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Abnormal psychology revision

Abnormal psychology
Diagnosis Biological Cognitive Sociocultural Treatments
Etiologies Etiologies Etiologies

200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Bonus Question: 5000 pts
Topic 1: 200
• Question:
• In Rosenhahn’s famous study, was he looking
at the validity or reliability of diagnosis?
• Answer
• Validity. He wanted to see if the doctors
would be able to diagnosis correctly – in this
case, as being mentally healthy.

Topic 1: 400
• Question:
• This is the problem in diagnosis that doctors
face when someone comes in and reports
what they think they have wrong with them.
• Answer
• Confirmation bias – or in this case, sick-role

Topic 1: 600
• Question:
• Lipton & Simon’s study found that different
doctors diagnosed the same patient
differently. What were they studying?
• Answer
• The reliability of diagnosis

Topic 1: 800
• Question:
• According to Robins & Guze, what is the best
way to increase the validity of diagnosis?
• Answer
• Triangulation of data and researchers

Topic 1: 1000
• Question:
• What were the findings of Langer and
Abelson’s study?
• Answer
• That when told that someone was a job
applicant, he was described positively; when
told that he was a mental health patient, he
was described negatively.
Topic 2: 200
• Question:
• What is name of the rate of similarity in
behaviour between two MZ twins?
• Answer
• The concordance rate

Topic 2: 400
• Question:
• This is the name of the problem faced by
many biological studies because the results
are only correlational.
• Answer
• Bidirectional ambiguity: we don’t know if the
biological markers are a cause or an effect of
the disorder.
Topic 2: 600
• Question:
• The mistaken belief that the success of a given
form of treatment reveals the cause of the
• Answer
• The Aetiology-Treatment fallacy

Topic 2: 800
• Question:
• How can we explain that in twin studies, MZ twins
do not have a 100% concordance rate for
• Answer
• Not all genes that we have are "expressed." MZ
twins have exactly the same genes and thus the
same gene variations. They may not, however, have
had the same environmental triggers or stressors
Backthat could then lead to the gene being expressed.
Topic 2: 1000
• Question:
• Why do modern psychologists think that the
Serotonin hypothesis of depression is not valid?
• Answer
• Because nearly half of all patients who take SSRIs
do not recover from depression. In addition, even
in the case where there is improvement, there is
up to a month before symptoms are alleviated.

Topic 3: 200
• Question:
• According to Nolen-Hoeksema’s Social
Response theory, why do women experience
more depression than men?
• Answer
• They ruminate more – that is, they think more
about problems and relationships.

Topic 3: 400
• Question:
• According to Beck, what is the basis of mental
• Answer
• Irrational thinking and negative schema
triggered by life events.

Topic 3: 600
• Question:
• What were the findings of Joiner’s prospective study on
negative thinking and post-exam depression in students?
• Answer
• Those who had negative thoughts before the exam who
ended up doing poorly showed an increase in depressive
symptoms. However, those that did well, did not. This
shows that cognition must also interact with
environmental stimuli in order to result in depressive
Topic 3: 800
• Question:
• What are two ways that rumination can be
• Answer
• Through self-reporting and in research like
that carried out by Farb et al, fMRIs show that
rumination leads to increased activity in the
frontal lobe.
Topic 3: 1000
• Question:
• What were the findings of Ruiz-Caballero &
Gonzalez’s study of depressed college students?
• Answer
• They observed a memory bias; when depressed
students were given lists of words that vary in
emotional content, they tended to recall more
negative words than did non-depressed students.

Topic 4: 200
• Question:
• According to Brown & Harris, what are two
examples of protective factors against
• Answer
• A strong sense of community or a close bond
with a family member; safe neighborhoods;
stable income; health resources in the
Topic 4: 400
• Question:
• Name the theory that a culture has a
"collection" of symptoms that are appropriate
to express psychological distress.
• Answer
• Kirmayer’s Explanatory Model

Topic 4: 600
• Question:
• The theory that it is the interaction of
environmental stressors together with genetic
predisposition that lead to the disorder.
• Answer
• The Diathesis-Stress Model

Topic 4: 800
• Question:
• What is meant by the term “reporting bias?”
• Answer
• That there are limitations in where we get our
data from. In the case of mental health, data
often only comes from those who go to clinics.

Topic 4: 1000
• Question:
• What is one limitation of vulnerability models?
• Answer
• The theory does not explain why one gets a
disorder, just that there are factors that may
help to prevent it; It is very difficult to isolate
variables; Studies are often case studies,
making it difficult to generalize to larger
Topic 5: 200
• Question:
• A control often used to test the effectiveness
of a drug.
• Answer
• Placebo. A double blind test would also be an
acceptable answer.

Topic 5: 400
• Question:
• What are the three ways that a drug may affect
• Answer
• Drugs may block the receptor site on the post-
synaptic cleft; they may inhibit the reuptake of
neurotransmitters into the terminal buttons of the
axons; they may break down enzymes which have
the role of breaking down neurotransmitters in the
Topic 5: 600
• Question:
• What did Rush et al (1977) find in their study
of treatments?
• Answer
• Those with combined drug treatment and CBT
had lower relapse rates. They argued that this
was because CBT taught coping skills.

Topic 5: 800
• Question:
• The theorist credited as the “Father of
• Answer
• Sigmund Freud.

Topic 5: 1000
• Question:
• The CBT technique of learning to identify and
dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts
• Answer
• Cognitive restructuring – also known as
validity testing.

Bonus Question:
5000 pts.
• Question:
• The word used to describe the practice that
many psychologists do not use only one type
of therapy, but use whatever they feel best
suits the needs of their client.
• Answer
• Electicism – or an eclectic approach


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