  67 , 500 k  ft 3
 A 0 
EI  0
 45 x  x    20 
 2 
x  dx
3 
 

2 . d u e to th e u n it lo a d

m A m A 
 AA    EI

1  
20 30 2 3
 2  6 , 666 . 66 ft
  x  dx 
 AA      20  x  dx  
EI  0 0  3   EI
Consistent Deformation Method Frame

iii. S o lv e fo r th e r e d u n d a n t fo r c e A x

 AO   AA AX  0

67 , 500 6 , 666 . 66
  AX  0

A X  10 . 13 k
Consistent Deformation Method Frame
1 7. Solve for all the reactions

FIGURE F1e : Reactions at the supports of the indeterminate structure

Consistent Deformation Method
8. Draw the Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams

FIGURE F1f : Total member of the indeterminate structure

Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

The truss shown below is pin supported at A and B. The modulus of

elasticity, E is 200 x 106 kN/m2 and area, A is 1 x 10-3 m2, which are
constant for all members.

Determine the degree of static indeterminacy and degree of kinematic


Determine the member forces and all the reactions.

Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2
No. of joints, j = 4 No of inderminacy = m + r – 2j
No. of members, m = 6
No of inderminacy = 6 + 4 – 2(8) = 2
No. of reactions, r = 4

Primary Structure with the applied loads and Redundant

Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

Primary Structure with the applied loads

Solve for member forces, F0 and reactions RAX0, RAY0 and RBY0
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

To determine the horizontal displacement at point B,

apply a horizontal unit load at point B

Solve the truss, for the reactions and member forces due to a
horizontal unit load at point B, F1
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

To determine the relative displacement at point B with

respect to C, apply a unit load at point B and C toward
each other

Solve the truss, for the reactions and member forces due to a
horizontal unit load at point B, F2
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

Solve for member forces, F1 and reactions RAX1, RAY1 and RBY1
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

Solve for member forces, F2 and reactions RAX2, RAY2 and RBY2
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

Equation of consistent Deformation

 BX   BX 0   BX 1   BX 2  0

 BC   BC 0   BC1   BC 2  0
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

Member Length, Area, A E F0 F1 F2 F0F1L/ F0F2L/ F1F1L/ F1F2L/ F2F2L/ F

AB 5 1.00E-03 2.00E+11 0 1 -0.70721 0 0 2.5E-08 -1.8E-08 1.3E-08 0
AC 5 0.001 2E+11 25 0 -0.70721 0 -4.4E-07 0 0 1.3E-08 27.729
AD 7.07 0.001 2E+11 11.312 0 1 0 4E-07 0 0 3.5E-08 7.45326
BC 7.07 0.001 2E+11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3.5E-08 -3.85874
BD 5 0.001 2E+11 -18 0 -0.70721 0 3.2E-07 0 0 1.3E-08 -15.271
CD 5 0.001 2E+11 -8 0 -0.70721 0 1.4E-07 0 0 1.3E-08 -5.27105
sum 0 4.2E-07 2.5E-08 -1.8E-08 1.2E-07
POINT A X-AXIS 0 0 0 10 20 11 12 22 0
Equilib Y-AXIS 0 0 0 0

RAX = -8 -1 0 -5.27105
RAY = -33 0 0 -33
RBX = 0 1 0 -2.72895
RBY = 18 0 0 18

 BX 0  10  BC 0   20
 BX 1  11 RBX  BC1   21RBX
 BX 2  12 FBC  BC 2   22 FBC
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

 BX   BX 0   BX 1   BX 2  0
 BC   BC 0   BC1   BC 2  0

The equations of consistent deformations above become,

 BX   BX 0  11 RBX  12 FBC  0
 BC   BC 0   21RBX   22 FBC  0
Substituting corresponding values

 BX  0  0  2.5 x10 8
R BX 
  1.8 x10 8

 
 BC  0  4.2 x10 7   1.8 x10 8 RBX  1.2 x10 7 FBC
RBX  2.72895kN
FBC  3.85874kN
Consistent Deformation Method Truss 2

Using superposition principle,

R AX  R AX 0  R AX 1RBX  R AX 2 FBC
RBY   8   1 2.72895  0  3.85874  5.27105kN

For member forces

F  F0  F1RBX  F2 FBC

FAC  25  0  2.72895   0.70721 3.85875  27.72895kN

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